Chapter 82A-080 The Potential of Foodies!
Although Zhao Wanxi is not proficient in fighting skills, as a quasi-advanced trainer, she can completely correct Lucario's posture according to the strength of Lucario's muscles when he punches.

After only one morning, Lucario has mastered the punching technique that suits him best. Although this can't bring a higher damage increase to his skills, it can reduce the burden on him when exerting force. It can keep it more durable in battle.

After Lucario completed his second special training, Cocodora wobbled and completed his [-]th turn-back run.

When Fang Che let the giant metal monster dissipate the gravity on Ke Ke Dora's body, Ke Ke Dora could no longer control her body.

The moment the gravity disappeared, Cocodora subconsciously used electromagnetic floating to float directly.

It wobbled in front of Zhao Wanxi, and then stared at the rice bowl in Zhao Wanxi's hand that was already filled with energy cubes and elf food with pitiful eyes.

Its training intensity this morning has surpassed the one-week training volume in the legendary field!


Zhao Wanxi rubbed Ke Kedola's head, and then she put the rice bowl in front of Ke Kedora.

The one-morning special training consumed a lot of energy for Cocoa Dora, but with the help of the gravity of the golden monster, Cocoa Dora also digested all the snacks that were useless to her body yesterday and a few days ago up.

At the same time, the high-intensity training also condensed Cocoa Dora's body a lot. Now Cocoa Dora's defense has increased by at least one percent compared to the previous two days.

Don't underestimate this one percent. If the future special training can achieve this level of progress, then after Cocodora evolves into Boss Codora, no elves will be able to break through its defense.

"Cocodora, your second special training is skill training."

Looking at Cocoa Dora who was eating like crazy, Zhao Wanxi gently nodded Cocoa Dora's head.

Unlike Lucario, although Cocodora has a lot of skills, it has not been able to integrate all of its skills.

Lightweight body, electromagnetic levitation, heavy impact, and self-sacrificing impact. Although Cocodora is quite skilled in using these moves, Cocodora's mastery of other skills is not ideal.

"Today your goal is very simple, just train the iron tail and the metal claw to the proficiency level."

Zhao Wanxi stood up, she looked at Fang Che beside her, Fang Che immediately gestured to the giant golden monster.


The metal monster cheerfully disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it had brought back a huge block made of pure steel.

Under Fang Che's signal, the giant metal monster placed the steel block in front of Cocodora, and there was even a shock when the block fell to the ground.


Cocodora looked at the pure steel cube dozens of times larger than her own body, and it suddenly felt a little bit ominous.

"Cocoa Dora, Metal Claw!"

Just when Cocoa Dora was about to retreat, Fang Che's order had already been heard in its ears. Cocoa Dora subconsciously raised his hand and slapped it on the steel block in front of him. Come on a pain.

Using pure steel cubes to polish Cocoa Dora's skills sounds like abusing Cocoa Dora, but in fact this is the most suitable training method for Cocoa Dora.

Cocoa Dora's physical growth requires a lot of metal elements, and the special training of metal claws also needs to absorb a lot of steel elements. If the nutrients that Cocoa Dora's body needs cannot be replenished in time, then the super-intensive special training will not be enough. Let Coco Dora's body collapse.

Using pure steel cubes for special training, Cocodora can attack the cubes while absorbing the debris falling from the cubes to replenish the energy needed by the body.

You know, at Zhao Wanxi's request, a high-quality steel gem was incorporated into this block when it was built!

Most people really can't afford this expense.

Cocoa Dora found something wrong after using the metal claws to attack the block. The crumbs of the steel block seem to be delicious?
With a hint of doubt, Ke Kedora bit the steel block with one bite, and then it chewed the crumbs in its mouth, and its eyes lit up immediately.

"Kokodora, the crumbs you smashed with metal claws and iron tails today are all your snacks."

Zhao Wanxi's words became the last straw that overwhelmed Ke Kedola's rationality. Although her body was already very tired, Ke Kedora still started to attack the steel block with passion.

Metal claws!
Iron tail!

Cocoa Dora even used the iron head trick by the way, and for a while the entire training ground could only hear the crackling sound of Cocoa Dora's special training.

Zhao Wanxi stretched her waist. Although she and Fang Che didn't need to train with Lucario and Cocodola, she had to pay attention to Cocodora's physical condition at all times, and she was in a state of concentration all morning. It's really tiring.

Fang Che brought the bento prepared by Su Ya, and the two sat next to Coco Dora and began to enjoy a delicious lunch.

Cocoa Dora smelled the aroma of the bento, and its training became more intense.

"It's really a good idea to use food to lure Coco Dora to train hard."

Fang Che took a bite of the bento, and then cheered for Cocoa Dora.

Although they want to control Cocoa Dora's appetite, in the face of super exercise, Cocoa Dora's previous food intake is really nothing.

Zhao Wanxi took a sip of the juice, took out her notebook and carefully checked her training plan, and then added a few strokes to it.

"I think we can start Cocodola's [Punch] training ahead of time."

(End of this chapter)

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