Chapter 8 Herbal Decoction
As the most efficient means of communication between the nobles, the raven undertakes a very important mission, but today, looking at her husband with a huge sword under the heart tree and his face full of disbelief and pain, Caitlin hopes that she will never There was no news from the raven.

The former Prime Minister of the Seven Kingdoms, Jon Arryn, died of a sudden illness!

Catelyn was well aware of her husband's feelings for Lord Jon, but they didn't have much time to grieve since the man was gone, because King Robert I was already on his way to Winterfell.

When Clay got the news, he wasn't surprised at all. In theory, his mission in Winterfell had already been completed.

According to Sir Roderick, as a guest of Winterfell, he can leave whenever he wants, as long as he pays a visit to Duke Ed before leaving.

This is just right for Clay, because the Manderly family does not believe in the old gods worshiped by the people in the north, so it is not a wise choice for him to propose to go to the godswood openly.

"Master, we have brought back the materials you asked for." The guard captain came to the corridor on the second floor where Clay was, and reported the results to Clay.

"Oh? Very good, let's go take a look." Clay nodded, and followed the guard captain to the carriage.

"Well... well done, this is a reward for you guys, share the money, remember, don't spend it all on women's bellies, restrain yourself." Clay frowned slightly, and reminded a man with a strange smile on his face. Guard captain.

The rough guy chuckled, took the money bag and hummed a vulgar tune, and soon disappeared.

After he left, Clay looked at the sentinel bark piled up with carriages in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched a little. Sure enough, what these bastards did was very in line with the image of the rich men of White Harbor among the nobles of the northern border.

He remembered that what he clearly gestured was a small bag, and these three bastards made a whole car for him.

The subordinates showed their loyalty by exceeding their quota, and of course Clay could not blame him. He jumped into the carriage to pick and choose, chose the best one, and dragged it into his room.

He has already asked the guards, sister Vera should be playing happily with the Miss Starks at this time, and has no time to pay attention to his brother who is almost forgotten.

It just so happened that the final ingredients were ready, and he was going to prepare the herbal decoction here.

With a thought, the witcher system was turned on, and Clay threw the sentinel bark he had just processed into the backpack slot. When he checked the potion slot again, the herbal decoction that was not optional had now become optional.

I made a selection with my thoughts, and the illusory sound of bubbles popping and the sound of water seemed to ring in my ears, and then, except for the keel, which was still in a usable state, all the materials disappeared.

Clay saw a new thing in the inventory, which was three small bottles stacked together. Touching it with his thoughts, the following information appeared in Clay's mind very naturally:
"Name: Herbal Decoction
Version number: 1.0
Effect: Witcher mutation on normal people

Side effects: large nerve damage (can be offset), extreme weakening of fertility (can be offset), pupil split (can be offset)...

Basic success rate: 30% (can be improved)

Remarks: Drink it, if you survive by chance, you will become an invincible warrior, by the way, a warm reminder, if you succeed, the damage of the pitchfork to you will be greatly increased..."

Clay automatically ignored the note. He stared at the bottle of herbal decoction that took so long to get out, and his jaw writhed in thought.

This thing must not be directly bored by the brothers. It is absolutely unacceptable for him to die 10 out of 7. He is not sure how much his magic pool can increase this success rate.

Moreover, those side effects are totally unnecessary. If the bet is really successful, then he will become facial paralysis + eunuch + cat eyes, let alone be the heir of Baigang, if he is not caught and burned as a heretic in the Church of the Seven Gods Even with luck.

"Oh, it seems that this godswood must be visited." Clay sighed slightly.

Putting away the system, the sentinel bark that was originally dragged in has completely disappeared. Fortunately, there are many in stock, so it will not be discovered by anyone.

Having made a decision, he went to the table, picked up a pen and wrote a letter to Earl Wyman in White Harbor.

In the letter, he told the old man about the sudden death of the Prime Minister and the news that the king was about to arrive. At the same time, he told him that he decided to stay in Winterfell, and if he had a chance, he would meet all the adults in King's Landing.

Different from the traditional nobles in the north, the Mandalay family who controls White Harbor is not exclusive. For quite a long time in the past, the Mandalay family has been serving as the gateway to the outside world of the north, and it is still the same now.

As far as Clay knew, his old man had frequent correspondence with several big families in the Riverlands and the Vale of Arryn, and he obviously had a certain friendship.

Therefore, he predicted that his old man would definitely agree to him staying, and that a big man who could strengthen King's Landing was very in line with Earl Wyman's family management policy.

The letter was written quickly, and the ink was dried. Clay folded the letter. Such a letter could not pass through the hands of the guards. He got up and pushed open the door, and came to the raven cage not far from the door.

This was specially requested by the old man before his departure, in order to keep in touch at all times.

Clay grabbed a fat-looking raven from inside, ignored its struggle, and stuffed the folded letter into the letter box on its lap. As soon as his hands were loosened, the gray creature fluttered into the sky and flew into the sky. After circling in the sky, it flew towards the southeast.

When the raven disappeared, Clay suddenly found himself with nothing to do.

He had already made up his mind to sneak into the Godswood on the night when the king was visiting and the guests of Winterfell were feasting, because at that time most of the power of the Stark family would be concentrated in the hall of Winterfell in the southeast direction.

No matter what, the king's safety comes first, and he doesn't need to bear any responsibilities in Winterfell. He is not the master of the Stark family. To some extent, he and King Robert All the same, guests of Winterfell.

Now that he knows that he must bow down and join this game of power, Clay still wants to observe some big players on the bright side in this game in advance.

After all, before the boy dubbed the "Great Emperor" broke the rules and flipped the table, at least the game was played under a less bloody rule.

Shaking his head to distract himself from his thoughts, Clay pulled out his long sword from his waist, and then practiced following the wolf school sword skills displayed in the system. The blade whistled, sweeping the fine snowflakes that fell from the late summer sky.

Passing through the high walls, what he didn't know was that in the godswood, where Ed Stark often went, an indifferent gaze was staring closely at Clay's figure.

This line of sight ignored all obstacles, and watched Clay's sword blade dancing faster and faster, a faint murmur sounded faintly:
"Interesting people..."

(End of this chapter)

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