Chapter 76 The Wharf, Newcastle

The four large sailboats with patterns of mermaids on them are an existence that no one dares to mess with on the mixed sea of ​​fish and dragons in the Bite Bay.

Although the pirates entrenched here may be able to eat the fleet of Clay, it means that they have to face the monstrous anger of the Mandalay family. More than 20 warships in the entire Seven Kingdoms It's not a big deal, but it's more than enough to clean up the pirates driving the longships on the Bite Bay.

Along the way, Clay saw a lot of pirate longships that fell far behind the White Harbor Fleet for observation, but when Sir Marlon ordered the sails to be fully set and approached them, these guys disappeared faster than anything else .


On a cloudy and rainy afternoon, the White Harbor Fleet finally returned to the fleet's home port with their young master.

Smelling the salty smell in the sea breeze, Clay stood at the bow and looked at the busy port and the huge and towering new castle on the hill at the end of his sight.

More than a month ago, Clay returned to White Harbor by boat in the same way. However, at that time, he had just returned to Westeros and knew nothing. Now, White Harbor is still busy. , but he is different.

It is very complicated for a large ship to enter the port. Fortunately, White Harbor has the largest deep-water port area in the north, so that Clay does not need to paddle a small sampan to return to land.

There were still people waiting for him on the pier, and Clay saw Wilfield standing in the middle of the crowd at a glance. His sister in a plain white dress was so obvious surrounded by several maids.

Clay didn't know why he didn't see Vera. With her wild nature, she probably would have come to the pier to wait for her if she had the chance, but she didn't see anyone. She probably made the old man angry again and locked her in her room.

After stepping on the pedal, Clay set foot on the land of the northern border again, and tidied himself up. Clay didn't wait for the guards to get off the boat that fell behind, and walked directly towards the crowd.

The crowd moved away from him, and Clay walked towards his sister, joking with a smile:
"Sister, you are dressed so beautifully, who are you waiting for here?"

Responding to him was Wilfield's indistinct white eyes. Wilfield pulled Clay and said:
"Grandpa asked me to greet you here. I brought you a horse. He can't wait to hear about your trip to the Twin Rivers."

Clay knew very well that it was impossible for the old man to tell Wilfried about his so-called "Valyrian" super soldier. This kind of thing was not something a woman should hear.

Clay smiled at the crowd who came to greet him, and looked around the crowd. He was a little surprised, because he saw a few familiar faces among the outermost guards—they were the Witcher team backups he had screened out. The chosen one is also his personal guard.

It seems that during the period of my absence, their training with the White Harbor Guards has achieved certain results. Before I left, I explained to the old man what they were going to assess. It is estimated that the screening has already had results.

Thinking that he was about to build the first team of witchers in Westeros with his own hands, Clay's heart couldn't help beating violently a few times, but then he remembered the White Harbor caravan that was destroyed in the south of the Neck, And what Ser Malone had said to him in the ship.

I hope the medicinal materials needed for his grass decoction are all right, otherwise all plans will have to be postponed.Clay prayed silently in his heart.

After exchanging greetings, Clay sent Wilfield on the horse, and then stepped on the horse himself. Under the protection of a group of guards and his personal guards, dozens of horses walked up the dust all the way, and the goal was the new castle of the Mandalay family. .

"Clay, is the trip to the Twins going well? Those Foyles..."

Wilfield hesitated to speak, but Clay knew what she wanted to say, and he promised her before leaving, so he would not break his promise. He rode on the horse, his body rose and fell with the horse's pace, and he was very concerned about his own words. My sister showed a reassuring smile.

Clay wouldn't tell him about Innis, no use, no need.

"The Frey family did mention their marriage contract with you, but don't worry, no Frey can take you away from White Harbor, I promise."

Hearing what Clay said, Wilfield, who had been hanging on her heart, finally let go of her heart. In fact, she knew very well that, as the heir of White Harbor, Clay had some power to decide her future marriage.

During the time when Clay was not in White Harbor, she had been afraid that one day, a bird would fly from the direction of the Twins, saying that Clay had found an ugly man in Frey for her as her husband, and She needs to dress herself up, then step into the carriage, bring her dowry, and leave White Harbor never to return.

She was awakened by such nightmares several times, but now, after hearing Clay's words, she knew that she would have a very peaceful sleep tonight.

Sea God Tower, in Earl Wyman's study.

Wilfield didn't follow, and stopped after sending Clay outside the door.

My old man didn't change much. He was drinking a bottle of summer red water. When he saw Clay coming in, the old man immediately regained his energy. His huge body stood up from the chair and rushed to Clay's side twice, muttering. He muttered something so fast that Clay couldn't understand.

"Boy, it seems that the Foyles are not very good at it, and they didn't do anything to you. I thought you would be in that pile of Foyle nests,

What the old man said was righteous, but what he said didn't sound serious at all.

Spreading his hands helplessly, under the watchful eyes of the old man, Clay pulled out a chair and sat down. He also opened a bottle of summer red for himself, but he didn't want to drink directly from the bottle like the old man, so he found a glass Fill yourself up.

"Grandpa, I can still manage it"

"Really? It's all blunt. Your father told me that when I was a child. The next day I grabbed it out in his room..."

Clay is helpless, what happened to his father when he was young, why should he apply it to himself, besides, who is not like this among the aristocratic children who are not strict in discipline?

To be honest, Clay is not self-sacrificing, he really dislikes dirtyness, and he doesn't want to be in the same league with countless people, even thinking about it makes him frown and feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense with you, I know you want to ask why you were called back."

The old man paused for a moment, then his face was all serious, and he said:

"Clay, the caravan in the Neck is loaded with what we want, and besides the ones in the northern border, the rest of the caravan has been investigated, using legal means, and most importantly, King's Landing According to the news, Mr. Ed is looking for His Majesty's illegitimate son everywhere."

The old man slowly finished his remaining words:

"In that city, I smelled something wrong."

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(End of this chapter)

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