good old days

Chapter 108

Although Chen Xiuyun was dissatisfied with the little girl's behavior of making Chen Yi spend money, but she really couldn't put it down for these photos. She strangely put the photos in the photo album, and put the photo album away in the cabinet.

Chen Xiuyun went to the private plot to grab cucumbers and came back. When preparing kang bean noodle pancakes, Jiang Xinyu hurriedly said: "Mom, I've eaten it before, so I don't need to make this meal for me."

have eaten?It must be Chen Yi's again!
When Chen Xiuyun was about to stare again, Jiang Xinyu let her out of the courtyard, "I'll go find Chen Yi and catch frogs together."

Chen Xiuyun convinced Jiang Xinyu, how much did it cost Chen Yi to eat and drink behind her back?
She chased out of the courtyard door and shouted: "Come back to me, carry something before you go."

Since she won't be pinched, Jiang Xinyu came back slyly, but her expression was still somewhat defensive.

Chen Xiuyun wrapped a catty of the mung bean cake she made last night. She made a total of more than nine catties, and she was going to take it to the county to sell it tomorrow.

Jiang Xinyu pinched a small piece and tasted it, because the skin was removed, and the taste was more delicate.

"Mom, do you still have time to peel the skin?"

It's easy to do without peeling.

Jiang Zhenzhen said, "I went."

She had tasted it, and the dim sum made by her mother was no different from the dim sum sold in the supply and marketing cooperative.

"Sister, please help me boil a pot of water after dinner. I will take a shower when I come back. I will treat you to frog tomorrow."

Jiang Xinyu sauntered out with mung bean cakes in her hand. Jiang Zhenzhen looked at the words "Happiness" written on the back of her head, and envied her carefree in her heart.

When Jiang Xinyu brought the cakes to Chen Yi's house, Widow Wang was washing cucumbers.

"Xinyu is here, have you eaten yet?"

Apparently Chen Yi didn't say anything about inviting her to eat wontons, Jiang Xinyu blinked and said, "I've eaten, I asked Chen Yi and I to catch frogs."

"This is the mung bean cake my mother asked me to give, so I put it on the table."

She looked around, but did not see where Chen Yi was.

Widow Wang had already seen the photos of the two of them, but she put them away. In her eyes, Jiang Xinyu was her sure future daughter-in-law.

"Come in and sit down for a while, your Uncle Li told him to repair the tractor."

At any rate, Chen Yi learned it at the agricultural airport. Although an accident happened later, he also learned it for a while.

Widow Wang gave Jiang Xinyu a bowl of washed apricots, then went into the house and brought out biscuits and fruits, beckoning her to eat.

"What's wrong with your eldest sister? The couple are angry? Zhang Hua came here once, why didn't you go back with him?"

Jiang Zhenzhen has lived at her mother's house for five days, how could the people in the brigade not inquire, even Widow Wang is curious.

Jiang Xinyu pretended to be stupid, "I don't know, I'm at school, so I don't know what's going on with them."

She really doesn't know much, and the part she knows can't be spread out.

Widow Wang glanced at her, and felt that this girl had a lot of tricks, she didn't even tell her, she simply didn't ask, and talked about something else.

When Chen Yi came back with a black hand, Jiang Xinyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Yi's mother talks a lot now, and she never idles.

Chen Yi's hands are full of motor oil, black and greasy, after soaping several times, there is still a little black oily base after washing.

The sky was dark, the sounds of various frogs could be heard endlessly, there was a cool breeze, and the grass made a slight rustling sound. Chen Yi held a small flashlight in one hand and led her in the other.

Before he got to the river beach, Chen Yi didn't turn on his flashlight. The moonlight barely allowed people to see the road clearly. In the distance, he heard the sound of footsteps stepping on the ground.

Chen Yi pulled Jiang Xinyuli and stood quietly in the grass. The reeds were so high that if you didn't pay attention, you couldn't see anyone here.

Yuan Chunhua and another man in the brigade walked past the two of them one after the other.

This man is none other than Li Yiping, the accountant in the team, who is also the father-in-law of educated youth Wen Guili.

A mosquito bit her, Jiang Xinyu fanned her with her hands.

Before the two came out of the haystack, they heard the voices of a man and a woman talking.

"How many heads does this young sister-in-law of your brigade have? Just the two of us saw two."

Zhou Qi scratched his itchy arm that was bitten by mosquitoes, he was speechless to this woman Yuan Chunhua.

"What's the difference between her and the half-closed door?"

After a physical exchange, both men gave her money, and these transactions happened completely under their noses.

Zhou Qi didn't want to jump out and arrest people. He wasn't from the Wuliqiao Brigade. One more thing is worse than one less thing. It's full to meddle in such nosy matters.

I heard that the man and mother-in-law died before and after this woman, and there are four boys in the family to raise, so she and the man came to the grove to support the family.

Jiang Yuzhu was shy and didn't say anything for a while, she asked very embarrassedly: "What do you mean by half-closed the door?"

Jiang Xinyu also raised her ears, what does the door half open mean?
Zhou Qi hated himself for being outspoken, so he said flatly: "It's nothing interesting, you don't need to know."

Zhou Qi is a native of the capital. Although he is not very old, he also knows that most of the Bada Hutongs used to do business.Of course, it no longer exists on the surface these years, but there should be absolutely no one doing that kind of thing secretly.

Jiang Xinyu couldn't stand being bitten by mosquitoes, but Zhou Qi and her sister almost kissed each other in front of the reeds.

No wonder the male and female protagonists of film and television dramas in later generations tend to fall in love with each other because of the drama, and the real one in front of her is an example!
She directly pulled the reed away and jumped out, coughing clearly.

Chen Yi watched her do nothing, followed her out with a faint smile on his face.

Both Zhou Qi and Jiang Yuzhu were scared out of their wits.

The two had a good relationship with each other. Before, at most, they held small hands. With Yuan Chunhua and Li Yiping's incident, Zhou Qi's mind was inevitably a little fluctuating. As the two young faces approached each other, their hearts were wrinkled nervously. with.Suddenly a person jumped out beside him, and his heart almost jumped out.

"Comrade Zhou, do you dare to drag my sister into the grove?" Jiang Xinyu asked in a low voice.

Zhou Qi is from the capital, and he left after filming the movie. Has he thought about the future of the two of them?

Every time I saw Comrade Zhou before, he grinned with big white teeth. He looked young and bright, so why didn't he do personnel work?
Jiang Yuzhu's face was blushing, and she wished she could find a way to get in, "Little sister, what are you talking about? We didn't do anything."

Why did Jiang Xinyu feel that these words sounded familiar, the last time she made such a promise to Chen Xiuyun was after she had kissed Chen Yi in the forest belt enough to go home.

Zhou Qi was quite embarrassed, "Comrade Xiao Jiang, I just like your sister, we hit it off, what's the matter with someone?"

Jiang Xinyu asked: "Will you marry my sister? Will you take her to the capital? Do you two have a future? If you can't give her a future, you can talk to her in secret, and you won't have to talk about it. Let me be honest, I will keep watching you!"

Jiang Xinyu bared her teeth, pointed at him with two fingers with a slightly vicious expression.

She is not good at playing mandarin ducks.

Her thinking is still decades later, falling in love is nothing, and it is normal for young men and women to have mutual affection.

But before you get married, you should honestly fall in love, and things below the neck must never happen.

How conservative people are nowadays. If something happened to Jiang Yuzhu and Zhou Qi, but she didn't get married in the end, and she got married in the future, would she still be able to live a good life?

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