Chapter 7 Death and Rebirth

There was no struggle, and people died cleanly.

This is the most real aspect of the world. Violence is the bond that maintains social stability. Therefore, there is really nothing surprising about killing people.

Perhaps only the purest of hearts can feel fear. The horse that was close neighed and stood up, but was quickly soothed by its skilled rider.

"Let's go." Duke Ed said sullenly. Although the kingdom's laws were enforced, it was obviously not something that made him happy.

The silent crowd turned the horse's head and walked in the direction they came from.

Clay heard Lord Eddard whispering to his youngest son, Bran, who was on trial for the first time. At this time, Eddard Stark took off his serious mask belonging to the Guardian of the North and began to act as a The role of a kind father.

He had just told the captain of the guard to let this man who was loyal to the Mandalay family take two guards and go to the wolf forest to get the tender skin of the sentinel tree for himself.

Although he didn't understand the young master's intentions, the captain of the guard still resolutely carried out the order. When Duke Ed gave the order to return, the three of them left the main force and plunged into the boundless wolf forest.

The horse's hooves moved forward slowly, as if showing that the owner was really in a bad mood.

Clay was really upset, he knew it was the year 298 of the Conquest, but he never thought that killing the deserters of the Night's Watch would happen so quickly.

Originally, in his plan, he used this trip to Winterfell to find out the weirwood, which is also called the heart tree by the people in the north, and the old god who had taken root in this land north of the Neck for thousands of years. relationship between beliefs.

In the godswood in White Harbor before, there was a young and low heart tree. When Clay touched it, he did feel a little power flow down his arm and into his body, and his magic pool also swelled a little.

Clay believes that when he is allowed to touch the oldest heart tree in Winterfell, the magic pool will be replenished enough.

But now the plan must be overturned, and Clay knew very well that the execution meant that the Prime Minister Jon Arryn, who was far away in King's Landing, must have died from the poisoning of Littlefinger Petyr.

King Robert I, who overthrew the Targaryen dynasty, must have taken his court on the king's road to Winterfell at this moment.

The current Clay is undoubtedly a small role, and it is impossible to influence Duke Ed's decision-making. Once the wolf runs south, when the unsuspecting stag and direwolf are bitten through the throat by the lion, the five kings The battle is over.

People in the north regard honor above all else. Robb Stark led the army south, and it was impossible for Clay not to participate, but think about the nobles who were captured in the north during the war, and the Scarlet who died of Frey's betrayal The Stark family at the wedding, Clay got chills down his back.

He is not a god. Since he is in this game of power, most of the time he is under the influence of the general situation, and there is not much time left for him to break the game...

The two brothers Jon and Robb, who had already galloped far away, stood on a short hill and shouted at the team: "Father, Bran, come and see what we found!"


In the dead silence, Clay saw the two entangled corpses by the bridge. The gigantic wolf whose size surprised him was pierced by the antlers while biting the stag. Lin, who was very sensitive to the family emblem, No one in the Winter City group dared to speak.

People in the northern region believed in the gods, so they also feared the gods. This bloody picture with too obvious symbolic meaning made everyone fear, except Clay.

Clay arrived late, and the five pups had already been cuddled up in the arms of Bran and his brothers.

"This is a bad omen, I was born after death." Clay heard someone muttering.

With a cynical smile on his face, Theon Greyjoy pulled out the saber from his waist, and said to his nominal younger brother Bran:
"Bran, those things don't live long, throw them over to me!"

Clay has always disliked Theon, especially his long face with an annoying smile. At this moment, distracted, he blurted out without thinking:

"It's not your wolf, it's none of your business!"

The originally quiet bridge was now audible, and everyone's eyes were on Clay. Theon froze for a moment, then became angry from embarrassment, and pointed the shining blade of his sword at Clay's horse's head.

Probably because he didn't grasp the strength, the tip of the sword actually stabbed Clay's mount in the cheek. The horse was frightened, and suddenly it fell back. Clay, who was caught off guard, was thrown flying.

Rolling half a circle on the ground in a bit of embarrassment, Clay stabilized his figure. He looked at Theon Greyjoy, who was grinning silently and mocked, and a monstrous rage surged in his heart. Lei Shou has already touched the long sword that fell to the side...

Seeing the young master being knocked off his horse, the guards of the surrounding Mandalay family subconsciously stretched out their hands to the sword hilt at their waist, but in Ed Stark, they did not have the courage to draw their swords.

"Say it again, Mandalay boy!" Seeing that no one spoke, Theon became even more arrogant, and just about to say something ugly, a sharp hand and a half-sword whizzed towards him with a cold light, and pointed straight at his Face to face.

Sir Roderick, who was just about to step forward to stop Theon, subconsciously blocked it with his sword. Hearing a crisp impact, the elderly Sir took two steps back, leaving only a broken sword with a big gap in his hand. And the weapon that Clay threw with all his strength was wobbly inserted into the open space in front of Theon's legs.

"Stop!" Duke Ed yelled violently, kicking his adopted son to the ground.

"Bring him back to Winterfell." The guards of Winterfell stood up, his face pale, and Theon, who was a little incontinent, hurried away.

Duke Ed glanced at the broken sword in Sir Roderick's hand, and looked at Clay who had calmed down with a strange look. He didn't ask why the sword was drawn, but instead asked:
"Mandalay, why did you say that?"

Seeing that Duke Ed didn't intend to delve into it, Clay was slightly relieved, and while secretly thinking that he was impulsive, he replied:
"It's just the corpses of wolves and deer. Why do you have to make trouble with the surviving wolves?"

"It's a direwolf, never seen south of the Wall," Rob interrupted.

"I know, if that's the case, the thing I want to do right now is pull out the direwolf's teeth, get a lion to stick in its eye, and throw the lion's body in the sewers of Casterly Rock. Clay shrugged.

This matter ended with Duke Eddard's extremely rare laughter. He asked his children to raise these little direwolves themselves, oh yes, and the white wolf that belonged to Jon. The matter of en is no longer mentioned.

On the way back, bathed in the friendly eyes of everyone in Winterfell, Clay noticed that Rob, who was riding beside him, had been moving his teeth involuntarily, as if checking whether they were sharp...

(End of this chapter)

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