good old days

Chapter 111

Chapter 111
There was never a moment when Jiang Xinyu was so happy to see Chen Yi.

The burning clouds in the sky are like a picture scroll. The setting sun swayed enthusiasm to the land. The land is warm under the sun. The green grass on the edge of the field is a bit wilted because of the intense heat these days. The wheat is golden yellow, and the members of the commune are busy, which is a scene of a bumper harvest.

Chen Yi specially changed into coarse cloth clothes, and after bringing water to Widow Wang, he found Jiang Xinyu, took the sickle in her hand and waved it.

After a while, a fine layer of sweat appeared on the back of his neck, and the clothes on his back were soaked quickly, his face was tanned by the hot sunset, and the muscles on his arms bulged with his movements during work. a drum.

Jiang Xinyu sat aside, took off the cloth on her face, and wiped the sweat from her head with her sleeve, her waist could not straighten up for the time being.

"Haven't you been running around to show movies recently?"

Chen Yi kept moving his hands, "The commune is harvesting crops recently, so there is no need to run back and forth at night."

Jiang Xinyu didn't hide her joy, "That's great, you will have time to help me with work in the future."

If it wasn't forced by the current conditions, Chen Yi would never let her pick up farm tools to dry in the field.He glanced at her and saw that her face was hot and pink, and the hair on her forehead was sticking to her head, and he was about to tell her happy news, "I brought back cherries today, and I will send them to you in the evening." past."

Jiang Xinyu's eyes lit up.

"By the way, you have something to tell your mother. Zhang Tiezhu probably slept on the road at the entrance of the village last night. Let your mother think about it later."

Jiang Xinyu immediately lifted her spirits. When she was at home last week, she saw Zhang Tiezhu poking his head into her courtyard. What kind of heart does this person have?

Jiang Xinyu was allocated five points of wheat today, and six work points after finishing all the work. Before Chen Yi came, she cut more than three points of wheat. Seeing Chen Yi working non-stop, her back was already drenched in sweat After a good rest, Jiang Xinyu finally has a conscience.

"Sit there and rest for a while, I'll take your place for a while."

Jiang Xinyu saw Widow Wang looking this way several times with sharp eyes.

Chen Yi was also sweating all over his head and body, as if he had been fished out of the water. He grabbed his coarse clothes, wiped the sweat on his face casually, stood up straight and said, "Sit aside."

Jiang Xinyu handed him the straw hat she was holding to fan the wind, "Don't get tanned."

Chen Yi doesn't wear it, he doesn't care if it's black or not, it's uncomfortable to wear a hat to work, and I don't know how she can wear a hat and cover her face with a cloth, the sun is so poisonous, even the sunset is so powerful, for She is also very good without being tanned.

Seeing him bending over and sweating profusely, Jiang Xinyu sneered.

"What are you laughing at?"

"You never thought of doing farm work in the field before."

Chen Yi also chuckled out loud, he really didn't think about it.All the experiences in this era of waiting to be done are very novel.

When the commune members pulling the donkey cart approached, Jiang Xinyu quickly got up to hug the pile of straw and put the straw on the donkey cart.

"Chen Yi, why do you feel sorry for your partner, Xinyu, good luck..."

After joking with the two, the member of the Wuliqiao brigade asked again, "When will the brigade show movies again?"

"After this busy period is over, there will be a new movie to watch next time."

Members were a little excited and asked what movie it was.

After all the straw was loaded onto the donkey cart, the members pulled the donkey cart back with unsatisfied enthusiasm.

Chen Yi mowed all the wheat in two parts of the field with a sullen head. After finishing, he threw the sickle on the ground. Like Jiang Xinyu, he sat on the ridge of the field carelessly, and casually lifted up his clothes to wipe his sweat.

The two sat so close that she could feel the steaming heat from his body.Jiang Xinyu sighed in her heart, this person used to be so particular, but now he has become a rough man in the field.

The two of them walked back with a bundle of straw each, and sent it back and forth several times. Jiang Xinyu's body continued to sweat and itched.

After returning the sickle to the farm tool room and watching the scorekeeper score six work points for her, today's work will be considered a successful end.

The sun was about to set on the mountain, and the embers of the setting sun were gradually being swallowed by the twilight.

The only thing that can make Jiang Xinyu look good after a day of exhaustion is the fried frog at night.

She sat on a small bench and ate apricots, waiting for the water in the pot to heat up so she could wash her hair and take a bath.

The messy things such as wheat ears and dust on the body mixed with sweat made it itchy all over the body, and it was impossible to sleep without taking a bath.

The sky quickly darkened, and when Jiang Xinyu was washing her hair and taking a bath, Chen Yi brought over a cloth bag of cherries.

The cherries were picked from wild cherry trees. They were small and not dark red, but they were sweet and sour and full of flavor.

Chen Xiuyun couldn't be more satisfied with Chen Yi. Seeing that he turned to leave, Chen Xiuyun hurriedly called out, "I made you a shirt, take it home and try it on."

When Chen Xiuyun was making clothes for the daughters, Widow Wang also made clothes for Chen Yina with cloth shoes. She secretly wrote down his size, and specially made it one size bigger, so that it would be easier to wear a smaller one.Clothes are not afraid of being big, but of being small.

Those few photos cost a lot of money, the little girl felt at ease, but Chen Xiuyun didn't want to take such a big advantage.The more Chen Yi spends on the little girl, the more the Widow Wang will be unhappy.

Chen Yi was really surprised when he received the shirt. Although the material of the clothes was not really good, it was also a wish from his future mother-in-law Chen Xiuyun.

"Thank you, Auntie."

Chen Xiuyun smiled and said, "Why are you being polite, you often come to deliver things, it's nothing if my aunt makes you a dress."

"In the future, you have to save some money, don't be willing to buy everything for Xinyu, and always plan carefully for the future."

Chen Xiuyun said that the little girl didn't work, so she had to explain a few more words in front of Chen Yi.

Chen Yi smiled lightly and said, "I know."

After Chen Yi left, Jiang Zhenzhen said sourly again: "Mom, you are too kind to him."

Chen Yi has not yet married his younger sister, so the treatment is already better than that of Zhang Hua.Thinking of Zhang Hua who hadn't heard from her for a week, Jiang Zhenzhen's face collapsed again.

Hello Zhang Hua, that's great!This is not wanting to be with her!
Jiang Zhenzhen gritted her teeth in her heart.

Chen Xiuyun gave her a white look, "Chen Yi often carries things home, and I should make him a dress."

She could be seen in the afternoon. Chen Yi was working for the little girl, and Widow Wang looked there from time to time. Although her face was not ugly, it was definitely not good-looking.

Here, when Chen Yi came home with a shirt made of white pure cotton plain cloth, Widow Wang was also handling the frog.

Widow Wang's heart is really a little sour, Chen Yi is too concerned about Jiang Xinyu, working for her is called hard work.

Looking at the things in his hand, she asked casually, "What are you holding?"

Chen Yi unfolded the clothes and said, "Mother Xinyu made the shirt for me."

The discomfort in Widow Wang's heart disappeared, and she nodded secretly in her heart, Chen Xiuyun knows what's good and what's wrong.

"Go and try it."

Chen Yi said: "I'll try again after I take a shower, or the clothes will get dirty."

Jiang Xinyu took a comfortable bath, and Chen Xiuyun's fried frog was ready, served with thick rice porridge that had been cooled down, and a few people ate a round belly under the shed with the breeze blowing.

A few sweet and sour cherries came after the meal, and most of Jiang Xinyu's exhaustion dissipated.

Li Yuezhen fell in love with the delicacy of stir-fried frog, so she took a small flashlight and tools, called Jiang Xinyu and Jiang Yuzhu, and prepared to cook the big ones.

(End of this chapter)

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