good old days

Chapter 109

Zhou Qi was speechless when asked by Jiang Xinyu. He had never liked anyone else. After coming to the Wuliqiao brigade, he was attracted by the gentle, beautiful and motivated Jiang Yuzhu. He liked her, but he really didn't think about the future .

Jiang Xinyu misunderstood Zhou Qi's straightforward question, and he no longer dared to look at Jiang Yuzhu.

"I have to get up early tomorrow, so I'll go back first."

After a while, he choked out a sentence and hurried away, Jiang Xinyu snorted.

Jiang Yuzhu is sorry, I'm sorry, but the younger sister and Chen Yi are here, are they here to drill into the grove?
She hesitated to speak and asked, "little sister, what are you two doing here?"

Jiang Xinyu raised the straw bag in her hand, "Come catch the frog."

Jiang Yuzhu blushed, ashamed of her random guess just now.

"Sister, have you eaten, and catch frogs with us."

Jiang Yuzhu had the nerve to stay, "Don't tell mom about going back, I'm going home first."

Jiang Yuzhu ran away in a hurry, and Jiang Xinyu heard Chen Yi chuckle.

"What are you laughing at?" Jiang Xinyu leaned her waist to look at him.

"You laugh at them fifty steps at a hundred steps."

Jiang Xinyu snorted, "How can there be a hundred steps, we are different from them."

Chen Yi liked her words, turned on the flashlight and began to illuminate the frog, "Why is it different?"

"Our thinking is different from that of people today. Divorce is nothing after decades. In this day and age, most people get married for a lifetime."

Seeing that the frog illuminated by the lamp remained motionless, Jiang Xinyu hurriedly opened the mask of the straw bag and climbed up.

She didn't dare to touch this thing, so she pressed the straw bag, looked up at Chen Yi, and beckoned him to come.

Chen Yi handed her the flashlight, knelt down and put the frog into the straw bag.

Summer nights are breezy, and when there is wind, mosquitoes cannot lie on people's skin to suck blood.

The crops in the field were blown by the wind and made a slight sound, the leaves in the forest belt rattled, the moonlight was getting brighter, and the vegetation cast mottled images on the ground.

The two of them caught the frog, and their mouths were not idle.Jiang Xinyu complained about how much she suffered from working in school, and she will spend tomorrow and the next nine days in the field. Thinking about it, she has nothing to love.

The light of the flashlight still attracted a few children who stayed up after dinner. A group of people were chattering. Jiang Xinyu took out a few candies from her pocket and shared them with them.

Jiang Xinyu returned home with a full harvest, Chen Yi sent her to the door and asked, "I'm going to the city early tomorrow morning, do you have anything you want?"

Jiang Xinyu shook her head and said, "There is nothing necessary, but what are you going to do?"

He said, "Go check the radio."

Buying radios was next. He wanted to see if he could buy some old broken ones from the scrap yard, repair them and sell them on the black market.

Ding Changhai received a broken radio at a very low price before, and he helped fix it, and sold it on the black market for more than five times the profit.Otherwise, Ding Changhai couldn't treat guests so generously in state-run restaurants.

Antiques are not encountered every day, once a month is not bad, he has to think of other ways to make money.

His ability to repair these old objects is all due to the fact that his grandfather has a lot of these old objects. Once something breaks and his grandfather cannot repair it, he will call him.He didn't know how to do it at first, but after a lot of tinkering and pondering, he gradually became proficient.

Jiang Xinyu had a deep hatred for the farm work in the next few days, so she said cheekily at this time: "If you are free, you must come back and help me with the work."

Li Yuezhen came out of the house to go to the toilet, when she heard the sound of two people arriving at the gate of the courtyard, she simply squatted and waited in the courtyard, only to hear Jiang Xinyu confidently asking her partner to help her with work. Chen Yi, who was very clean and handsome, thoughtfully replied hello.

When Jiang Xinyu was happy, she smiled and tiptoed to kiss Chen Yi's face.

"Then let's talk about it, goodbye."

Chen Yi looked at her with gentle eyes, turned around and went back to the house, and walked home with half of the frog.

Li Yuezhen looked at this beautiful little village girl with surprise in her eyes, how could she kiss her lover so "unrestrainedly"?
Jiang Xinyu closed the courtyard door, turned around and saw Li Yuezhen squatting under the shed, looking up at her as if looking up.

"Comrade Li, why don't you eavesdrop here? Watch out for the eye of a needle."

Li Yuezhen got up speechless, "You two blocked the door, how can I get out? You lesbian, why don't you know how to be ashamed at all."

She dared to kiss, why didn't she dare to let her see?

The two muttered a few words, Jiang Xinyu was not angry, anyway, the whole team knew that she and Chen Yi were in a relationship, so how could they spread gossip?
Li Yuezhen saw the frog in her hand, and said happily: "Tomorrow, I will grab some with you. Your mother made it last time was so delicious. When I go back later, it will not be easy to eat this food."

Li Yuezhen has lived in Jiang Xinyu's house for a long time, and she is more familiar with Jiang Yuzhu, and can chat and joke with Jiang Xinyu.

Jiang Xinyu liked Comrade Li Yuezhen more than the gone Chen Jiajia.

Jiang Xinyu put the frog on the floor of the kitchen. The water in the pot was still suffocating. After taking a comfortable bath, she entered the room and saw Comrade Jiang Zhenzhen sitting on the bedside with a book flipping through it.

"What do you see here?"

Jiang Zhenzhen showed her the cover, and the big characters on it were very clear, "Xu Zhimo's Poetry Collection".The cover is a little yellowed and old, and the book looks old.

"Autumn rain is beside the first-class cold autumn water, in a haggard autumn willow, on a cowardly autumn branch, on a leaf that is not yet yellow, listen to his affection..."

"Who of you two knows these two characters?" Jiang Zhenzhen handed the book to the two younger sisters.

Jiang Yuzhu shook her head, and Jiang Xinyu said, "Hey, hey, say yu and sha."

"Where did this collection of poems come from?"

Jiang Yuzhu said with an unnatural expression: "Zhou Qi sent it." She liked the song "Farewell to Cambridge" the most.

Every poem by Mei here has a feeling that she can't express, it's beautiful and melancholy, she can almost recite what she's read these days.

Jiang Zhenzhen nodded after reading a poem, and closed the book, "It seems that no bookstore in our county sells this collection of poems."

The big treasure in the room started crying again, and Jiang Zhenzhen hurried back to coax the child without saying a few words.

After the candle was extinguished, Jiang Yuzhu explained again to Jiang Xinyu worriedly: "You can't tell my mother about me."

Jiang Xinyu told her uneasy, "Sister, you can't be confused, keep some distance from him, talk to the person you talk to, and never do anything out of line. When the time comes, he pats his ass and leaves, what are you going to do?" Woolen cloth?"

Jiang Yuzhu blushed when she said, "I know, don't say it." It made people die of embarrassment.

Jiang Yuzhu turned around, feeling a little depressed suddenly.

She and Zhou Qi are not compatible, and she can't see the future, so she should keep some distance from him in the future.What the younger sister said, "it's okay to talk about a partner but keep a distance", she can't understand. If it is destined not to have a marriage, it's better not to start.Thinking of Xu Zhimo's poems that she read these days, Jiang Yuzhu felt sad and wanted to cry.

What Jiang Xinyu didn't expect was that she just said a few more words, and she was about to break Zhou Qi's relationship. The two of them were pinched in the bud by Jiang Xinyu just at the beginning.

Jiang Zhenzhen's Dabao cried two or three times at night, and Jiang Xinyu would be woken up every time. The baby's crying was sharp and loud, and the night was silent, which was really penetrating.

On the soil slope not far from the entrance of the village, the old bachelor Zhang Tiezhu was lying on it with his clothes on. He slept soundly. Even if he was bitten by a mosquito, he just slapped it casually in his sleep. The sound of snoring and frogs sounded one after another.

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