good old days

Chapter 104 is very good

The weather was too hot, and the food that was prepared from home would soon go bad. Jiang Xinyu packed the food that Comrade Chen Xiuyun gave her.

She put on new cloth shoes made for her by Comrade Chen Xiuyun. The uppers were made of purple corduroy, and two leaves were embroidered with green thread, and the insteps were buckled with straps.The top is a long-sleeved shirt that has been washed gray and patched, and the trousers are also thin pants that have been washed gray and patched.

Jiang Zhenzhen looked the little girl up and down, and felt that the younger the little girl was, the more youthful she was, and the old clothes looked good on her.

"After I gave birth to Dabao, I gained a lot of weight, and I couldn't wear many clothes. It's a pity that I came back in a hurry, otherwise I would bring back all the summer clothes that I couldn't wear."

These years are three years old, three years old, and three years of mending.

It is normal for the younger ones in the family to pick up the clothes of their elder brothers and sisters to wear. Jiang Zhenzhen will wear the clothes that are not suitable for Jiang Yuzhu, and then pass them on to Jiang Xinyu. It is not an exaggeration to wear a piece of clothing for several years.Chen Xiuyun can even sew up worn-out clothes and hang them on the wall.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xinyu was embarrassed.When will she be able to live a life where there are endless beautiful clothes to wear every day?

Jiang Zhenzhen had nothing to do, so she braided her hair.

Jiang Zhenzhen parted her hair in two, and Jiang Xinyu hurriedly said, "Sister, just make one up. It's too hot, and it's sweaty when you put it on your neck."

While Jiang Yuzhu was braiding her hair, the bicycle jingled.

Chen Yi came in quickly, and Xiao Hei spun around his legs, humming excitedly.

Jiang Xinyu and her sisters are braiding their hair under the shed.

"Xinyu, I'll send you there early today, and I'm going to show a movie after seeing you off." Chen Yi walked up to her, saw Jiang Zhenzhen behind her, stopped talking and greeted her.

It was inconvenient for him to send Jiang Xinyu off today, but what happened yesterday, he was worried that she would be scared if she went to school alone. Originally, he was in the town and came back to pick her up.

Jiang Zhenzhen felt unreal again, Chen Yi and her little sister?

"Come on, come in and sit for a while, it's too hot outside."

The three were talking, and after Jiang Xinyu's hair was braided, Chen Yi took Jiang Xinyu away.

Jiang Xinyu left, Dabao also woke up, lying on the bed crying.

Jiang Zhenzhen coaxed the child and fixed it in front of her body with a strap, then brought the cold boiled water in the tank, and went to the field to bring water to Chen Xiuyun to drink.

The door was locked, Xiao Hei was locked in the yard, and the door was also locked.

When Jiang Zhenzhen's figure disappeared, Zhang Tiezhu's figure looking left and right emerged from the ditch.

He went to the county yesterday. On the road behind the meat joint factory, he saw Chen Xiuyun coming out of the forest belt and the black market, but she didn't have anything in her hand. I don't know if she didn't buy anything or went to sell things.

When he came back from the county, he specifically asked Zhang Lanxiang that Chen Xiuyun was not at home early in the morning.What does this mean?There must be something wrong with this!

Zhang Tiezhu walked around the yard of Jiang Xinyu's house, seeing that the fence wall, which was a head taller than other houses, was covered with broken tiles, he felt a little headache.

Entering from the front yard, the target is too big and easy to be spotted. Going up from the side is not easy to climb, there is no place to drop your hands, and it is easy to pierce the flesh. He circled back and forth on the side. A wall barked viciously at him.

Xiao Hei's cry drew the old lady of Zhang Lanxiang's family out. The old lady stooped to the gate of the courtyard to take a look. She was old, heavy and had heavy steps. When Zhang Tiezhu heard the sound, he hurried away.

He wanted to go into Chen Xiuyun's house to see if there were any secrets. That dead dog was very vigilant and could attract people by opening his mouth, so he couldn't get in for the time being.

Zhang Tiezhu was thinking, if Chen Xiuyun went to speculative business, he would catch her sooner or later.Waiting for next Saturday, he will come to squat early!
Zhang Tiezhu spat casually, and then a stone was thrown on his body.

Yuan Chunhua's kid was wearing clothes full of patches. After hitting someone, the kid had a vicious expression on his face: "Go to my house again later, and I'll beat you to death!"

Children also have self-esteem, and half-grown children also faintly understand something.

After the old lady of the Fang family died, everyone in the brigade began to play jokes about Tie Zhu and Widow Yuan in an open and honest manner. The children inevitably heard some gossip, and when they got up to pee at night, they saw the famous idle old bachelor in the village from When his family goes out, the child almost hates Zhang Tiezhu to death, he doesn't want such a father!
Zhang Tiezhu picked up the stone and pretended to hit it back. The child was frightened and ran wildly.

"You son of a bitch, don't let me catch you, and smash your ass next time."

Zhang Tiezhu was used to being lazy, and originally thought of living a good life with Yuan Chunhua. After all, he is really old, and if he lived with Yuan Chunhua, maybe she can give birth to a son for him to carry on the family line.

But after hearing Zhang Fengmei's words, he felt that Chen Xiuyun was also suitable. If he had no children, he would have no children. At least his future would be settled, and he could help Yuan Chunhua a little bit.It's a pity that Chen Xiuyun clearly despises him.

Of course he was not reconciled, and there was anger in his heart, but he couldn't help it.

As a result, I went to the county seat yesterday, and this opportunity came.

Thinking in his mind, Zhang Tiezhu sighed and went to work when he saw the busy commune members on the grain drying field.If he didn't do anything and pointed to the basic food, he would really starve to death.

On the bicycle, Chen Yi inevitably had to ask Jiang Xinyu if she was scared last night and if she slept well.

Jiang Xinyu is actually clingy in essence, but Chen Yi never gave her a chance to be clingy before.

She put her chin on his back, turned her face up and closed her eyes, blowing the hot wind and smelling the soap locust on his shirt. With his thin waist, "I woke up with a nightmare at night."

Chen Yi let go of the handle with one hand and grabbed her hand, "When will you marry me again?"

Married, he can hold her in his arms at night, she has nightmares, he can coax her, she will not be afraid.

Jiang Xinyu didn't expect his topic to jump so fast, she retracted her chin and said, "Wait until you graduate from college."

She brazenly regarded herself as a college student who would eat the imperial food in the future.

She is about to be eighteen, and she will get married when she is eighteen. She is a bit incapable of accepting it. Although the relationship between the two of them is different, what if the relationship breaks down again?Always leave some room.

Chen Yi felt helpless, but he didn't give up and continued to lobby, "Marry me, you don't have to work in the fields, and you can just read at home every day."

Jiang Xinyu snorted, "Even if you don't let me work, can your current mother allow me to eat plain rice every day?"

When she graduates from high school, there is still more than a year before the college entrance examination next year. For more than a year, will she squat in the village every day?You have to find yourself a job first, right?
Marrying Chen Yi is not a wise move, even if Chen Yi does what he says and refuses to let her work, will his mother be happy now?At that time, there will be no conflicts every day?
It is not wise to squat in her own home. She can foresee that the future will be endless farm work, waist that cannot be straightened, and endless sweat.

So, she wants to find a job.

Thinking of Chen Yi's former mother, her mother-in-law, who had been married for more than half a year, Jiang Xinyu confessed that she only met her twice. She was very satisfied with this mother-in-law. Among them, this state made her most comfortable.

This is not the case now, family values ​​are very strong, and houses are not enough to live in. These days young people marry and live with their elders, and there will be stumbling blocks in the family, let alone marrying into someone else's house.Just like the eldest sister Jiang Zhenzhen, who was still red when she returned home during the Chinese New Year, this time she even took her child back to her mother's home.

Chen Yi held her little hand and squeezed it, "I will convince her that she likes you very much, in the future..."

Jiang Xinyu didn't let him finish speaking, she shook his hand and said, "Okay, okay, let's talk about the future."

Chen Yi had nothing to do with her, Junxiu's brows were full of helplessness, so he had to shut up.

"I have a ticket in my pocket, take it."

Jiang Xinyu said: "I haven't used the money and tickets my mother gave me yesterday. I don't need any tickets. You can keep them for yourself."

Chen Yi didn't continue. When he got to the gate of the school, he stopped the car. He simply took out the ticket and handed it to her, "I won't send you to the gate of the dormitory. I have to leave quickly."

Jiang Xinyu waved to him, "Be careful on the road."

The person disappeared without a trace. She opened the receipt in her hand, and there were three menstrual tickets.

Jiang Xinyu's face was a little red, and she hurriedly put the ticket into her pocket.

She really felt that Chen Yi had changed, became more considerate, and compared to before, he is very, very good now.

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