good old days

Chapter 110

Jiang Xinyu was woken up several times by Dabao's crying throughout the night, and Chen Xiuyun shared the bed with Jiang Zhenzhen, and had to get up in the middle of the night to change the baby's diaper, which was too much trouble.

Chen Xiuyun has gotten used to it in the past few days, but after falling asleep in the middle of the night, it is inevitable that she wakes up half an hour later than on Saturdays in the past.

Chen Xiuyun got up in a hurry, went to Jiang Xinyu's bed and confessed: "Today you are going to work in the field. If someone asks, it will say that the child is not nutritious enough. I will go to the supply and marketing agency in the county to see if there is any milk powder sold."

Milk powder tickets are a scarce item these days, and even more scarce than milk powder tickets is milk powder, which is so in short supply that it can be sold out as soon as it appears in department stores.Of course, people in the village would never spend money on milk powder, and no one would be willing to do so.

Of course Chen Xiuyun was lying. Even if the villagers thought that she really had a milk powder ticket, they would automatically think it was from her natal family.

Jiang Xinyu was tortured a lot that night, she responded and turned over.

At this time, Chen Yigang rode a bicycle past Jiang Xinyu's yard. Zhang Tiezhu, who had been bitten by mosquitoes all night, sat up on the slope in a daze when he heard the movement of the bicycle.

Chen Yi stopped his bicycle, squinted his eyes and raised his voice and asked, "Who's there?"

Zhang Tiezhu didn't dare to move, he was a little angry, why wasn't Chen Xiuyun the one who came out?Could it be that he slept so soundly before that he didn't hear Chen Xiuyun go by?

Seeing Chen Yi approaching slowly, Zhang Tiezhu simply stood up, cleared his phlegm throat, spat on the ground and said: "It's me, you Uncle Zhang, it's not yet dawn, where are you going?"

Zhang Tiezhu approached and saw through the moonlight that there was nothing on Chen Yi's car.Going out so early, besides doing bad things, what else can you do?

Chen Yi got on his bicycle and didn't answer his question. Instead, he asked indifferently, "You have a home and don't go back. What do you want to do when you fall asleep at this intersection?"

Chen Yi knew that Chen Xiuyun would go to the county to do business during the elementary school holidays in the team, so it was hard for him not to suspect that Zhang Tiezhu deliberately sleeping on the road at the entrance of the village had something to do with this matter.

If you are caught speculating, you have to squat on the fence.

Zhang Tiezhu snorted, "I can be wherever I like, where are you going?"

Chen Yi answered concisely: "Go to the city and watch the radio."

After answering, he said again: "You sleep here most of the night, when I come back today, I will respond to the captain."

Zhang Tiezhu was taken aback, "What's your reaction? What did I do to me?"

"This is an intersection. Women comrades from the brigade will pass by at any time. You are squatting here, making it difficult not to suspect that you have ulterior motives!"

Zhang Tiezhu pointed at him, unable to speak for a while, and finally said angrily, "My mother saw a rabbit passing by here yesterday, can't I guard the rabbit here?"

Zhang Tiezhu is not doing his job properly, and he has something to do with Yuan Chunhua, but he and Yuan Chunhua are your own wishes, and it doesn't bother anyone. Everyone in the brigade turns a blind eye and ignores them, but if someone It is serious to say that you are a hooligan. How can you talk nonsense?
Chen Yi watched the candles in Jiang Xinyu's house light up and then went out, wondering whether Chen Xiuyun had heard the movement here, so he deliberately asked Zhang Tiezhu: "Uncle, did you and Yuan Chunhua go to the grove again yesterday? "

Zhang Tiezhu was taken aback, and denied it flatly, "Chunhua and I are innocent, don't talk nonsense, you brat."

Although many people in the brigade knew about him and Yuan Chunhua, he would never admit it to anyone who asked.

But this kid was talking about yesterday. He didn't go to Yuan Chunhua yesterday. He went to Yuan Chunhua now when it was dark and went to her house in the middle of the night. When did he go to the grove?
Chen Yi seemed puzzled and said casually: "That's really strange, who else could it be if it wasn't you? I think the back looks like you."

Zhang Tiezhu's fist was already clenched.

Yuan Chunhua went out with other people behind her back?How could she treat him like this!He has subsidized her with some food and money, how dare this bitch find someone else behind his back?

"Hurry up, it will take a long time to get to the city."

Zhang Tiezhu drove the people away and walked to the village by himself. Chen Yi was about to label him. Of course he couldn't continue to sit here and wait. He wanted to turn to Chen Xiuyun's latrine to guard.

Chen Yi walked on the road, looked back several times, and thought that there should be no problem before he rode away.

Chen Xiuyun was planning to leave with pig soap and mung bean cake, but when she left the main house and arrived in the yard, she heard voices not far away.

It was too quiet at night, and although the voice of the voice could not be heard clearly in the yard, at least it let her know that there was someone at the intersection.

Chen Xiuyun sat on a small bench in the shed and listened quietly. After a while, the sound of the two people talking disappeared, and there was a slight sound of footsteps coming from the gate of her house. called.

Zhang Tiezhu outside cursed in his heart, "I'll kill you sooner or later", and then he hurried away.

Chen Xiuyun didn't know what was going on outside, but she knew that it was not appropriate to go out today, so she simply carried her things in and put them away.

When Jiang Xinyu was sleeping in a daze, the captain whistled and started calling the commune members to work.

In summer, I have to take advantage of the cool weather in the morning to go to work quickly, and then go home to eat at seven or eight o'clock, and go to the field to continue working after eating, and go back to rest and eat until the sun reaches the top of the head.

Jiang Xinyu felt that this day was too difficult. She didn't sleep well at night, and she had to get up early to sweat in the field.

She got up in a daze, and was stunned when she saw Comrade Chen Xiuyun. Could it be that her mother told her that she was dreaming?

"Mom, why didn't you go to the county?"

Chen Xiuyun took out Jiang Xinyu's most patched and oldest clothes and gave them to her, "Someone was talking outside before, so I didn't go, change clothes quickly, and go to work."

Jiang Zhenzhen patted Dabao on the bed in the room, "Mom, what can I do for you?"

Chen Xiuyun said: "Bake some mung bean porridge. There are two eggplants in the field that are growing big. You can pick them up and steam them in cold salad, and then heat up the steamed buns."

After explaining, Chen Xiuyun took Jiang Xinyu to the field.

It was still early in the morning, and the straw was covered with dew, and Jiang Xinyu's patched trousers were half wet in a short time.

God, asking her to work can really kill her. Seeing Su Qingqing, who is a hundred meters away and doesn't stop breathing like a chicken blood, she casts her admiration.

Sweat flowed into her eyes along her forehead, and the coarse clothes on her back were soaked, and her old waist could not stand upright. After coming home for dinner, Jiang Xinyu came back to life.

Going to work in the afternoon, Jiang Zhenzhen took the child to the field to deliver cold boiled water from the town of Jingshui. When the sun was setting, Chen Yi finally came back on colorful auspicious clouds.

Ask for a ticket

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