Game of Thrones: I loaded the witcher system.

Chapter 368 The new king takes his seat

Chapter 368 The new king takes his seat
There is already an undercurrent surging inside Storm's End Castle now.

The impatient Oberon Martell tried to attack Storm's End some time ago.

However, this castle, which is one of the best in the Seven Kingdoms in terms of defensive capabilities, is really not something to be seen.

The 2000 people who launched the test attack had no way to deal with this wall of sighs.

But on the outermost layer of the city wall, they spent a lot of blood and were unable to establish even a small foothold on it.

Seeing this situation, Oberon Martell decisively ordered to stop the attack.

If he loses a few more times and is defeated by Renly when he finds an opportunity to counterattack, then it will really affect the overall situation.

At this juncture, he would rather be cautious.

However, he seemed to have vaguely heard that the coalition forces from the West and the Reach seemed to have left the Bitterbridge Camp, and their movements were unknown.

Oberon is too far away from the battlefield, so sending scouts is simply impractical.

There are no large castles around, and the raven can't be used.

Anyway, according to his information, more than 1 Unsullied people are still stuck there nearby. In his opinion, the coalition forces should have gone to find trouble for these people.

This is a good thing for the Martell family.

In the course of the war, before victory, the greater the expenditure on Clay Mandler and Daenerys Targaryen's side, the greater their voice will be in the future.

After all, this world still speaks with swords, and dragons are not omnipotent, otherwise the Targaryen dynasty should have prospered forever.

Renly, who originally planned to continue to play defensive counterattack, had no choice in the face of the Red Viper who retreated when the test failed.

Although judging from the equipment, the "armor rate" of the 1 men under his command is definitely higher than that of the Dornish army, which is mainly light infantry and light cavalry.

But you can’t just look at one aspect of everything.

The morale of the two sides is fundamentally different.

As for the Dornish people, telling the story from their perspective, it has been a long time and their lives should not be too comfortable.

Starting from the Prince's Pass, we broke through all the way and surrounded and annihilated several troops from the old rival Stormland.

Now, they directly control a large area of ​​territory in the southern part of the Stormlands, and their troops have already pushed to the gates of Storm's End Castle.

Moreover, the Stormlands are now weaker than ever.

Once they take Storm's End, throw Renly Baratheon's crown into Shipwreck Bay.

Then, Dorne's power will expand to a level they never dared to imagine before.

The integration is almost the two major regions of Westeros, forming a system of its own.

It’s time for the two Dragon Kings far in the north to weigh this power, right?
Oberon Martell thought to himself.

And his opponent, Renly Baratheon, has been having a tough time lately.

Each defeat in the war dealt a huge blow to the king's reputation.

Nowadays, it has become even more difficult to convince the public.

At every meeting, there would be nobles who would openly oppose him.

But this is not the most deadly.

Every time Renly saw him arguing with other nobles, the eyes of the remaining people were indifferent.

That's what truly terrifies this king.

Now, a storm hit Storm's End, just like Renly's mood, it was cold from beginning to end.

Not long ago, Renly tried to send an army from the west gate of Storm's End.

The purpose is to disperse the Dornish army there.

Because there are still some castles in the northwest, still under the banner of the Baratheon family.

Renly hopes to reconnect with the castles.

After all, Storm's End is now completely surrounded by the Dornish people.

Really not even a bird can fly out.

There is a dedicated team responsible for shooting down the ravens that communicate with the outside world at Storm's End Castle.

Sitting in such a sleepy city will only lead to self-destruction.

So, Renly wanted something done.

Like a person falling into the water, he always wants to grab something with his hands.

This is very normal.

However, this order to leave the city was jointly rejected by the nobles under his command.

They thought that if they went out rashly like this, let alone defeat the Dornish people.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like prey brought to the mouth of a red viper.

If Oberon was so careless, how could everyone be in this situation now.

This feeling of being effectively imprisoned must be very uncomfortable.

Logically speaking, there is no problem at all for the nobles to think this way.

But in front of the king Renly Baratheon, this is intolerable.

In the past, for his orders, the nobles could only be idle.

But now, this is blatant disobedience!

The bottom line of royal power is that wherever orders are given, they must be obeyed.

So, Renly didn't want to back down.

However, if this does not retreat, something will happen.

The nobles returned directly to their own armies and clashed with Renly's Baratheon family army.

Both sides drew their swords.

When thousands of people confront each other, blood will inevitably be seen.

This time, the last fig leaf, the superficial harmony, no longer existed.

In the end, Renly's will was not carried out.

Because, although Baratheon's soldiers respect the crowned stag flag, it does not mean that they are willing to go out and die.

Is it bad to live?
From then on, the nobles moved their residences from the reception room of the main castle of Storm's End to the tower closest to the military camp.

Only those who wavered still lived in the places Renly provided for them.

But now, these people have become the best choice.

The choice of assassin.


King's collar.

King's Landing.

The final battle broke out near St. Belle's Cathedral and the Red Castle.

With the entire city under the control of Clay Mandler, these two places have become the last isolated islands.

A hopeless island.

Most of the people who don't know what's going on are people who are truly loyal to Little Aegon, rather than mercenaries recruited from Essos.

They were the real remnants of the previous dynasty and could have become Daenerys Targaryen's assistants.

However, they did not initially believe that a girl wandering in Essos could eventually return to the throne.

Moreover, "Aegon Targaryen's" inheritance rights are higher than those of his aunt.

So, they got on the wrong boat and chose the wrong person.

And now, these true descendants of Aegon Targaryen have to pay the price for their wrong choices.

"Listen to my order, shoot the arrow!"

Theon Greyjoy, who was in charge of commanding the archers, slashed his hand.

Behind him, two thousand archers gathered together and unleashed a hail of arrows that covered the sky at the Great Temple of Baelor.

Each arrow has burning flames.

Beside him, the fat archbishop looked sad and did not dare to say a word in front of this young man who exuded evil aura.

These guys who serve the Seven Gods were first extorted by Renly Baratheon who came into the city, and then they were severely ravaged by the mob.Fortunately, the Archbishop reluctantly moved out one ten thousandth of his wealth, got some food, and quickly raised an armed group responsible for protecting them.

Wait until Stannis has completely left and after the fire in King's Landing.

The Archbishop did not want to continue to waste his wealth, so these armed forces dispersed one after another.

After Aegon Targaryen landed from Blackwater Bay and entered King's Landing, this guy immediately twisted his belly, swore allegiance to the new king, and paid a sum, which made Aegon Targaryen extremely moved. And he was indifferent to the huge sum of money.

However, the effect of this "protection fee" is really poor.

Not long after this, Clay Manderly, who was rumbling over from Harrenhal, broke into King's Landing without any effort.

Aegon Targaryen's army was disorganized and retreating.

Soon, a large group of about [-] people were surrounded by the Great Cathedral of Baylor.

And how could these dying soldiers care whether the Seven Gods were sacred or not?

He rushed into the magnificent church, pretended to pray formally, and threw it out to the poor but beautiful young female believer, the monks who spread the glory of the Seven Gods.

Many people didn't even have time to put on their pants when they went outside.

They tore down the benches and placed them across the doorway as a makeshift bunker against the attacks of Clay Manderly's army.

The Archbishop is no exception.

It's just that this guy still has some identity and was invited out.

You have to give him something decent.

However, Xion, who believed in the Drowned God and had some faith in the Old Gods, didn't care about these things.

Although conflicts between religions do not lead to violence, there are many extremists who look down on each other and think that the other party is mentally abnormal.

Unfortunately, our Theon Greyjoy is such a man.

To him, there is not even a similar clergy compared to the priests or monks of the Old God and Drowned God.

These so-called servants of the Seven Gods are just pretending to be false gods and deceiving them everywhere.

He definitely doesn't have a good look on such a person.

The High Septon implored Theon Greyjoy not to use rockets against his home, which was occupied by Aegon Targaryen's forces.

However, what he got in exchange was a heavy kick from this guy, which almost kicked the fat on the Archbishop's belly out of his mouth.

Of course the High Septon begged.

Inside are the treasures he has accumulated throughout his life.

If this fire breaks out, how will he live in the future?

After hearing Xion's order, the archers from the north did not hesitate at all.

Two thousand arrows shot out from the bow in the sight of the Archbishop's hatred.

In an instant, it covered the entire facade of St. Belle's Cathedral.

For them, they need to capture King's Landing as soon as possible so that they can distribute the wealth there.

Otherwise, you will see it but not get it.

His Majesty Clay's military discipline is very strict.

Most of the arrows missed their target.

However, some of them have achieved results.

Soon, black smoke began to rise from the Great Cathedral of Baelor.

Apparently, the fire has started.

It is nonsense to expect that this army in desperate situation can find water to put out the fire in a hurry.

Their lives are already at risk, how can they care about this?
Just when Theon Greyjoy was about to chop his hand and fire another round of arrows.

A figure, almost faster than the arrow that had just been shot, rushed into the already lit cathedral, all wet.

"Is that... the Archbishop who was here just now?"

Theon was a little unsure that this ridiculously sensitive guy would be as fat as the Archbishop.

However, the next moment, the information captured in his ears confirmed his conjecture:
"Asshole! Everything inside is mine! Mine! No one can take it away!"

At this time, Theon Greyjoy finally confirmed that this life-threatening guy was really the Archbishop who was next to him just now.

There were no soldiers to stop this guy.

First, I was frightened by his crazy look.

Secondly, if someone wants to die, why should he be stopped?
I am not his father, so I have no obligation to teach him to be smart.

After a while, after watching the archbishop's figure enter the cathedral that was already filled with smoke, a soldier asked weakly:
"Lord Xion...are we...still shooting arrows?"

After all, he was the spokesperson for the beliefs of so many people in the south. His status was too high. In theory, he was a little lower than the king and comparable to several great dukes.

However, Theon Greyjoy had a baffled expression on his face and asked directly:

"Archbishop? What Archbishop? I didn't see anything. What are you talking about?"

What does this mean? Everyone is not a fool.

Isn’t it easy to treat the Archbishop as a human being?

So, the second round of rockets followed.

Regardless of what is inside, even if there is a golden mountain, it will only happen after the battle.


One day later, all resistance in King's Landing ceased.

After discovering that the king had escaped and lost command, the defenders of the Red Castle finally chose to surrender under the pressure of the dragon.

As a result, this palace of the Seven Kingdoms was saved from being turned into ruins by the dragon's flames.

It is completely preserved.

Everyone came to the throne room.

There, the red dragon flag with a black background that had just been hung up was torn down.

The flags of the new dynasty were hung on the walls on both sides.

Since it is a "peaceful handover", there is no need to spend a lot of time cleaning up here.

Originally, Clay wasn't really interested in having to come into this half-built ruin and sit on a chair that stretched his buttocks.

But the look in Daenerys' eyes couldn't hold back, and the words "can't wait" were almost slapped on Clay's face.

She couldn't sit on the throne before Clay, so she could only hold Clay's arm and not let go.

In desperation, Clay rode Galesos and landed directly with Daenerys in the square of the Red Keep.

Arriving at the throne room, Clay looked at the throne at the end of his line of sight, which he had seen in Brynden Rivers' dream, and had only one reaction in his mind:
The first generation Aegon Targaryen really had a problem with his aesthetics!

The throne is a chair used to carry power.

No matter what its function is, first of all, it must be a chair.

In dreams before, his senses were blunted and he felt nothing.

Now that he sees this throne, which is almost the same as a hedgehog group, Clay really feels hateful to it. should I put it, it's here now, right?

So, with everyone watching, Clay took Daenerys's hand and walked step by step to the steps of the throne.

The nobles who had fought with him all the way here all applauded spontaneously.

The so-called excited heart and trembling hands describe their current situation.

Anyone who can follow a king with almost no ties to the past to fight here and stand in this hall can basically be regarded as a "founding father".

Land, castles, and wealth have never been so close to these nobles.

Climb the steps slowly.

Clay touched the protruding iron thorn and sighed softly.

Daenerys consciously stood at the right hand of the throne.

Then Cray sat on the Iron Throne.

(End of this chapter)

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