Chapter 81 A-079 Special Training Begins!
In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone in the courtyard, the hard-working chef Ke Kedola had already got up and cooked his third bowl of rice today.

Zhao Wanxi squatted beside Cocoa Dora. While massaging Cocoa Dora, she recorded various data, which will be used in the follow-up training plan.

"Are you sure to let it be eaten today?"

Fang Che squatted beside Zhao Wanxi, he poked Ke Kedola's head with his finger, the hard touch made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Cocoa Dora shook her head in distaste. When it was cooking, it didn't like being disturbed.

Of course, except for professional technicians like Zhao Wanxi.

This outside world is really a paradise. There are delicious food every day, and there are people giving massages. Cocoa Dora feels that she is about to fall.

"Don't worry, in today's energy cube, I put a special combination of cranberries and spices, these seasonings can make Cocoa Dora digest food faster."

A smile appeared on Zhao Wanxi's face. She said that if she wanted to help Ke Kedora control her food intake and weight, she would naturally not break her promise.

However, letting a foodie who was just born half a year ago and still in an ignorant state to control his diet cannot be done overnight, as it would only break the relationship between Ke Kedola and Fang Che.

Eating, you can give it to Cocoa Dora, but you have to double the amount of exercise afterwards!
Cocoa Dora didn't know Zhao Wanxi's calculations, it was still eating its own food happily, and soon the rice bowl in front of it bottomed out.


Looking at the empty rice bowl, Coco Dora just felt a little strange. If it remembered correctly, today's rice seems to be a little less than yesterday?
Fang Che stretched out his hand to hug Ke Kedola, but after only three seconds, he put it down again helplessly.

The weight of Cocoa Dora is comparable to that of Cocoa Dora, and it has reached [-] kilograms at present, which is not something that ordinary people can pick up at will.

"Coco Dora, if you still want to continue to enjoy delicious food, you must first complete today's training task."

Zhao Wanxi reached out and rubbed Ke Kedola's neck gently. The slightly itchy touch made Ke Kedola shrink back unnaturally.

Do you want to train?

no problem!
Ke Keduo stretched out a hand and patted his stomach, training or something, it didn't care at all.

When he was in the legendary field, Boss Kedora would also let Cocodora do various trainings, and it has become accustomed to using special training to digest food.

Zhao Wanxi and Fang Che looked at each other, how long can Ke Kedora maintain this enthusiasm?

Taking out the training sheet, Fang Che coughed lightly, and then he glanced at the giant golden monster standing beside him, it was borrowed by him and Fang Xuan to help Cocodola and Lucario in special training of.

"Megan monster, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Fang Che handed the metal monster a few energy cubes, and the metal monster cheerfully accepted the energy cubes, and then a magnificent blue light shone in its eyes.



Cocoa Dora was unprepared and was exerted gravity by the giant gold monster. When the terrifying thought force acted on Cocoa Dora's body, it directly pressed Cocoa Dora to the ground.

With a body weighing more than 100 kilograms, even if the giant golden monster only exerted double the gravity, what Cocodora needs to bear is as high as [-] kilograms.

The most important thing is that this power also acts on Cocodora's body, which makes Cocodora feel even more uncomfortable.


Lucario came to Coco Dora's side, it stood up straight, and then encouraged Coco Dora with words.

"The first training is to run 100 meters back and forth a hundred times, let's run!"

Fang Che patted Lucario's arm lightly, and then Lucario took the lead and sprinted forward. Ke Kedora gritted her teeth and followed Lucario's pace.

It wanted to lighten its body to reduce its burden, but Zhao Wanxi directly blocked Cocodola's "retreat".

"If you use skills to reduce the burden, then your snacks will also be halved!"

Like a devil's crooning, Cocodora didn't dare to use any skills to reduce the burden on him. It could only use its short legs to keep up with Lucario's rhythm as much as possible.

"100 meters back and forth [-] times, this is already [-] kilometers. Can Cocodora still have the strength to participate in the next special training?"

Looking at Ke Kedola who was running hard, Fang Che asked Zhao Wanxi with some doubts. A human being might not be able to sustain the [-]-kilometer quick switchback.

Zhao Wanxi shook her head, the plans she appointed were all within the scope of Cocodola's tolerance.

In the case of Lucario, with the amount of training of this switchback running, it still can't make him feel the limit of his body.

Lucario's speed is very fast, and the 100-meter turn-back run is just a few breaths for it. Because of Zhao Wanxi's instructions, Lucario did not slow down his speed to wait for Cocodora, It needs to complete this training as soon as possible and then go to other special training.

When Cocodola just started to feel tired, Lucario was already panting heavily and started boxing training.

"Because Lucario has absorbed the metal film, his physique is much stronger than that of elves of the same level, but his power-generating skills are not too subtle."

Zhao Wanxi stood beside Lucario and constantly corrected Lucario's punching posture. Even Lucario's breathing rate was within her consideration.

Fang Che's Lucario trains with Fang Xuan's elf on weekdays, and all the power-generating skills it masters are learned from Fang Xuan's elf.

Although Lucario is very smart, the power skills learned from other elves are really not suitable for Lucario.

Fang Che had done power training with Riolu before, but the effect was not very satisfactory. Leolu did easily master a stronger way of exerting force, but Lucario after the evolution needed to Re-examine the limits of your own strength.

(End of this chapter)

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