good old days

Chapter 113 Shame

The home-made sweet potato jelly is taupe after solidification, which is not so good-looking compared to the clear white jelly that turns green in the future, but when it is fried with green onions and garlic, many jelly cut into pieces are smashed with a spatula. It is sticky and sticky, but it is very fragrant when eaten in the mouth.

Jiang Xinyu had never eaten fried jelly, but she liked it very much the first time she ate it. It was soft and glutinous with a little chewiness. She ate two small bowls in a row.

Zhang Hua is a good boy who listens to his mother. When he does not conflict with his family, he is also a "good husband" who is considerate to his wife.

Chen Xiuyun made it clear that he would come to pick him up after a while, Zhang Hua knew that his mother-in-law was dissatisfied no matter how smart he was.

After eating, Zhang Hua didn't leave, but followed Chen Xiuyun and Jiang Xinyu to the field.

The primary school in the brigade is also on the so-called busy farming holiday this week. Chen Xiuyun organizes a group of primary school students to glean wheat ears in the field, and Jiang Xinyu still has more than half of her daily workload. Zhang Hua, the brother-in-law, directly takes the sickle passed.

"Little sister, go back and help me persuade your sister to let her go home with me."

Sleeping at night without a wife and children, Zhang Hua has not slept well recently.

Jiang Xinyu put her waist aside and said, "Brother-in-law, who is more important to you than my sister or your brother?"

Zhang Hua asked puzzledly: "They are all important, how can we still distinguish between high and low?"

The corners of Jiang Xinyu's lips curled into a slight mocking arc, "I shouldn't have said these things, but brother-in-law, think about it yourself, this is not about work, it is your actions that show that my sister is in your heart without you family important facts."

"Brother-in-law, your brother will fight for his wife, why don't you fight for my sister's job that belongs to her?"

The last sentence made Zhang Hua bend over and froze in place. He wanted to say something for his younger brother, but he felt that what he wanted to say could not strongly refute Jiang Xinyu's accusation. The clouds in front of him seemed to be slowly being dispersed. A little ashamed, I heard Jiang Xinyu continue to say: "This is because in your heart, your family is more important than my sister."

"As long as your brother cares about you and my sister, he will not agree to the proposal of asking my sister to give up her job to his wife. Brother-in-law, people who just get married know that it is more important for their daughter-in-law to be closer. Why don't you understand how to live with you in the future?" Is it more important to be a person of decades?"

Zhang Hua was so ashamed that he couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

He used to feel that he had wronged his wife, but before the fourth sibling came in, his parents agreed that she would arrange work. He didn't want to see his family members in trouble, and he also felt that it was hard for his sister-in-law to take care of the two children during the day, and Zhenzhen took care of the children at home. Well, she doesn't have to go to work during the day and nurse the baby at night.

Zhang Hua realized that from the beginning to the end, he didn't take Jiang Zhenzhen's thoughts into consideration.

When the two were talking, Chen Yi found Tian Jian, and he could finish all the work for her this afternoon.As he got closer, he heard what Jiang Xinyu said to Zhang Hua.

When Jiang Xinyu heard footsteps, she looked back and smiled when she saw him, "You are here, but I don't need you today, someone else has done the work, let's go back."

Jiang Xinyu made no secret of her joy at having someone working.Isn't it just right to let Zhang Hua wake up in the field?

Zhang Hua, immersed in complex emotions of guilt, raised his head when he heard Chen Yi's footsteps.

Seeing Chen Yi smiling and nodding to greet him, then turning around and leaving with the smiling Jiang Xinyu, Zhang Hua suddenly fell silent.

Can't Jiang Xinyu restrain herself a little?He was "educated" just now, and he was amazed that Zhenzhen's little sister was so sensible at such a young age, but now, he couldn't help but feel a little subtle.

Zhang Hua continued to bend over to work, Jiang Xinyu's words rang in his head.

He thought of the days when his daughter-in-law went back to her natal home, the fourth younger brother and sister Pan Yu once said in front of his mother that Zhenzhen was very aggressive, but the fourth younger brother didn't say a word about Pan Yu. Thinking of this, Zhang Hua grimaced.

The wind was blowing gusts today, and the straw hat on Jiang Xinyu's head was blown far away without paying attention.

When she ran to get the hat back, she heard Chen Yi say: "You can still reason with people."

Jiang Xinyu raised her chin proudly, "Do you think what I said makes sense?"

Chen Yi nodded in agreement, "You are right."

After listening to what she said just now, Chen Yi thought more.

Her parents left early, and although she was raised by her uncle's family, they were not her biological parents after all, so how could it be the same?After marrying him, the two formed a new family, and he was busy with work and didn't have much time to spend with her.She also said that time that her expectations for marriage and family were different from his, and now he had a deeper understanding of this sentence.

The two stood under the shade of the tree, and Jiang Xinyu stood in front of him and said with a smile on her face, "The melons in my private plot seem to be ripe, let's go pick a melon and eat it."

With complicated emotions, Chen Yi raised his hand and touched her head, "I'm sorry," he apologized for neglecting her in the past, he was indeed not a good husband.

Jiang Xinyu tilted her head, her beautiful apricot eyes were puzzled, "Why did you say I'm sorry?"

Sunlight tanned his skin to a wheat color, Chen Yi's dark eyes were full of sincerity, and he said seriously: "I will treat you well in the future."

Jiang Xinyu vaguely understood what he was talking about, turned around and walked towards the private plot, and said leisurely with her little hands behind her back: "Let's not talk about the past."

She likes his current appearance, and also misses Mr. Chen, who was mature and stable in a suit and leather shoes, and looked like a social elite.

Jiang Xinyu looked around, saw no one, turned around and hugged his waist.

Both of them were wearing shabby clothes, embracing each other tightly under the shade of the trees in the hot summer.

Chen Yi's heart was full, and he smoothed her black hair, "If I make you unhappy in the future, just tell me."

The melons in the private plot had turned yellow, so Jiang Xinyu picked the more yellow ones, and let Chen Yi take one of them home.

The melon seeds of this kind of melon are sweet with yellow flesh. After breaking open, pile the melon seeds into a pile. You can keep the seeds in the next year, or you can save them in the sun and fry them to eat. However, the melon seeds are too small to eat. How delicious.

The cantaloupe is not yet fully ripe, the melon flesh is still crispy, crispy and sweet, with the unique aroma of cantaloupe.

Jiang Zhenzhen ate the melon and asked, "Are there any ripe ones in the field?" After all, she was still thinking about her man.

Jiang Xinyu nodded, "There are two more, let my brother-in-law take them back tomorrow."

It was rare for Jiang Xinyu to be idle for a long time. She boiled some mung beans in the pot and put a lot of water. Added some sugar.

She was carrying a tea bottle and a bowl to deliver water to Comrade Chen Xiuyun. Jiang Zhenzhen patted the crying child and said, "Don't forget to pour a bowl for Zhang Hua."

"I know, I know."

Jiang Xinyu didn't bother to take three stacked bowls, and when she met Widow Wang first, she poured a bowl for her first.

After taking a sip of the cool mung bean sweet soup, Widow Wang wiped her sweat and asked, "Where does your brother-in-law work?"

Jiang Xinyu nodded, poured her another bowl, and slapped her with a straw hat.

Widow Wang cooled down for a while, and wrinkled eyes appeared from the corners of her smile and said, "Okay, okay, go and bring water to your mother."

Widow Wang felt that her son was too kind to Jiang Xinyu, and there would be a hidden danger of marrying a wife and forgetting his mother in the future, but at the same time, she felt that Jiang Xinyu was really likable. Look, now I know how to be filial to her.

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