good old days

Chapter 112 Zhang Hua Comes to Pick Up People Again

Chapter 112 Zhang Hua Comes to Pick Up People Again
In the countryside on summer nights, frogs sing the most, one after another, like singing in a competition.

Jiang Xinyu had the experience of catching frogs twice, and this time she specially prepared an extra wooden basin.

Whenever the flashlight shines on the timid frogs, the wooden basins will be dropped quickly, one cover at a time.

In addition to them catching frogs, there are half-grown boys over there also catching frogs.

The comrades in the studio have also tasted the delicacy of frogs one after another recently. Seeing that the three of them caught it smoothly, they all came here with small flashlights to learn from it.

"It's too oily to make these dishes. I still have some oil tickets in my hand. I'll go to the town to buy some tomorrow. If your mother asks me to eat frogs for nothing, I'll feel embarrassed."

Li Yuezhen looked up and saw Zhou Qi and several gay men, and beckoned: "Come, come, let's catch frogs together."

Jiang Yuzhu froze, and walked a few steps towards Jiang Xinyu as if she hadn't seen Zhou Qi.

Zhou Qi and Jiang Yuzhu just made it clear after they fell in love with each other, but they just held hands. They were so shy that they were about to kiss when they were interrupted by Jiang Xinyu, a wicked ghost. After her output, Jiang Yuzhu and Zhou Qi made it clear at noon today. People still forget it.

Zhou Qi's first love came to an end just after it started.

What made him uncomfortable was that after Jiang Yuzhu made the final decision with him, he was able to shoot the movie normally in the afternoon, as if nothing had happened, and he was the only one who was worried about it.

Everyone was talking and laughing while grabbing the frog, and Zhou Qi glanced at Jiang Yuzhu from time to time, seeing that she was obviously avoiding him, and he felt a lot more comfortable.

Jiang Xinyu's half-wet hair was loose, and the straw bag was half full, and her hair was completely dry. When the night wind blew, it was quite cool.

The small flashlight was out of power. Li Yuezhen looked at the frog in the straw bag and turned back contentedly.

At the gate of the courtyard, Zhou Qi was still following, and Li Yuezhen asked in surprise, "Why don't you go back?"

Zhou Qi said: "I'll talk to Comrade Jiang about tomorrow's play."

Jiang Xinyu coughed lightly, and with Li Yuezhen behind her back, she bent two fingers and gestured towards Zhou Qi.

Zhou Qi instantly remembered last night and swallowed uncomfortably.

Jiang Xinyu didn't know what the two said, and Jiang Yuzhu didn't share with her about Zhou Qi at night, but before going to bed, Comrade Jiang Yuzhu flipped through Xu Zhimo's poetry collection again.

The body was too exhausted, and Dabao cried again at night. Jiang Xinyu didn't wake up after hearing it faintly, and slept quite deeply.

Two consecutive days of manual labor turned Jiang Xinyu into a dead fish. Even if Chen Yi came back to help her every afternoon, she would still spend several hours in the sun, and the clothes she carried on her back in the field had not been dried.The only thing that comforts her is the fried frog chicken every day.

Jiang Zhenzhen lived in her natal family for too long, and the members of the village wentssip behind her back.

On Tuesday, when Jiang Xinyu dragged her exhausted body home for dinner at noon, she saw her brother-in-law Zhang Hua again.

Zhang Hua brought a bundle of dried noodles and a fish, and was sitting under the shed talking to Jiang Zhenzhen.

Seeing Jiang Xinyu come back, he said hello, "Little sister is back."

Jiang Xinyu said "hmm" and said, "A rare guest, why is brother-in-law here free?"

Jiang Xinyu's words were intended to make trouble. Zhang Hua was originally not good at words, and his face was dark, even if he blushed with shame, he couldn't show it.

"I've been too busy recently, with too many things to do, so I only found time today."

Jiang Zhenzhen, who was holding the child, looked sour. She felt that Zhang Hua's failure to pick her up these few days had a lot to do with his mother.

Exactly as Chen Xiuyun expected, Zhang Hua's mother got angry when Zhang Hua came to pick up someone last time but didn't pick him up, and she was going to let Jiang Yuzhu hang out.

Naturally, Chen Xiuyun was not very happy. She hoped that her daughter would have a better life after marriage than anyone else. It was obvious that Zhang Hua's mother was partial to her younger son and daughter-in-law, and she didn't allow Jiang Zhenzhen to make too much trouble, which left her alone for many days.

Whoever's daughter is distressed, Zhang Huaneng hasn't come to pick up her for so many days, obviously he doesn't pay attention to her family Zhenzhen.Then continue to live in her mother's house, it's not that she can't afford it.

"Zhang Hua, if you go home now, you can go back before dark, so go back after dinner."

Chen Xiuyun had a good voice on her face, and she didn't seem to blame Zhang Hua in the slightest.

Zhang Hua was at a loss and said, "Won't Zhenzhen go back with me?"

Chen Xiuyun said with a smile: "I don't care about Dabao, let him stay at grandma's house for a while, and you will pick him up after a while."

Zhang Hua was dumbfounded, for a while?

How long is a while?
The last time he came to pick up someone and didn't pick him up, his mother said that his daughter-in-law was still angry and waited a few days until she figured it out before picking him up.

He is a cashier at a food station. His job is considered easy and he has vacations, but he took a break a few days ago, and he accompanied her mother to the grandmother's house in the countryside to see a sick old man. It was only today that he was free to pick up his wife and children.

Zhang Hua was a little dazed, his mother said that his wife should calm down, but she was still angry, and his mother-in-law seemed to be angry too.

When Zhang Hua was thinking about how to coax Jiang Zhenzhen, Chen Yi rode a bicycle to the door, and the car bell rang.

Chen Xiuyun looked around, and greeted with a smile: "Come in and cool off in the shed, have you eaten? I made jelly last night, and I will bring a piece back to your mother later."

Zhang Hua looked at Chen Xiuyun's smile greeting Chen Yi at this time, and compared her smile to his son-in-law just now, he felt something was wrong.

Chen Yi parked his bicycle in a cool place and came in, holding a book in his hand, "I took a book from my classmate and showed it to Xinyu."

Chen Xiuyun looked at the somewhat old book in his hand, and handed him a washed crispy cucumber that was still stained with water.

Jiang Xinyu took the book, and on the cover was "Rising Sun by the River". Thinking of the "How the Steel Was Tempered" that she had never read, she felt a little bit ashamed.She doesn't like reading very much, but he used to have a lot of books in his study.

"Xinyu, go to the house and bring out another pound of mung bean cake."

Chen Xiuyun has no time to go to the black market in the county recently. She is afraid that Zhang Tiezhu will find out something. This mung bean cake can be stored for a month without spoiling, and it can be sold for money if it is kept. She doesn't feel bad at all for Chen Yi to take it back.

Chen Yi refused: "I haven't finished eating what my aunt sent last time."

Chen Yi worked very hard to help Jiang Xinyu these few days. Jiang Xinyu brought out the mung bean cake and said with a smile: "If you get tired of eating, next time I will make soybeans for you."

Chen Yi didn't want to pick it up, but seeing her smiling so sweetly, he accepted it with a "huh", and Qingjun's brows and eyes became gentle.

Seeing Chen Xiuyun being treated differently, Zhang Hua felt a little uncomfortable.

Chen Xiuyun cut a large piece of solidified jelly and put it in a small basin for Chen Yi.

"It's not a rare thing. A bowl of sweet potato flour can cook a pot. Don't be polite to your aunt. Xinyu, you can help Chen Yi bring it over."

The sweet potato flour is all homemade, and this thing is really not a rare thing.Eating this food is not good at all, it just makes you hungry quickly, which is not a good thing.

Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi went out, Zhang Hua watched their backs helplessly.

Zhang Hua felt a little wronged, he didn't come to Jiang Zhenzhen's mother's house many times, and her mother was always very warm to him, but today he sat here for an hour, and he didn't even see what the mung bean cake looked like.

Zhang Hua looked at his daughter-in-law, "Is that the younger sister?"

Jiang Zhenzhen gave a deadpan "Yes".

Chen Xiuyun chopped the onion and garlic, then poured oil and put the jelly in the pot.

The temperature in the kitchen was not low, and the steam was lingering, and the aroma of fried jelly soon came out.

 Is there anyone else who suffers from insomnia until four or five in the morning like me, and feels like a fairy (┯_┯)
(End of this chapter)

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