good old days

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

Chen Xiuyun was not willing to drive away her own daughter, so she gave birth to three daughters. When the eldest daughter was born, her mother-in-law insisted on naming her Pandi, but she refused. She named her Zhenzhen, and the meaning was self-evident.

"You can live in peace. The family can support you and Dabao. When your son-in-law comes next time, you can go back with him."

Jiang Zhenzhen lowered her head and said nothing.

Chen Xiuyun patted her, "Why, do you really want to live in your mother's house forever? Whose family lives without stumbling, and this time, your in-law's house will not be like this again in the future. When you have the conditions to build a tile-roofed house and separate your family, you and Zhang Hua will be able to live together. good."

Let Chen Xiuyun see that Zhang Hua is soft-hearted and his character is not bad.Her daughter was "bullied" by her husband's family, she was not happy, but that job, without Zhang Hua's parents, would indeed not fall into the hands of the eldest daughter.

These days can't be quarreled because of one incident. Chen Xiuyun's thinking is still relatively traditional. Mrs. Li is difficult to deal with. She has lived with Jiang Jianmin for so many years. In her opinion, the eldest daughter and son-in-law still have trouble. To the point where I can't go on.

Even if Jiang Zhenzhen lives in her mother's house, it's not that she doesn't work, but all she does is the private plot and trivial work at home.

Jiang Xinyu was also very tired at school. Since the school lost some things, the principal decided to build a fence for the school, surround the school, and build a decent toilet.The original old toilet, if you go in it in summer, the smell will rise to heaven.

It's cool early in the morning. After getting up, I work until after eight o'clock. After eating, I work for an hour, and then I have two classes. The whole morning is over.After school was over in the afternoon and the weather was getting cooler, they had to go to work in the fields non-stop.

The sand was transported from the big river, the wood was transported from the mountains, and all the materials were brought to the school by teachers and students.

With a large number of people and strong strength, the materials were ready in three days. The rest was to dig a hole, lay a foundation, build a soil platform, insert wooden sticks, and then use mud to make a soil embryo.

The school borrowed craftsmen from the brick and tile factory, and the students kept some young and strong students to help them. As for girls like Jiang Xinyu, they were going to harvest wheat in the fields.

Jiang Xinyu works, if she can be lazy, she will definitely be lazy, but her lazyness is not obvious. Looking at it, she is also bending over to work, but her old waist is really going to be unbearable.

In this high school, she doubted her life. She used to go to school, but she really went to school. Now, she spends less than three hours sitting in the classroom every day.

In the memory of the original owner, last year I went to the factory workshop in the county to learn and experience the technology of "car, bed, milling, and planing"; in junior high school, I went to the field to learn how to transplant seedlings, harvest wheat, and grow sweet potatoes, so that students can learn in practice. to experience and knowledge.Every semester has a one-week farming holiday, which is also very special.

But after working for a few days, all the flesh on her body disappeared. I don't know what Chen Yi was doing this week. He never came to deliver meat to her. He bent over to work and ate hard fruit candies. It all went to her heart.

But after school was over on Friday, she felt that she had become a yellow cabbage in the field.When the weather was cool in the morning, the students all went to the fields to harvest wheat, and Jiang Xinyu couldn't bend her waist.

With a numbed face and tired body, she left the school with Zhang Yanyan and Feng Xiaohua.

The fence built by the school has already reserved the position of the gate, but the big iron gate has not been arranged yet.

Zhang Yanyan soon parted ways with the two and returned home.

Feng Xiaohua was the only one who was able to walk halfway with Jiang Xinyu every week. When passing by the state-run restaurant, Jiang Xinyu couldn't lift her legs.

Feng Xiaohua saw that she stopped at the entrance of the state-run hotel and did not leave, so he tugged at her sleeves, "Go, take your time and it will be dark when you get home."

After all, Feng Xiaohua's brigade was closer to the town than the Wuliqiao brigade.

If you want to stop, don't stop here. People who are fragrant with meat can't stand it, and they can't eat it. Isn't it uncomfortable?
Jiang Xinyu said: "Today I will treat you to meat buns."

She has more than one!She can afford it!A meat bun seems to cost only five cents, but it only costs one or two food stamps, only a dime, and she has it!

Feng Xiaohua couldn't hold her back, and saw her enter the state-run restaurant with arrogance and arrogance.

The state-run restaurants in the town are not that big, more than half the size of those in the county.

Jiang Xinyu looked around, and when she was about to ask the waiter if there were any meat buns, she saw Chen Yi sitting at the table in the northwest corner, Xu Nan and three other gay men she didn't know were sitting at the same table.

Chen Yi looked up and saw her, stared at by her unbelievable eyes, the stir-fried shredded eel on the chopsticks was neither good to eat nor not to eat.

Jiang Xinyu said brightly in her eyes: Good old six, you actually eat alone behind my back!

Chen Yi looked at her thinner face, and felt that the expression she was staring at him was very similar to the cat she raised at home in the past. She wanted to eat but didn't feed it, making it angry and speechless. full of bad words.

Chen Yi wanted to laugh a little, put down his chopsticks, got up and walked towards her,
Xu Nan asked: "What are you going to do?"

Looking back, he saw Jiang Xinyu standing there pretty, he smiled and waved to Jiang Xinyu, "Comrade Jiang, come over for dinner."

Jiang Xinyu met him once, and she was able to speak a few words.

She came to the front, greeted a few people and looked at Chen Yi, "My classmate is still outside, I came in to buy meat buns, so I won't eat here with you."

Chen Yi beckoned to the waiter, and the waiter who always had eyes above his head came over with a good attitude, "What else do you want?"

"Is there any more meat buns?"

The waiter shook his head, "No, there are braised noodles and wontons, and then there are stir-fried vegetables."

The waiter knew that this table was staff from the commune, so of course his attitude was quite polite.

Jiang Xinyu said, "Then I want two bowls of wontons."

She took out her savings from her pocket, "How did you sell it?"

"A bowl is [-] cents, and I want a tael of food stamps." The waiter resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He didn't know the price, so he must have never eaten there.

Chen Yi asked her to take the money back, and another gay man, Ding Changhai, also took the money out of his pocket, "Don't even take it out, I said I will treat you today."

Chen Yi couldn't let Ding Changhai continue to spend money, so he gave the money and tickets in a hurry.

Jiang Xinyu was a little embarrassed, and he never asked her to spend money when she went out with him.

She put the bag on the table next door and went out to call Feng Xiaohua in.

Feng Xiaohua had never been in a state-run restaurant at all, let alone being generously treated to meat.

She is unwilling to take advantage of Jiang Xinyu, she can usually afford a fruit candy, but she really can't afford a meal for the time being.

"My partner treats you, just this once, and you can treat me back when you have the conditions in the future."

Jiang Xinyu didn't expect that she was so generous that once she wanted to invite someone to dinner, he would not cooperate.After decades, what is it to treat someone to eat a wonton?

Feng Xiaohua was forcibly pulled in by her, and soon two large bowls of wontons were served on the table.

The bowl is really big, bigger than Jiang Xinyu's face, and the wontons inside are round and thin, and the skin is thin and big, and the aroma is tangy.

This amount is too affordable, it is three times as much as a bowl of wontons in later generations restaurants.

Jiang Xinyu couldn't eat so much, so she went to the waiter and asked for a small bowl, and gave Chen Yi a bowl.

"It was more than I could eat."

Several big men winked, except for Xu Nan, the rest of them saw Jiang Xinyu for the first time, not to mention that she looked more beautiful than Xu Nan said, she looked gentle and considerate.

Tsk tsk, Chen Yi is blessed, blessed.

Xu Nan remembered that time when Chen Yi went to his house to beg for tickets. The two of them only talked about one person, how could they talk about such a private matter like a couple?
Chen Yi was already full, and he ate this small bowl of wontons without changing his expression.

A staring gaze fell on his face, Chen Yi looked up calmly, and saw a person in the window looking towards this side behind the misty soup pot, his face was hidden by the mist, and the obvious three-petal mouth looming.

Yao Xianmin retracted his eyes pretending to be natural, lowered his head and began to stir the soup pot.

Chen Yi glanced at him several times. The last time he came to the restaurant with Jiang Xinyu, this one also stared at Jiang Xinyu, and he gave him a bad feeling.

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(End of this chapter)

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