good old days

Chapter 116 Visiting He Yong

In the solemn and solemn auditorium, the comrades of the police in uniforms of the police sat upright and wore their hats meticulously, each of them was serious.

Jiang Xinyu really thinks that Brother Bing and Comrade Gong An are the most handsome.

The leaders of the city's public security system all came, sitting at the top and talking.

Jiang Xinyu felt very honored to be called by name on this occasion.What surprised her even more was that in addition to the rewards of the enamel jars given the day before yesterday, she and Chen Yi were each rewarded another five yuan.

In the end, the whole group took a group photo, and the figures of the two were honored to be frozen in the camera.

This photo was to be published in the provincial newspaper and would be circulated and viewed by many people.

After leaving the auditorium, it was past two o'clock, and Chen Yi asked her if she was hungry.

Jiang Xinyu patted the folded five-yuan coin in her hand a little excitedly and said: "I remember that there was such a five-yuan coin at an auction, and it sold for 36 Hong Kong dollars."

Chen Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, "So...?"

Jiang Xinyu vowed: "I want to put it away completely, and the 36 yuan will be mine in the future!"

Chen Yi had nothing to say, and wanted to laugh a little, so he handed her his five yuan, "I'll give you another 36 yuan."

Jiang Xinyu shook her head seriously, "It can be sold for 36 yuan because it is rare. Let me spend this one for you."

Chen Yi almost didn't laugh out loud, he handed her the money, "Go and spend it."

Jiang Xinyu nodded in satisfaction, and said like a comment: "You are very good now, I am very satisfied."

Chen Yi felt that she was a bit naive, but this small appearance really attracted him.

The two went to the state-run restaurant in the county. Jiang Xinyu had food coupons from Chen Xiuyun in her pocket. On this hot day, after asking for his opinion, Jiang Xinyu ordered two bowls of meat dumplings that had been soaked in cold water.

Then, the two rode to the family courtyard of the machinery factory.

He Yong is the driver of the supply and marketing cooperative. Comrade Miao Yue and He Zhi both work in the machinery factory, and their house is also in the machinery factory.

When Jiang Xinyu left in the morning, Chen Xiuyun went to the field to pick two whitish melons, as well as some seasonal vegetables such as cucumbers and beans, which she specially asked her to take to see He Yong.

Although the He family is from the county seat, those who eat these fruits and vegetables are not as convenient as those in the village.

Widow Wang also packed all the eggs laid by her own hens. The peppers in her private land grew well, so she packed a lot of peppers.

The two carried a lot of things, all of which were hung on the handlebars and packed in cloth pockets.When they entered the family courtyard, they saw He Yong sitting on a chair under the big tree in front of Tongzilou before asking where the He family was.

His legs were still tied with planks, and he was fanning leisurely with a cattail fan in his hand. He turned his head and saw the two of them, sat up straight, and instantly remembered the sticky young man in the car that day, when he was in a daze I thought the two were married.

He waved to the two of them with a fan, "You're looking for me, right? Just come, and bring anything."

The two called him "Uncle" and asked him if he was better.

The three of them were talking, and Miao Yue, who was cooking on the second floor upstairs, heard the conversation below, stood on the railing and leaned down, and shouted to the two of them, "Xiao Chen, Xiao Jiang, come up and talk."

He Yong stood up leaning on a crutch, and Chen Yi stretched out his hand to help him, fearing that he might fall if he couldn't walk properly.

He Yong waved his hand, "I can go upstairs with one leg. If you walk more these days, it's okay if your legs are bad."

Tongzilou looks more majestic than the adobe houses in the country with fenced courtyards, but it is only when you walk up that you realize how cramped it is inside.

An outer corridor is not wide in the first place, and every family has piled up things at the door. There is a cooking place at the east end, and the smell of the toilet at the west end is very strong in summer. At this time, the mixed smell of toilet and food is really It's beyond words.

Jiang Xinyu thinks that her fenced yard is better, not to mention the large space, and the toilet is not in the yard. Apart from the strong smell of the pigsty, there are basically no other problems.

He Yong's figure is already strong, and the ground is bouncing when he jumps up.The weather was so hot that even the cicadas didn't bother to sing. He Yong was sweating all over his neck when he got upstairs. His face was red and he was very tired.

"Uncle's physical strength is really nothing to say."

He Yong puffed up his chest and said proudly: "That's not true, it's all learned when I was a soldier."

Miao Yue saw the things the two of them mentioned, and said with a smile: "Come here, what else do you bring with you?"

"It's all grown by myself, and I didn't spend a penny. My uncles and aunts are open-minded people. Just don't look down on us giving these things."

Miao Yue smiled and glanced at Jiang Xinyu, "You can talk, I can't eat this melon in the city, how can I dislike it."

Miao Yue raised her voice and asked her little girl to bring out biscuits and fruits to entertain the guests.

"Have you eaten yet? You two have something to eat with us." Saying that, Miao Yue took a bowl to serve the meal.

Jiang Xinyu hurriedly said: "Eat, eat. The dumplings we went to the restaurant to eat just now came after eating. What kind of meal are you eating here?"

Miao Yue said: "There are two meals a day, and there is only one kitchen on the whole floor, which has to be staggered. Now I have the second meal." That is to say, she is off work today, so she can make meals at home in advance.

Although He Yong's family is doing well, they are also quite nervous about the housing issue.There are many children in the family. The eldest son He Zhi is married but has not yet been allocated a house. He lives at home with his wife. The two daughters were crowded into one room, and there were six people living in the small house.

Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi came to see He Yong, Miao Yue was a very enthusiastic person, and after talking for a while, they got up and said goodbye.

The room was very stuffy, and she was sweating after sitting for less than 10 minutes. No wonder He Yonghui was sitting under the tree to enjoy the shade.

When they got home, it was about to get dark. As soon as the two arrived at the gate of the courtyard, they were surrounded by enthusiastic community members.

The members had just come back from the fields, and the sweat on their heads hadn't been wiped off yet, but they really wanted to hear what the commendation meeting was like.

Chen Yi can socialize at the wine table, and can keep his face at the meeting, but he still can't bear the enthusiasm of the members.

He recalled how he was surrounded by members when he rode his bicycle back on the first day.That ordinary bicycle seems to be a private jet in the eyes of the members!

How similar today is to that day.

Seeing that he was uncomfortable, Jiang Xinyu laughed inwardly, and stepped forward to brag about the elders, aunts and aunts.

How grand the auditorium is, how solemn and solemn the scene is, how handsome a group of police comrades in military green police uniforms are, all the leaders of the city have come, and the two were also rated as advanced elements. Fortunately, leaders and police comrades Take a group photo...

In the end, she concluded that she had to keep an eye on the women, comrades and children at home, as there were kidnappers who were dedicated to this kind of murder.

Jiang Xinyu was like a talking book, and the ups and downs of the description were fascinating. A group of grandpas and aunts nodded in agreement, and the gate of her house seemed to be her special session.

Looking at Jiang Xinyu like this, Chen Yi had a faint smile in his clear eyes.

Jiang Xinyu spoke dryly, and finally sent away a group of commune members who were still full of ideas.

Chen Xiuyun had already cut the cantaloupe, and asked Chen Yi to eat it together, and then handed a piece to Jiang Xinyu, "Enough of the limelight, eat a melon to moisten your throat."

Jiang Xinyu chuckled.

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