Chapter 369 Death in Joy
"Your Majesty, you must be more careful with our "adults"."

In Storm's End, as the master of Felwood, he is now barely considered a loyal minister around Renly.

Lord Haywood Fell, very solemnly reminds Renly Baratheon to be careful of those nobles who no longer listen to his greetings.

Renly once asked Lord Heywood why he was still loyal to him.

The reason given by the Earl of Felwood is very interesting. He said:

"I can only get my castle back with your Majesty's army. It has been occupied by the Dornish people. I heard that it will be distributed to the children of the Dornish people in the future, so Your Majesty, I have no choice."

In fact, this is a reason that cannot withstand scrutiny.

Because in this castle, the earls of castles such as Rainhouse City, Stone Helm City, etc. all have the same problem.

As for whether Oberyn Martell has any plans to give those castles to anyone...

Maybe in his heart, but is that something he can have the final say on?

Unless he plans to fight another Dornish War with Clay Manderly, who has already ascended the throne in King's Landing.

Otherwise, he only has the power to make suggestions but not to decide on the distribution of spoils of war, especially the distribution of territory.

Just this moved Renly Baratheon to death.

After all, in this dark world, Earl Heywood Fell's statement was like the golden sunlight emerging from the thick clouds, extremely dazzling.

Therefore, Renly was suddenly relied upon as his confidant, and he selectively forgot that this guy had also been very close to those nobles who were now almost equivalent to rebellion.

"Oh, what can they do? I am their king!"

Renly drank a little too much.

Talk a little big tongue.

In recent days, he has been in this state often.

You can't expect a guy who is used to things going smoothly to remain optimistic after suffering a series of blows.

It's also a bit too demanding.

Lord Haywood Fell deftly filled Renly's wine.

The black and red wine draws graceful arcs in the air.

However, no matter how you look at it, it looks like ferocious blood.

There was a very appropriate look of indignation on his face, which made Renly look at him more and more favorably.

But in his heart, he thought of Stannis, who died in a small village near Harvest Hall not long ago.

What about the king?
Nobility has always been a relative concept.

When you lose the support of your men and have no army to protect you.

If the crown falls in the mud and is trampled underfoot, who will still recognize you as a king?

It's just a physical body.

But Heywood Fell would not tell Renly this idea.

His current job is to coax this unbalanced guy and prevent him from causing trouble to his friends before they are ready.

After all, this is Storm's End, and the name Baratheon has been integrated into every brick of this castle.

If no one diverts Renly's attention, the risk of their plans being exposed is too great.

And just in case Renly notices something.

In terms of absolute strength, Renly can still maintain suppression in Storm's End.

For these people, it is undoubtedly a disaster.

"Your Majesty, let's have another drink. It's raining heavily outside now. We are warm and comfortable in Storm's End, but the Red Viper has to roll in the mud outside!"

Heywood Fell held up a glass full of wine and brought it to Renly.

After hearing what Earl Felwood had just said, Renly Baratheon touched the thick blanket on his body and thought about it. The noble Prince Oberyn was covered in mud and water, shivering, and was soaked in water. General picture.

I couldn't help but laugh, and my mood suddenly felt much better.

After glancing at Heywood Fell in front of him with a flattering look on his face, Renly raised his cup without any disappointment.

"Come, let's wish that red snake to drown in the stinking ditch!"

The crisp sound of glass clashing echoed through the quiet and deep castle, like the lonely echo of a cold tomb.

Outside them, the pouring rain slanted downwards, and from time to time thunder burst out from the clouds, bringing with them thunder like the roar of an angry dragon.

The stone slabs are so cold that you don't want to touch them even if you have an extra inch of skin.

However, the hearts of the two of them are hot.

In a fantasy world brought about by addiction to alcohol, he accomplished all the achievements he expected. Storm's End has also become King's Landing, and the current location is also the throne room in the Red Keep.

The position where this body is sitting is the throne made of steel and dragon flame!
The other person looked at the drunken king in front of him, like a hungry hunter eyeing the fattest prey in the world.

The fantasy of a beautiful future in his heart was like a gradually burning fire, constantly stirring his slightly trembling palms.

Draw out the dagger!

You have it around your waist!
Kill this guy in front of you!
You people can go out, take the old king's head, crawl at the feet of the new king, and let the whole family be reborn!

Hurry!What a great opportunity!
Similar thoughts, like devilish whispers, echoed in Heywood Fell's ears.

His palms tried to touch his waist several times.

In the end, however, he endured it.

It's not part of the plan.

He is just a pawn responsible for diverting attention.

Renly Baratheon cannot die until his allies finish the job.

Whatever, let him live a little longer.

After thinking about all this clearly, the crazy look in Heywood Fehr's eyes disappeared instantly.

He suppressed the drunkenness he pretended to have and drank the red wine in the glass that he had barely drunk in one gulp.

Then, looking at Renly who was already sleeping on the desk, he laughed silently, stood up gently, stepped over the blanket that Renly had dropped on the ground, and came to the window where the heavy rain was like pillars.

The outside world was white and he couldn't see very far. His sight was completely blocked by the extremely fine rain.

The steam that hit his face wetted his forehead.

A little cold, but that doesn't matter.

Haywood Fell, a man who was not on the stage and unknown in the power arena of the Seven Kingdoms, has now become important.

What he and his friends are planning may make the situation in the entire Seven Kingdoms change even more drastically.

After all, this is an act of assassination.


Renly Baratheon was awakened by the numbness in his arm.

He had been sleeping on the table for two hours.

The empty hall was filled with the roaring sound of heavy rain hitting the stone walls.

Heywood Fair had left at some point.

The false happiness in the memory was instantly swallowed up by the fear of emptiness.

Renly wanted to open his mouth to call the guards, but the voice he made was so hoarse that it was impossible to understand what he meant.

Tai stopped talking, and his vocal cords were a little numb.

Standing up unsteadily, he walked towards the door step by step with his hair disheveled and barefoot, as if he didn't feel the stimulation of the cold stone slab.

Opening the door, the guard standing at the door looked at His Majesty the King with red and swollen eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then stretched out his hand to support him. "Your Majesty, are you okay? Do you need to call the maester?"

asked a guard.

"No need... Stannis... no, it's Lord Heywood. When did he leave?"

For some reason, Renly suddenly thought of his brother's stern, ruthless face.

"The Earl left about two or three hours ago. When he left, he told us not to go in and affect your Majesty's rest."

The guard said honestly.

Renly nodded faintly.

To be honest, Heywood Fell's behavior made him feel very warm in his heart.

There are not many vassals who care about him so much at this difficult time.

As for Renly, since the Tyrells broke up with him, he has not had a chancellor.

Now, he was thinking, how about giving Heywood Fair the title of Prime Minister?
Using official hats to win over people's hearts is a very effective way in this difficult situation.

After all, he is still the king's administrative racket.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that it was already too late.


Heywood Fell, after returning to his room, quickly changed his clothes. After making sure that no one was following him, he took a detour to the east of Storm's End where the "rebel" nobles were entrenched.

Soon someone took him into the tower protected by the army.

Taking off his hood that was completely soaked by the heavy rain, Heywood Fehr let out a sigh of relief and rested in a chair under the eager gazes of other nobles.

No one bothered him, everyone knew how difficult this undercover agent was.

This is really putting your head in your belt and risking your life.

"Hey, this life is really hard to live. Are you ready? If this happens a few more times, I will be really exposed."

Heywood Fair said with some complaint.

"It's almost two days at most. Renly's officers have agreed to our plan. We have hostages in hand."

"When our army has completely moved in around Renly's remaining army and ensured that we can keep an eye on them, we can take action."

The most powerful prince in the Stormlands, the Earl of Stonehelm City, the old and strong Earl Gurian Swann said.

This guy is the initiator and main promoter of this plan.

In the Stormlands, apart from the Baratheon family of Storm's End, the remaining Sven family of Stonehelm City is definitely among the top nobles.

In terms of losses from this Dorne invasion alone, the Sven family is considered the biggest one.

Therefore, his desire to kill Renly is also the strongest.

"Okay, when you are ready, find a way to give me the news. I will find a way to persuade Renly to hold a reconciliation banquet. When the time comes, I will need your cooperation."

"Remember, it is absolutely impossible for me to attack Renly alone. Don't treat me as a fool."

At the end, Earl Heywood Fell deliberately emphasized a sentence.

If he had stabbed Renly alone, then these guys who were adding insult to injury would have pushed him out of the tank. Then, they would have stood on the dry bank and won the final victory.

No one is a fool. At this time, it is best not to have any twisted thoughts.


Two days later.

Heavy Rain listened.

The long-lost sunshine hit the damp Storm's End Castle, scratching the castle's moisture bit by bit.

Renly Baratheon was in a better mood.

It seemed to follow the weather above the castle.

Just now, he agreed to the settlement plan proposed by his "loyal subject", Lord Heywood Fell from Felwood Castle.

This was actually a hasty plan, but to Renly's expectation, it directly received strong support from the nobles staying in the east of the city.

It seemed that the people who had been so cold and stubborn before and publicly defied Renly were not like them at all.

They expressed their determination to repent, surrender their armies, and return under the crowned stag banner of the glorious House Baratheon.

As a result, groups of troops marching neatly, under the care of "certain" Baratheon troops, slowly marched into their original military camp and arrived around the main fortress of Storm's End.

Then, these well-dressed nobles walked into the rumblingly opened door together to attend the banquet prepared for them by His Majesty the King. It seemed that the situation at Storm's End had improved in an instant.

Renly was very happy. In his opinion, the more than 1 people he had were elites.

It's just because of disunity that we've ended up where we are now.

If he can reaffirm his leadership position at this banquet now, then maybe there will be a turn for the better.

"Everyone! Thank you for your understanding. I hope that we, the great people of the Stormlands, can unite and defeat those evil wolves who are trying to bite us..."

Renly Baratheon delivered a passionate speech, and the audience was filled with nobles, all listening to the king's words with smiles.

However, if you observe them carefully, you can find that there is no warmth in these people's eyes.

Because looking at a dead person does not require any extra emotions.

The atmosphere of the banquet was very lively. Renly made a lot of promises that he could not fulfill at all, and received a lot of responses that seemed impassioned but were actually useless.

Nobles kept coming to clink glasses with the king.

It wasn't long before Renly was drunk.

However, the nobles were so enthusiastic that they didn't seem to notice the king's drunken state.

Renly's two remaining Rainbow Guards tried to block the king's drink, but they were soon drunk by a woman who appeared out of nowhere.

Finally, when the time was almost up, Heywood Fair suddenly stood up from his seat.

With his movement, the door of the banquet hall, which was originally closed, quietly opened a crack without knowing when.

Then, a group of guys in party attire sneaked into the scene and took control of every corner of the venue.

"Um...who are those...people?"

Renly was almost unconscious from drinking, but he still asked Lord Heywood Fell, who was supporting him.

"Oh...those are..."

Heywood Fair suddenly showed a strange smile.

Before Renly could react, a heartbreaking pain suddenly came from his lower back.

The alcohol numbed the nerves in his brain, but the pain still made him sober.

He looked at the dagger stuck in his waist and was stunned for a moment. Then, he saw the man holding the dagger:

"Gurian Swann?"

Renly almost murmured something, and wanted to open his mouth and use his last strength to call for help. At this time, another dagger was inserted into his chest under his gorgeous clothes.

It's Heywood Fair.

Then, he leaned down and whispered in Renly's ear the king's question:
"I'm here to kill majesty."

The strange sound of popping resounded throughout the banquet hall of Storm's End Castle.

Countless daggers were inserted into Renly's body, which had already drained of blood.

Then, the sound of a sword being drawn came, and the massacre began.

(End of this chapter)

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