good old days

Chapter 115 1 Definitely Please

The courtyard of Jiang Xinyu's house was very lively. Comrade Gong An made fun of Xiao Hei after drinking mung bean soup.

Although Xiao Hei is a native dog, he is very spiritual.If someone passes by the yard, it will bark, but if it sees a familiar person entering the yard, it will also bark twice to remind the owner that someone is coming, and it is a good housekeeper.

Miao Yue, the daughter-in-law of the driver He Yong, Chen Xiuyun, and Widow Wang talked enthusiastically. It seemed that as long as the women comrades had a common topic, they could chat non-stop.

Miao Yue and He Zhi were grateful in their hearts, and the He family's intentions could be seen from the gifts they brought.

Miao Yue looked at Chen Yi who was squatting with Comrade Gong An, smiled and said to Widow Wang, "I heard from my man that the two young men went there to pick apricots that day. When the two get married, don't forget to tell us, let us have a wedding too."

Miao Yue told her home address in a few words, which was also very sincere.

Most of the people in the city have their eyes above the top, not to mention they all look down on the planners in the countryside, and it is useless for them to be as enthusiastic and sincere as Miao Yue.

Widow Wang smiled, "Please."

It doesn't matter whether people say that politely or not, you have to return warmly and politely.

Comrade Public Security got up after resting and said, "It's getting late, I should go back, and I can't delay your production and labor." Immediately afterwards, he explained again that he couldn't be absent at twelve o'clock the day after tomorrow.

Miao Yue also said: "It's time for us to go back. My family is grateful for Lao He's affairs, and we will see each other often in the future."

After sending people to the intersection, the bicycles of Comrade Gong An and Miao Yue's mother and son were no longer in sight, and they turned back.

Widow Wang slapped Chen Yi on the back, "You still took Xinyu to pick apricots in the wilderness, how could you! If something happened that day..."

Before she finished speaking, Widow Wang spat a few times, scolding herself for not being able to speak.

Just now they heard from the police officer that the daughters-in-law in the ravine village where the gangster lived were all abducted. The men in the village became more and more rampant. Several of the police officers were injured, but fortunately everything has been resolved now. Yes, the case is over.

The gifts offered by the He family are double, and the two big front doors alone are quite expensive.

Widow Wang sighed with her things in her hand: "This family is open and bright."

Chen Xiuyun also said: "Who says it's not."

Widow Wang walked back with Chen Yi, holding a cigarette and muttering: "It will be useful to use this for wine in the future."

Serving wine, what kind of wine?Of course it was the wedding wine for Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi's marriage.

Jiang Xinyu pretended not to hear, put the rooster in the pen to keep company with the two hens, and put the fish in the kitchen basin.

Chen Xiuyun put away the enamel basins, tea mugs and towels given by Comrade Public Security.

She went to the county this morning to sell sixty pieces of pig pancreas soap and eight catties of mung bean cakes. With some extra money and tickets, she bought some grain and brought it back with vegetables from the private plot. The family will not have it in the next few months. Lack of food and drink.

What happened to Zhang Tiezhu woke her up. If she had enough money in hand, she should not do this speculative business lightly.

After putting everything back together, Chen Xiuyun poked Jiang Xinyu's forehead, "You are prone to accidents when you go out, so you should avoid going to those remote places in the future."

Jiang Xinyu refused to accept, "Who would have predicted that something would happen? Chen Yi and I have done a good deed, indirectly helping the abducted women."

Jiang Xinyu had read the news before and thought that the abduction and trafficking of women took place from the 90s to 2000, but she did not expect that there were abductions and trafficking of women around this time.

Although it was a thrilling day, Jiang Xinyu felt very lucky to save several female comrades indirectly.

Chen Xiuyun picked up the hat hanging on the wall, put it on Jiang Xinyu's head, and said angrily, "Don't think that I don't know that you are loafing here because you are lazy. Hurry up and go to work in the grain drying field."

Jiang Xinyu took it, and suddenly felt very tired.

Hearing her sigh, Chen Xiuyun was also speechless.

Chen Xiuyun didn't know what was going on with the little girl, she was such a diligent person in the past, but now she seems to have a headache when she works.She thought about it, and thought that it might be due to Chen Yi, because he was used to it.But this also shows that Chen Yi is a good young man, and he will definitely love his wife in the future.

The county police and the three comrades Miao Yue and He Zhi appeared in quite a battle, and the people in the brigade inevitably asked what happened.

When Jiang Xinyu returned to the sun-drying yard, she was surrounded by members of the commune who were working in the sun-drying yard.

I heard that she and Chen Yi had also won the title of advanced elements, and the two of them were extremely envious.

When it was getting dark, Jiang Xinyu and Wen Guili worked together to shovel up and pack all the wheat, and then sent them back to the warehouse. After all, no one can guarantee that it will not rain at night.

At night, people had to be guarded outside the warehouse, but this was not Jiang Xinyu's turn. The people guarding the warehouse were all elders and young men from the village, so they had to sleep carelessly on the land outside the warehouse at night.

The He family was sincerely grateful, and generously gave away a piece of broiler, a chicken, and a big front door, which cost a lot of money.

It's hot now, the chickens are alive and can be reared, but the meat may have a taste if left overnight.

I just ate the meat that Zhang Hua brought over yesterday, and I ate another meat today. Jiang Xinyu felt that this day was a bit beautiful.

Jiang Yuzhu's movie will be over in another week, and when Chen Xiuyun wants to invite someone to eat at home before Fang Shibin and the others leave, this big rooster has to be kept until then.

The rich-flavored braised pork in red oil and red sauce is stewed in a pot with potatoes that just came off this year. The soup is thick and the color looks very appetizing. The soft potatoes are full of meaty fragrance. Wowotou with stick noodles makes people unable to stop eating.

Jiang Xinyu, who doesn't like fatty meat, felt that the braised pork that Chen Xiuyun made today was not greasy at all, it was very soft and rotten.

After the meal, I opened two small cantaloupe, and the wind blows again, that is very comfortable.

On Friday, Jiang Xinyu changed into her most decent clothes, got on Chen Yi's bicycle after breakfast, and the two set off for the county seat.

Chen Yi was wearing a new shirt made for him by Comrade Chen Xiuyun. It was a little big, but it didn't show much when it was tucked into his trousers.He is tall, tall and well-proportioned, with a neat and clean body, and he looks stable and reliable standing there.

Today is the commendation meeting, such an honorable and important event, of course you can't miss it.

Although the auditorium where the commendation conference was held did not look as grand as the various halls of later generations, it was filled with a sense of solemnity and solemnity. After being welcomed in by the comrades of the Public Security Bureau, Jiang Xinyu subconsciously restrained her usual hippie smile and became serious. up.

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