good old days

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

On the last day of the busy farming holiday, the sky turned cloudy at noon, with dark clouds and a small wind blowing. The heat was mixed with humidity, which was a harbinger of rain.

Jiang Xinyu and a group of commune members on the grain drying field hurriedly put all the crops that were drying on the ground into bags and transferred them to the warehouse.

The commune members working in the fields also went home one after another with their tools. When Jiang Xinyu arrived home, Chen Xiuyun was collecting clothes, but Comrades Jiang Yuzhu and Li Yuezhen did not come back.

It rained for half an hour, and the air became cooler. The moderate rain turned to light rain. Depending on the weather, it might not stop for a while.

After collecting the clothes, Chen Xiuyun said, "Let's spread a leek omelet and eat it, and fry the frog that was caught yesterday."

Jiang Xinyu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Okay, I'll take a shower and wash my hair after eating, and I'm going to school, but I don't know if the rain will stop."

"I can't stop getting up early tomorrow morning." Chen Xiuyun took a straw hat and went to cut leeks in the private plot.

Leek omelette, except for the white flour, the rest is homemade, which doesn’t cost money, and fried frogs, which just cost a little oil.

The whole world turned into black and blue. Jiang Xinyu and Xiao Hei sat together under the eaves and watched the raindrops fall continuously, weaving a huge rain curtain, connecting the sky and the earth together, making the surface of the earth muddy, and eliminating the earth. the heat.

At this time, she felt comfortable sitting under the eaves. The rain made her go home early, so she didn't have to bend over to work. She even hoped that such a rain would come every time she came home from vacation.But it's just thinking about it, if it rains from time to time, how will the members still have a good harvest?

Vegetables in the private plot grow very well this year, and some cucumbers will grow old if they are not picked.Chen Xiuyun picked a lot of vegetables in a pot. On the way back, she went into Widow Wang's house and left a lot of vegetables behind.

Chen Yi is not at home today, only Widow Wang is at home, she is sitting under the eaves chopping pig grass.

The two female comrades talked for a while before Chen Xiuyun went home with the vegetables.

Soon the leek omelette came out of the pan one by one, forming a thick layer.

Today, tender and unripe pumpkins and fruitless pumpkin flowers were added to the fried frogs. While the frogs were still in the pot, Comrade Chen Xiuyun added another cucumber.

The rain was getting lighter, but the sky was always overcast. The comrades in the studio didn't know where to go to film. Jiang Yuzhu and Li Yuezhen didn't come back until Jiang Xinyu had finished taking a shower.

When Jiang Xinyu was sitting on a stool and lying on the edge of the bed to read "How the Steel Was Tempered", Chen Yi's voice sounded outside the courtyard.

Her hair was still wet, but she saw that his body was wet.

"Why are you here when it's raining?"

Chen Yi's feet were covered with mud, and his cloth shoes were already soaked. He put the umbrella under the wall and wiped the water off his arms, "I'm afraid you'll go to school in the rain, so I'll come and take a look."

She said, "Why are you so stupid."

She called him stupid on the lips, but she was sweet in her heart.

Chen Xiuyun poked her head out from the back room, "Have you eaten yet? I just want to eat something here, Xinyu, go get Chen Yi some food."

Chen Yi hurriedly refused, "Auntie, don't bother, since I won't go to school today, I'll go home first, and I'll come early tomorrow morning."

Seeing him bent over to get an umbrella, Jiang Xinyu simply dragged him into the room, "Sit down and go back after eating."

The mud on his soaked shoes showed that he walked back, how could Jiang Xinyu not feel sorry for him.

The stove is still hot, the water in the pot is warm, and the egg pancakes and vegetables on the grate are still suffocating in the pot, with a warm breath.

Jiang Xinyu came out with a bowl of vegetables covered with egg pancakes, and handed him the chopsticks, "Don't worry, today's dishes are not spicy."

She still remembered that the stir-fry was too spicy, and he didn't even eat a few mouthfuls of vegetables but dried up a bowl of rice.In the past, I had only a handful of meals with him, and I didn't understand his eating habits at all.

It was the first time for Chen Yi to eat fried pumpkin flowers. The salty, smooth and meaty taste was quite delicious.

After eating a few pancakes and a bowl of vegetables, he really felt much more comfortable.

After sending the person away, Chen Xiuyun looked at Jiang Xinyu who was humming a little tune and chuckled.

She still remembers how the little girl used to say "Anyway, Chen Yi has the bottom line" without shame.The little girl is hard-spoken, and she knows that she loves others even before she is married.But let her see, this young man Chen Yi is quite good.

Husband and wife have thought about it for a long time, just pay attention to the fact that you love me and I understand you. Even if life is difficult, there will always be a day when it gets better.

At night, the comrades from the studio hadn't come back, Chen Xiuyun already felt that something was wrong, Jiang Xinyu even went to ask the cook who stayed in the brigade to cook for the comrades in the studio.

The cook said that today they went to the west of Guizi Mountain to take pictures.

Guizi Mountain is not a high mountain, because it looks like a turtle, it is called Guizi Mountain by the brigade at the foot of the mountain.

Wuliqiao Brigade and Shenzhuang Brigade are both at the foot of Guizi Mountain. Although they are close, they are not in the same direction.

When Jiang Xinyu and Chen Xiuyun were worried, the messenger from the studio came.

It was raining heavily at the Shenzhuang Brigade, and all the comrades who were filming on the mountain were temporarily trapped on it. They had to wait until the road down the mountain was almost dry, otherwise people and machines might be damaged.

At any rate, knowing what was going on there, the mother and daughter were slightly relieved.

Jiang Xinyu didn't sleep well that night, and Chen Xiuyun in the room also tossed and turned.

Before dawn the next morning, Chen Xiuyun called Jiang Xinyu up.

After the mother and daughter had a simple meal, Chen Xiuyun packed a can of pickled pickles for Jiang Xinyu, and brought the food on top. When Chen Yi came wearing rain boots and holding an umbrella, he took the burden and carried it on his shoulders.

"Slow down on the road."

Chen Xiuyun watched the two disappear at the entrance of the village, wondering what happened to Jiang Yuzhu.

Today's morning is very cool, without a trace of sweltering heat, and the chirping of birds is clear and distant.

There was no one on the road, so the two held hands and walked side by side openly.

At the school gate, Chen Yi looked down at her and confessed: "If I'm not at the gate after school on Friday, you can go with your classmates. If I'm free, I'll definitely wait here in advance."

She nodded "hmm".

He basically has to explain it every week, and she never found him such a mother-in-law before.

"If my sister comes back today, you can report to me tomorrow if you are free."

Chen Yi nodded and said, "Go in quickly."

Comrade Jiang Yuzhu, who was missed by Jiang Xinyu, finally returned home at noon.

The rain on the Shenzhuang brigade was even heavier. It rained all day yesterday, and the road was impossible to walk on. A gay man even rolled down the slope and broke his leg.Simply because the rain stopped last night and the sun shone again in the morning, everyone was barely able to go down the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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