good old days

Chapter 119 Goodbye

According to the original plan, the work of the film studio should have been completed long ago. Because of Chen Jiajia's health, some time was delayed. On Jiang Xinyu's Friday holiday, all the work was finally completed.

At this time, there were quite a few people in the courtyard of Jiang Xinyu's house. Chen Xiuyun was stewing chicken in the kitchen. The smell of chicken and potatoes made people drool.

The crowd was about to part, and it was inevitable that they were a little bit reluctant.

The comrades in the studio felt that the place was poor and dilapidated when they came, but when it was time to leave, they felt a little reluctant.

When Jiang Xinyu came back with the washed clothes, the stewed chicken with potatoes and mushrooms was out of the pot. In addition, the pork belly that Fang Shibin brought over had already been cooked, as well as stir-fried frogs with tender pumpkin, cold cucumber, shredded pork eggplant, dried Stir-fried beans, plus a cold jelly and a salty soup of spinach and eggs that have been cooled and thickened.

There were not enough tables and chairs at home, so I borrowed tables and chairs from the next door, and the two tables were full.The comrades from the studio would definitely not be able to sit down if they came, most of them would eat their meals in the shed in the brigade.

A group of people paid for tickets, but Chen Xiuyun didn't accept anything.

"You guys are leaving soon. I will treat you to this meal today. Thank you for your help to my Yuzhu these days."

While talking, Chen Xiuyun took a sip of wine from the chipped wine glass.

This wine is loose wine sold at the consignment point of the brigade supply and marketing agency. It tastes quite spicy. Chen Xiuyun frowned after taking a sip.

Everyone was chatting and laughing, Jiang Xinyu just focused on cooking.

When the plates on the table were all empty, the crowd didn't leave. Instead, they talked about the eclipse of the moon, and when everyone was almost gone, Fang Shibin said to Chen Xiuyun: "We are the ticket for the day after tomorrow. Let Comrade Jiang Yuzhu leave tomorrow." Accompany me to the county to meet someone."

Chen Xiuyun asked in a daze, "Who are you seeing?"

Fang Shibin said: "It's rare for Comrade Yuzhu to graduate from high school. It would be a waste to go to the field to work in the future. I have a classmate who works in the county cultural bureau. I will go and see him tomorrow. Of course, it doesn't matter whether there will be job opportunities in the future." It’s easy to say, but you have to try it.”

Fang Shibin actually wanted to recommend Jiang Yuzhu to the film school of the University of Arts, but it was not easy to operate before the film was released.

Although the working people are the most glorious, but the working people are really suffering.In addition to learning how to grow crops in the field, you can't learn any other knowledge.

Jiang Yuzhu, a young lesbian, works in the fields for a few years and she will be the same as other women comrades in the brigade. The future is visible at a glance.

He guided Jiang Yuzhu these days. Comrade Yuzhu is eager to learn and is not afraid of hardship. Although the two of them do not have the name of teachers and students, they are teachers and students. If they can help him, they will definitely help.

Chen Xiuyun didn't expect to have this unexpected joy, and she was happy, but she didn't want to embarrass others, "Comrade Fang, it's not going to work, I don't want to bother you."

Fang Shibin let out a puff of smoke slowly, and said, "You're welcome, it's just a incidental matter. My family used to be from Shang County, so I just happened to visit some of my former classmates."

He would come to this place to make a movie, naturally because he had been here in the past, and the landlord's yard and Guizi Mountain in the town just happened to fit his movie very well.

How could Chen Xiuyun really take his words seriously, by the way?This is a matter of favors, not incidentally.

After talking for a while, Fang Shibin looked at the watch in his hand, "It's already eleven o'clock, it's time to rest."

Chen Xiuyun sent the man to the gate of the yard, watched the man walk away, came back and fastened the door, yawned and went back to the house.

Fang Shibin walked some distance, and when he reached the corner, Zhou Qi, who had been squatting on the ground to slap mosquitoes, stood up.

"I'm leaving the day after tomorrow, why don't you say goodbye to people?"

Fang Shibin is a cultural worker, so he has a lot of ink in his stomach.As the saying goes, the feelings of girls are always poetry, boys and girls are the same, he thinks it is quite interesting to see these young people restless.

Zhou Qi walked back dully, not very interested in speaking, "I was wrong at the beginning, and Comrade Xiao Jiang was right. I didn't consider that in the future, I shouldn't have pointed it out to her."

Zhou Qi was originally a sunny and cheerful boy, but recently there has been more silence visible to the naked eye.

If Jiang Xinyu was here, she would definitely cry out that she was wronged. At the beginning, her meaning was clearly not like this. She was not against talking about a partner, but she was against getting things below the neck without getting married.It's a pity that the atmosphere of this era is still quite conservative. Jiang Xinyu thought she was still open-minded and considerate, and directly extinguished the budding love between the two.

Fang Shibin chuckled, "You young people."

"After the movie is released, I'll see if I can recommend Comrade Jiang to film school."

Zhou Qi's eyes lit up, "Uncle, you must help me."

Fang Shibin shook his head in a daze because of drinking, "I have no choice but to try. Besides, if Comrade Jiang has the qualifications to go to film school, you are uncertain." Have you forgotten about her?"

Zhou Qi clenched his fists and said angrily, "Am I that kind of person?" Uncle is just tarnishing his pure love!

Although he is always joking and talking to anyone, Comrade Yuzhu is the first lesbian he likes. He was full of enthusiasm, but in the end he was slapped to death by Jiang Xinyu. Recently, the feeling in his heart is sour. Word.

Zhou Qi's heart became alive again, and he felt that with his uncle's energy, Jiang Yuzhu might still be able to attend film school in the future.

Early the next morning, when Chen Xiuyun was preparing a gift for Jiang Yuzhu, Zhou Qi had already wandered by the gate of the courtyard.

The rustling movement in the room made Jiang Xinyu unable to lie down. She got up with a sad face and got dressed. Before she was dressed, the captain's whistle rang for the commune members to go to work.

Chen Xiuyun took out the cigarette that He Yong's family brought, asked Jiang Yuzhu to take it away, and gave Jiang Yuzhu money and a ticket, "I'll go to the supply and marketing agency to buy some snacks at that time, if I knew earlier, I would make mung bean cakes for you and bring them with you." .”

Fang Shibin was kind enough to help. Her family can't just leave nothing. Can going to someone else's house and not mentioning the courtesy make things work?A big front door is pretty impressive.

When Jiang Xinyu was washing her face in the yard, she saw Zhou Qi poking her head outside the yard, so she went back to the house to call Jiang Yuzhu.

Jiang Yuzhu hesitated for a moment before going out, "Comrade Zhou, what do you do?"

Zhou Qi held back a thousand words in his heart, and handed the chairman's badge, which was already sweating, to Jiang Yuzhu's hand.

He wants to use this badge to express his love for her, so that she will not forget him in the future.

"If we meet again by fate, I will definitely marry you."

After Zhou Qi finished speaking in a sincere tone, his face turned red and he left.

When Jiang Yuzhu heard his words, her heart beat fast and powerfully. She couldn't describe her mood at this moment, but at this moment she wanted to cry, and her eyes were already sore.

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