good old days

Chapter 105 Eccentricity

Chapter 105 Eccentricity
Jiang Xinyu went to school and met Zhang Yanyan, and got a bolt from the blue from her.

After this Friday's holiday, I will not come to school next week, and I will have a week's farming holiday next week.

The so-called busy farming leave means going back to do farm work!

The wheat harvesting of each brigade in the commune is about to start, and these high school students have to go back to help the brigade harvest. At this time of year, corn, peanuts and other crops need to be planted after the wheat is harvested. It is very busy during this period.

God, why isn't school doing well?

Jiang Xinyu remembered that she was sweating profusely under the scorching sun, her eyes were stung by salt water and she couldn't open her waist, and she couldn't straighten her waist.

When Jiang Xinyu was in mourning at school, Zhang Hua, Jiang Zhenzhen's man, rode a bicycle to her home at night.

Jiang Zhenzhen was angry and took all the children back to her natal family. Zhang Hua's mother Pang Lijuan was also a little unhappy, but she couldn't see her grandson when she went home, and she couldn't even sleep well. Zhang Hua came to pick him up so quickly.

Pang Lijuan's fourth daughter-in-law, Pan Yu, is from the county seat. When the two got married, Pan Yu's family didn't want to marry from the county seat to the town below. , Pan Yu's family also put forward conditions, and arranged for a job after marriage.

These days, work is more in short supply than supplies, and there is one carrot and one pit. Even if you are a commune cadre, it doesn't mean that you can arrange work if you can. The unit does not recruit workers, and there are no job vacancies. Where can I arrange work?
The five fingers are still divided into lengths. Jiang Zhenzhen gave birth to Pang Lijuan's eldest grandson. She looked up to her, but she really couldn't hold back the youngest son who had loved her for many years.

The youngest son was pressing for Pan Yu, and Pang Lijuan loved him more. It was originally a promise before marriage, so she turned her attention to Jiang Zhenzhen's work.

When Jiang Zhenzhen did not take her child to work, her sister-in-law would help take care of the child during the day. Her sister-in-law and her gave birth to children one after another, and the milk was not enough to feed the two children. The reasons were ready-made, and Pang Lijuan immediately took advantage of it.

When Zhang Hua came, he brought a piece of beautiful pork belly. Although Chen Xiuyun greeted him with a smile on her face, her face was not as good-looking as before.

Chen Xiuyun didn't get involved in the matter of the young couple, so she went to the kitchen to do some work, leaving space for the two of them.

"What are you doing here? You and your mother have the same nostrils, and why are you looking for me?" Jiang Zhenzhen sneered and avoided Zhang Hua's overstretched hand, holding the child and shaking it slowly.

Jiang Zhenzhen just felt that her mother-in-law was bullying her, and the most hateful thing was that her man didn't stand by her side at critical times.For a long time, she was still an outsider in his heart!
Zhang Hua likes Jiang Zhenzhen. When there is no conflict between his mother and daughter-in-law, he listens to everyone and loves his daughter-in-law. When there is conflict between his mother and daughter-in-law, he will subconsciously follow his mother's advice. After all, he has listened to it for so many years .

Zhang Hua is Pang Lijuan's good eldest son, but it doesn't mean he doesn't love his wife.

"Zhenzhen, Mom said, when there is another chance, I will definitely give it to you. The fourth sibling fights every day, and the two just got married because of their work. There is no way for Mom to ask you to give up your job."

Zhang Hua's mouth was also uneasy, and he repeated the same words several times in front of Jiang Zhenzhen, and Jiang Zhenzhen became very angry.

"Am I your daughter-in-law or is Pan Yu your daughter-in-law? You don't think about me, but think about others. Why do I have a man like you!" Jiang Zhenzhen said a little indiscriminately.

"Your mother thinks that Pan Yu looks down on me, so she let me give up my job. Zhang Hua, do you know what your behavior is? You and your mother stepped on Pan Yu's feet together, and you also look down on me. "

Jiang Zhenzhen held the child without looking at Zhang Hua.

Zhang Hua didn't know why the matter was so serious. When did he look down on her?When his mother asked him to persuade her daughter-in-law, she was extremely embarrassed, but did she have to do what she promised Pan Yu?Besides, the sister-in-law can't take care of the two children by herself during the day, and she is in a hurry every day, so what her mother said makes sense.

"Mom said, I don't need to hand over that part of my salary in the future. I will hand over all of my salary to you in the future. Zhenzhen, I didn't look down on you, I..."

Before Zhang Hua finished speaking, Jiang Yuzhu, Li Yuehua and several people from the studio entered the yard together.

Chen Xiuyun was mixing cucumbers in the kitchen, and when her son-in-law came, she wanted to fry the smoked rabbit too, and served it with the dry goods Chen Yi sent, so she would make a good meal no matter what.

The two hadn't understood their quarrel, so they could only stop talking.

Li Yuehua had a free meal of frogs last night, and today she went to film in the old landlord's courtyard in the town. She took advantage of the time to queue up to buy a catty of pork, brought it back, and asked Chen Xiuyun to cook the meat.

Two gay men, Zhou Qi, came over and brought some pastries and eggs, and they wanted to have a meal here.

Chen Xiuyun wished that the comrades in the studio would have a better relationship with Jiang Yuzhu, and could teach her more things. Originally, she planned to eat stick noodle cakes with cold cucumber dishes, so she immediately steamed all the white rice at home and fried a few more dishes. come out.

The fried meat with wild mushrooms in the forest belt is very fragrant, and everyone's mouth is full of oil.

After dinner, Jiang Yuzhu and a few comrades discussed the content of the movie for a while, and after it was completely over, they had time to tease the niece and talk to the elder sister.

Chen Xiuyun was distressed that her grandson was a little thin, so she made malted milk for him and was feeding him in small mouthfuls.

Zhang Hua sat on the side silently, like an idiot, and Jiang Zhenzhen got angry when she saw him like this.

You say other people are okay, he has a really good temper, and he knows how to love others. Usually, she would listen to whatever she said, but after this incident, she found that he cared more about his mother than her, and his own brother was ranked second to her. How can this not make people angry?

It was so late, it was obviously impossible for Zhang Hua to go home, Jiang Yuzhu went to sleep with Li Yuehua, the bed was vacated for Zhang Hua to sleep, Jiang Zhenzhen left the baby and diapers for him, and the baby cried wildly in the middle of the night , some toss him.

At noon the next day, Zhang Hua still didn't persuade Jiang Zhenzhen, so he could only leave the money and tickets for Chen Xiuyun at noon, and rode away on his bicycle sullenly.

My girl lives at home with her child, what money and tickets do she need, Chen Xiuyun turned around and handed the money and tickets to Jiang Zhenzhen.

"Mom, take it. If I stay at home for a few more days, I will have to eat a lot of food. If I go back easily, my mother will think that I am too easy to bully."

Chen Xiuyun deliberately asked: "If people think you are too angry, they won't let Zhang Hua come, and they won't let you go down the steps. Are you really going to stay at your mother's house forever?"

Jiang Zhenzhen opened her eyes in disbelief, "Mom, do you think I eat too much?"

Is this the mother who insisted not to name her Zhaodi and Pandi?

(End of this chapter)

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