Chapter 77 Situation

The king is still alive, and he is in the prime of life. Judging from his body, it is estimated that he will spend a lot of time and sleep with women for decades before going to see the Seven Gods. According to King Robert's temper, the Seven Gods summoned him too early, and he will pick him up. Warhammer hit them one by one.

Although His Majesty the King is not afraid of meat, beauties from all walks of life have fought him in various places, and there are a lot of illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters, but the problem is that he obviously has two legal sons and one daughter, although the current crown prince is really Is not to please other people, except his mother.

As the former Prime Minister whom King Robert specially rushed from King's Landing to Winterfell, Ed Stark should work hard to deal with the mess left in King's Landing at this time. Why is he looking for His Majesty's illegitimate son everywhere?
Whether you are in King's Landing, or far away from that muddy pond, but the adults who keep their eyes there, which one is not a person who is familiar with the rules of the game of power?

Everyone in the Seven Kingdoms knows that Ed Stark is impartial and honorable. This is a fact that even the ice in the North cannot hide. With his friendship with King Robert, it is impossible for him to do it for others. Catch these illegitimate children.

Therefore, this matter has some unusual taste in it. It is impossible for the king to let his good brother find out all these illegitimate children, and then legalize them all at once.

Inside the Red Castle lay an elderly curly-haired lioness, and the king was in a daze to do such a thing that completely blew up the lioness' fur.

So, Lord Eddard Stark, why are you so anxious to find these heirs?For a long time, the rumor that the king's three children were too much like their mother and uncle had spread faintly as a joke among the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms.

It's not to find out and legalize it immediately. Is there a possibility that Mr. Ed is investigating something, or preparing for something?

According to the news from the White Sea Guard's eyeliner in King's Landing, the chaos caused by the sudden death of Jon Arryn has not shown any signs of calming down in the month since Lord Eddard Stark came to King's Landing .

On the contrary, King's Landing is full of rumors and gossips. Even a homeless man who can only beg can tell his companions a word or two of so-called shocking news with a mysterious face.

As the widow of Jon Arryn, this woman Lysa Tully took the guardian of the valley and the master of the Eagle's Nest City, the young Robert Arryn escaped from King's Landing City and returned to his hometown. Jiabao immediately ordered the blood gate to be closed, and he didn't know what he was guarding against.

As a veteran aristocrat who has experienced the ups and downs of Westeros for decades, Wyman Manderly always felt a little uneasy about the current situation.

In addition, the caravans that went out to buy medicinal materials were attacked or investigated one after another, which made the old man suddenly nervous, and immediately recalled his heir who was stranded in Hejian Land to his side.

Lord Wyman, the old nobles who have participated in the usurper's war, know very well that no matter who the opponent is, the river land will be the focus of all parties' contention.

At that time, the heir will still be in Twin River City. If Twin River City is an enemy, it will be a bargaining chip of extremely high value to the opponent for nothing. Earl Wyman can't do such a thing. This is against the entire Mandalay Family irresponsibility.

Don't think this is an old man's unfounded worry, think about what is the fuse of the usurper's war?To put it bluntly, it was the lady of the Stark family who eloped with the heir of the Targaryen family. Because of this, a dynasty of more than 200 years was destroyed, and blood flowed from all over the Seven Kingdoms.

Now, Lord Eddard Stark is investigating the cause of the death of the former Prime Minister Jon Arryn in King's Landing, and at the same time he is looking for the king's illegitimate children. These theoretically have no inheritance rights, but no one can say it is bad for children.

Coupled with the various messages sent back from their eyeliner in King's Landing, can these adults who are quite sensitive to war have other thoughts in their hearts?

Looking at his grandfather's serious expression, Clay knew too well what was going to happen in that city. His butterfly effect only prevented Bran from seeing what he shouldn't see, and indirectly affected Tyrion from being framed. This slowed down the time for the war to come.

However, with the deepening of Ed Stark's investigation, the meaning behind the "seed toughness" that Duke Jon Arryn said when he was dying, Prime Minister Ed will sooner or later pass the illegitimate son and the book " The Family Genealogy and History of the Main Nobles of the Seven Kingdoms" found out the true identities of the so-called king's three children.

At that time, no matter what the outcome was, war was inevitable. Lannister was too powerful in King's Landing. Once Robert died, Queen Cersei could ignore any power and directly hold the will, but Lord Eddard, who was helpless, fell to the ground .

Stannis controls the royal fleet to occupy Dragonstone Island, and the Duke of Storm's End will wear the crown in the Reach after he escapes from King's Landing.

This is like dominoes collapsing one after another, a general trend that no god can stop.

"Grandpa, we can't manage the matter of King's Landing for the time being. Now, we need to discuss what to do next."

Clay knew that the situation was about to become urgent, but because of this, he was eager to care about the plan he had discussed with the old man. Sir Marlon and the old man had already selected a candidate for him. The raw material of the medicine.

"I know, I know..." The old man sighed faintly, waved his hands a little bored, moved his huge body and sat back in the chair, propped his chin with his big hands, and said in a deep voice:

"During your absence, some materials arrived in White Harbor one after another, but most of them were detained by the prosecutors who came out. The negotiation team is already on its way, but it will take time."

"According to your request, we can make up ten copies for you at most. For the rest, there is no way. Some materials are very difficult to obtain, and we encountered again..."

Clay knew what he hadn't said, which was the interception he had seen at the Neck.

"Grandpa, I'm afraid there is something hidden behind the killing of our White Harbor caravan. You know it must have been instigated by a big shot, but I have to say that the local nobles also participated in it. At that time, I was in on site."

Clay told his grandfather about the discovery at the scene, because he had already told the old man about his mutation, and Clay did not hide how he discovered the anomaly.

"Grandpa, since the situation there is unstable, let's write it down for now. When the situation is stable, I will bring enough troops to directly destroy the knight's manor and figure out everything behind it."

Clay told his grandfather very calmly about his next plan.

"As many materials as we have, we will get as many people as possible. Only the power in our own hands is real."

 There is more behind the second one!

(End of this chapter)

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