Chapter 91
Clay's young body and his voice made everyone at the table look sideways.

What a decisive young man, Earl Wyman and Sir Marlon who read the floating world, the first thing to consider when encountering such a thing is to wait for the will of Winterfell.

And the heir of the Mandalay family, who had brought them countless surprises, was already considering completely destroying a family.

In all fairness, even with Earl Wyman's sophistication, he cannot deny that his grandson's proposal is very practical.

White Harbor has a fairly eye-catching fleet, but in the battle order of the northern border, there has been no actual achievements. The reason is simple:
Because of the existence of the Three Sisters Islands, the position of the White Harbor Fleet is open to the entire south. Without its secrecy, the advantages brought by the high mobility of the fleet will disappear.

Lord Wyman had been looking for a chance to deal with this trouble all these years, but it was clear that all these years of King Robert's reign, he had not waited for the opportunity.

They are good at weapons in peacetime. Even if the Mandalay family occupies the Three Sisters Islands, they will not get there in the end.


The most serious family meeting in more than a decade, the Mandalay family, which controls White Harbor, began to shift from peacetime to wartime.

Weapons began to be distributed, and the army began to gather. Under the vigorous promotion of the young master of White Harbor, Clay Manderly, although the ravens of the Stark family in Winterfell had not arrived yet, everyone in White Harbor knew that the family Ready to fight.

Sea God Tower, Earl Wyman's study.

As a continuation of the family meeting at noon, three people sat in this spacious study, Earl Wyman, eldest son Willis, and Clay.

Wendell and Sir Marlon, who knew how to lead troops, were already in the army at this time. The financial resources of White Harbor allowed the Mandalay family to have the only standing corps in the north with more than 500 people.

The army of the Mandalay family was expanded with these 500 people.

Even so, the fighting power of the Mandalay family army is actually not as good as those nobles in the north. If a Stark warrior and the Mandalay guards are singled out, there is a high probability that the former will beat the latter to the ground. Down.

The old man lit the fireplace in the room. The weather has been getting colder and colder recently. This extremely long summer finally showed signs of ending.

"Grandpa, can you explain to me how many soldiers our Mandalay family can organize?"

This is actually a question that Clay was puzzled when he first arrived in Westeros. According to what the old man said at the beginning, he could gather 1500 heavy cavalry.

This number, compared to the northern border, is considered to be a very large cavalry force, but the problem is that once the population of Baigang is compared, something goes wrong.

After Clay returned to White Harbor, he had learned about the approximate population ratio of White Harbor. As he expected, in this era when medical resources were not the same, the population was extremely young.

Because there are not many people who can live to old age, except for the nobles.

A small wound or a small cold can kill a person, it is so true.

The population of Baigang is more than 20. What kind of concept is this? Assuming that the ratio of men to women is one to one, it means that there are [-] men here.

According to such a young population ratio, the most conservative calculation is that there will be 5 people who can carry weapons on the battlefield.

Pick one out of five, that's [-] troops, damn it, who is the boss of the northern border? Why doesn't Clay know that his family is so fierce?

After in-depth research, it was discovered that the algorithm just mentioned was correct in theory, but due to the backward social system, the Mandalay family had no ability to recruit this huge population at all.

Yes, these people who have lived in White Harbor for generations have been paying taxes to the Mandalay family honestly, but the problem is that the family has no means to organize them. You know, the conscripts and recruited soldiers are fundamentally Two different things.

If they can be organized, then King's Landing, with a population of nearly a million, is the serious God of War in Westeros. What kind of usurper war does Robert fight?
The Targaryen family, which has ruled for nearly 300 years, is not counted as royal nobles. In King's Landing, one out of five people will have an army of [-]. Another Robert will be rubbed against the ground by him.

There is still a big gap between reality and reality, and Clay, who understands it, deeply agrees.

"Are you asking now? Or when there is plenty of time?"

The old man asked his grandson back, the army cannot be built with just a few fingers.

"Just ask, I want to know how much power we have."

This question, as the head of the family, of course the old man knows his family background. He raised his chubby palm and compared a number:
"Now, if Winterfell lets me go south immediately, I can only dispatch 2500 men, 500 cavalry, and 2000 infantry. This is the most. In fact, some people have to be left to guard White Harbor. There won't be so many."

"But if, given enough time, I'll double that number, 1500 cavalry, 3500 infantry, or even more, as long as we produce golden dragons, those mercenaries who only fart in taverns will also join us."

Nodding his head, Clay finally understood the chips he had before the first round of this war, and figured out how many chips he had in his pocket, so he could make an accurate bet, right?

"What do you mean? Want to lead your own troops?"

The old man suddenly looked at him, and Uncle Willis, who had been silent all this time, also moved his eyes away from the bonfire and looked at him carefully.

Clay shrugged. He didn't think he could stay in White Harbor and watch other people go south to kill and die. If he couldn't say a word to Rob, he had to go.

"Father called the two of us here, and he was actually talking about this matter."

When Willis spoke suddenly, Clay was taken aback, not quite understanding what he meant.

"Father, it is impossible to go to the battlefield. You and I must send out a person to lead the troops to the south. Originally, if you didn't come back, this burden must be mine."

The words of Uncle Willis completely awakened Clay. Yes, the decent heirs of Winterfell have all gone south. Can you send one from Mandalay?
This is the same as gambling, whether you follow or not, and there is also the attitude of the Mandalay family in this war.

"Clay, I actually don't really want you to go."

The old man spoke with some difficulty. Although one day he went to see the Seven Gods, the Earl of White Harbor would definitely fall on Willis first, but when Willis was gone, Clay would become the new owner of White Harbor.

Willis is the present, and Clay is the future.

More importantly, Clay now doesn't even have a legitimate child, let alone a legitimate child. Once an accident occurs on the battlefield, the Mandalay family will return to the state before Clay did not return. This is something the family cannot bear. starting price.

Clay understands the old man's worries, but he must participate in this war, and what he has and what he will have will force him not to be mediocre.

Clay decided to show the old man another important thing, which would completely tilt the balance in his heart.

Dragon egg, it's time to let the old man know.

To put it simply, after solving the problem of the dragon, Clay will immediately lead his troops south, with blood and fire, gold and iron horses behind, because the ending of the old wolf in King's Landing is different, and the direction of this war will also have some interesting events. Variety.

I have a story, guys, can I have a glass of wine?

(End of this chapter)

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