good old days

Chapter 118 Chen Jinhua

Chapter 118 Chen Jinhua

At noon on Tuesday, Chen Yi brought meat buns from the state-run restaurant to see Jiang Xinyu, and told her that Jiang Yuzhu had returned home safely.

Jiang Xinyu breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the meat buns are even more fragrant.

A week passed in a blink of an eye, and what made Jiang Xinyu feel relieved was that in the past few days, there has been a little rain from time to time, and the weather has not been so stuffy. Although labor is inevitable every day, life at school is always easier than at the brigade.

In early June, when the weather is good, it gets even hotter.

The newspaper that published the photos of the commendation meeting also appeared on the desks of many people.

The bravery and fearlessness of the public security comrades should be known to the people of the whole country, and the incident of abducting women and children should also sound the alarm to the people of the whole country, so as to avoid more such incidents from happening.

In the family courtyard of a certain military region, Chen Jinhua, who was dressed in a green military uniform, was sitting in front of a chair and reading a newspaper. He frowned when he saw the incident of abduction and trafficking of women.

Chen Jiajia, who had all the rash on his body after returning to the capital, went into the house from the outside, saw his father so serious, and asked, "Dad, why are you looking so serious?"

Chen Jinhua was no longer young, and when he raised his face, the dimples at the corners of his mouth were written with seriousness, but Chen Jiajia was not afraid of him, after all, he loved her since he was a child, although he was strict, he could definitely be called a loving father.

Chen Jinhua pointed his rough finger at the place where the women abducted and trafficked cases were written in the newspaper and said seriously: "I didn't expect that there are women abducted and trafficked now, and the kidnappers should be executed."

Chen Jiajia sat next to Chen Jinhua and looked at the place he was pointing at. When his eyes moved to the picture below the text, he saw Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi standing among a group of police officers.

"The two of them actually appeared in the newspaper?" Chen Jiajia said in surprise.

"Why, you know him?" Chen Jinhua shifted his eyes to the photo, and frowned when he saw Chen Yi's face. Seeing this face, subtle emotions inevitably floated in his heart.

"I was staying at her house when I went to film a movie. I was overwhelmed by that place. There were too many mosquitoes, and the rash couldn't go away. It just got better within a few days after I came back."

Chen Jiajia's tone was full of resentment, this was her first time making a movie, and she was still an important heroine, but because of her unsatisfactory body, she came back before halfway through the filming.

That poor and dilapidated place is for her, otherwise how could she be so unlucky.

"What are the names of these two comrades?" Ever since Chen Jinhua saw Chen Yi's photo, he couldn't ignore the strange feeling in his heart.

Chen Jiajia said casually: "The female comrade's name is Jiang Xinyu, and the gay man's name is Chen Yi. They are still dating."

Although Chen Jiajia doesn't like Jiang Xinyu, she can't deny that she looks really good.Although Chen Yi is also a countryman, he is also very upright and has a gentle spirit, neither of them has the rustic atmosphere of a countryman.

Hearing that Chen Yi was also surnamed Chen, Chen Jinhua frowned slightly, and then said, "I didn't hear you talk about your experience in the countryside when you made a movie. Today I just have time to listen, so I won't talk to Dad."

Chen Jiajia was dissatisfied and said: "I told my mother that you are busy every day, and you really don't have time to listen to me."

After complaining, Chen Jiajia said: "There is nothing to say. In the countryside, there are so many mosquitoes, and they just bite me. I get angry when I mention it. The house over there collapsed when it rained. The house I live in even There are no electric lights, and there are very few people in the village who turn on the electric lights, and the latrines are terribly smelly. But the egg pancakes made by Comrade Jiang’s mother are delicious, and I still remember the smell.”

Thinking of egg pancakes, Chen Jiajia swallowed, "Let's eat leek egg pancakes tonight."

Chen Jiajia pointed at Chen Yi again and said, "He doesn't seem to have a father. His mother is a hot-blooded one in the village. I've seen her quarrel with others, and it's all a show, uh, fierce."

The word shrew was finally swallowed back by Chen Jiajia.The education she has received since she was a child made her know that it is inappropriate to say that about a female comrade.

Chen Jiajia has a princess temper. She doesn't like lesbians who are more beautiful than her. She only likes others to support her. She despises the poverty in the countryside.But if you say how bad her mind is, that's really not the case.

"Dad, although I didn't stay in the Wuliqiao Brigade for long, I was deeply impressed by the poverty there. They eat stick noodles and dig wild vegetables in the wild. If I were to live there, I would be a I can't stand it. But the conditions of the house I live in are not bad in the village, and Comrade Jiang's mother is an educated youth who went to the countryside from the Shanghai stock market and took root in the local area..."

Chen Jiajia chattered a lot, and after taking a sip of water, her father asked, "Do you know the last name of Comrade Chen's mother?"

Chen Jiajia didn't know why her father asked about this, but she still said, "I heard that everyone in the brigade called her Widow Wang."

Chen Jinhua was stunned on the spot.

He thought, how can there be such a coincidence?
He can't even remember her name. Her family is too poor and there are too many children, so she was sent to his house when she was young. Everyone used to call her Liuya, but later his educated father gave her The name is Wang Sumei.

After he was transferred from the island to the capital, it was only when he went home to pick her up that she had disappeared long ago.The neighbor said his mother was going to marry her to someone else, but she ran away overnight and disappeared without a trace, and he didn't even know where to look for her.

"Dad, Dad, what are you thinking?"

Chen Jiajia yelled several times before Chen Jinhua yelled back.

Chen Jinhua shook his head, "It's nothing."

He thought, maybe he thought too much, how could there be such a coincidence in the world?But Chen Yi's face, which resembled him when he was young, was still lingering in his mind.

He suppressed the strange feeling in his heart, and began to teach his daughter, "You said it yourself, you will definitely not be able to bear it if you live in the countryside, but you must know that most of our country is in this situation now. , You still pick and choose on weekdays, don't you feel ashamed when you think about those people who can't even eat enough?"

Chen Jiajia felt ashamed, but not much.

Her family's conditions are better than others' because of her parents' ability. The scar marks on the back of her father's neck are still black, which shows how dangerous it was back then.

Now everything in the house was bought by her father with his own life. She didn't feel guilty when she ate and drank, but faced with Chen Jinhua's earnest teachings, Chen Jiajia still nodded wittily, "I know Dad, I will definitely not waste food in the future."

Chen Jiajia thinks it is impossible for her to be a useful person to the country and change the status quo of the country. She knows how much she has.At best, she will not waste food, and she will make movies to enrich the spiritual world of the people in the future.

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(End of this chapter)

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