Chapter 90

Opening the note, it took Clay less than a minute to read the information that shocked the entire Seven Kingdoms.

King Robert Baratheon I was attacked by a wild boar while hunting in the King's Forest, and died two days after returning to King's Landing.

The Hand of the King, Duke Eddard Stark, openly declared that the heir to the throne, Joffrey Baratheon, was born of the incest between Queen Cersei and the kingslayer Jaime Lannister, and had no right to inherit the Iron Throne at all.

The two sides confronted each other in the throne room, Cersei Lannister tore up the king's will, after which the two sides clashed.

Ed Stark broke out of King's Landing City with hundreds of elite northern troops in his hands, and fled to the north. Most of his troops were damaged, and his whereabouts are currently missing.

The new king, Joffrey Baratheon, has become king in King's Landing, and declared the former hand of the king, Duke Ed Stark, to be treasonous, and called on the nobles of the seven kingdoms to arrest the traitors.

Due to the lack of manpower in King's Landing, the White Sea Guard did not support sending letters every day. This letter should have been sent four days ago, because it would take time for the raven to fly to White Harbor.

But in any case, Clay knew that the war broke out!

The letter didn't say, but Clay must know that Stannis and Renly must have left King's Landing before the king's death, maybe, the crown has been worn on the head at this moment.

The sharpness in his eyes suddenly broke out, and he suddenly looked at the water maintenance manager standing silently at the side, and his voice was extremely serious:
"Does the Earl know about this?"

Shaking his head, the Chief of Water Maintenance certainly knew what the arrival of this letter meant. The commander's concern about King's Landing was completely correct. This is really a shocking change.

"My lord, the wolf's lair should be the first to get the news. We don't know if the letter from King's Landing to the whole country has been sent and when it will arrive."

Nodding his head, Clay understood the meaning of the chief of water maintenance. Of course, King's Landing knew how the northern nobles would react when they learned that Lord Feng was being hunted down. It is estimated that only Winterfell would receive the news.

It's useless to say anything now, and Clay immediately issued an order, regardless of whether this place is suitable or not.

"Order, half of the people in King's Landing will be withdrawn, and the basic information channels will be maintained. The rest will be gathered in the Riverlands and the Western Territory."

"As for the land between the rivers, find out the terrain for me, and you can't make me wrong at all!"

Ignoring the water chief's eyes, Clay didn't realize that this order should be given to the river chief. He said to himself:

"I'm sure, there must be a battlefield!"

After a pause, he looked at the water maintenance manager again, the eyes of both sides met, and he said the arrangement for the western region.

"There is only one job for the personnel in the western region. Find out for me how many people the old lion can get out of the western region. Do you understand?"

The chief of Weishui didn't respond to this sentence, he just stroked his chest and saluted, turned around, rushed out of the courtyard, stepped on his horse and ran straight to the wolf's lair.

When the war comes, the intelligence will come earlier, and it will be of great use at critical moments.

After ordering the assembled demon hunter team to disband and teach Raven's seal as soon as possible, Clay forced himself to calm down.

Now, the most urgent thing is to tell the old man the news and see what his plan is.


Sea God Tower, Conference Hall.

Members of the Mandalay family, from Earl Wyman and Sir Marlon of the older generation, to Clay's parents Willis and Wendell, to him and his sister Willfield and sister Vera, the main line of the Mandalay family, All of them came to this conference room that hadn't been used for a long time.

Except for Clay, everyone was stunned by the sudden news.

The news was so explosive that they still haven't recovered from it.

"Seven layers of hell, what the hell is going on?"

The old man made a sound that he didn't notice, but it was indeed a reflection of everyone's heart.

Sure enough, as Clay expected, no ravens came to White Harbor in King's Landing at all. From the very beginning, the border between the North and King's Landing had been drawn.

Different from the original, at this point in time, because Ed Stark had more than a hundred soldiers with extremely strong combat effectiveness, facing the five scumbags of King's Landing Golden Robe, he actually directly broke through the encirclement.

But now the question arises, no one knows where is this Lord Guardian of the Northern Territory who has been accused of treason?Is it dead or alive?
"Everyone, what should we do now, we have to come up with an idea."

It was Sir Marlon who was speaking, and as the first to put himself in order, his question was directed at the most pressing issue at present.

"What else can I do? My lord father, I will gather the army and go south to the Neck to fetch Lord Ed back!"

It was Clay's father Wendell who spoke. This professional soldier's way of thinking about problems is also very simple. It can be summed up in one sentence, and it's over.

"Shut your mouth, has the order from Winterfell arrived? Do you know where Lord Ed is now? Send troops without knowing anything? What do you think!"

Earl Wyman, who came back to his senses, severely rejected his son's suggestion.

At this time, the eldest son Willis spoke to save his brother:

"Father, Wendell's words did not take some consideration, but we still have to gather this army."

His health has not been ideal, and he fell silent after saying this, without any intention of continuing to explain, but everyone present understood one thing:
Regardless of whether Eddard Stark makes it back north of the Neck alive, conflict between the Stark and Lannister families is inevitable.

"Clay, you were there when the king was in Winterfell. Tell us, is the child king really a Lannister scion?"

The old man seemed to have thought of something, and asked suddenly.

This issue is not too important at this stage, but it is related to who can stand on the opposite side of the Lannister family in future wars.

Although the enemy's enemy is not necessarily a friend, it is enough to help you fight your opponent.

With a sneer, Clay said coldly:

"If you've seen that idiot, you probably won't hesitate. I assure you, Joffrey doesn't deserve to sit on that iron chair at all."

Earl Wyman frowned slightly. He didn't know why his grandson was so confident, but he believed in his grandson's judgment. Moreover, he had heard the message that the crown prince looked too much like his mother and uncle.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Clay straightened up from his chair and expressed his opinion:
"Winterfell is at most two days behind us. They will definitely get the news. Based on what I know about Stark's acting castellan, it is certain that he summoned the vassals for his father."

"I don't know whether to fight directly or after the discussion is over, but we must base ourselves on fighting!"

Clay's voice grew louder.

"Grandpa, we can't delay any longer. Although our Mandalay family has always stood under the banner of the direwolf, we must take precautions at this time. My suggestion is to call the family knights immediately."

"At the same time, the family must speed up the assembly of new warships. We cannot guarantee other places, but Bite Bay and the east coast of the northern border must be under the control of my Mandalay family."

"This is not a trivial matter. Blocking the Bite Bay, won't the gang of pirates on the Three Sisters Islands blow up their nests?"

Sir Marlon felt that Clay's suggestion was a bit risky.

"Pirates? When the war begins, can we allow other people's warships to sail directly to White Harbor?"

Clay's face was full of strange brilliance, and he finished the following words in an extremely calm tone:
"I am happy in Mandalay. I think Sunderland is a nobleman. I am not happy in Mandalay. They are pirates who harass my caravan and rob my fleet. There is nothing to say about pirates."

"Destroy them, leave no one behind!"

(End of this chapter)

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