good old days

Chapter 120

Jiang Yuzhu held back her tears, and turned back holding the slightly slippery chairman badge. Seeing Li Yuezhen's stunned expression, her face turned red.

Li Yuezhen didn't expect Zhou Qi to like Jiang Yuzhu?Why hasn't she noticed it recently?The relationship between the two seems to be not very good recently.

Thinking of Chen Jiajia's thoughts on Zhou Qi, Li Yuezhen shed a tear of sympathy for her friend.

Jiang Xinyu put on a straw hat and went to the place where the task was assigned.

The millet on the sun-drying field is almost ready to dry. The main work now is to plant the next season's grain, plow the ground, pick the fertilizer, water the water, and weed the weed.It can be said that there is no easy job.Yesterday she was carrying water to irrigate the ground, and there were blisters on her palms, which still hurt even now after she went back to pick them.

The team leader glanced at her and said, "You won't go to the field today, go to the public house to settle the score."

"Will you make plans?"

Jiang Xinyu nodded hurriedly, she would make up her mind, "What's the deal?"

Could this kind of job be her turn?It's great too.

The team leader said: "The accountant's leg was injured, and he was sent to the health team in the middle of the night last night. He has a solid foundation in his previous calculations. You and Xiao Lin will do the calculation again. Chen Yi is free at noon on Wednesday, so go and hand over the public rations."

The team leader has a headache when he thinks of the bad things about the accountant, Zhang Tiezhu and Yuan Chunhua.

In the middle of the night last night, Zhang Tiezhu beat up Li Yiping. It wasn't for the people next door to Yuan Chunhua who called him, accountant Li would have been beaten to death by Zhang Tiezhu.

The accountant Li Yiping is also surnamed Li, and he is more or less related to Captain Li. Li Yiping is also the accountant in the team. If the three of them mess up, will their Wuliqiao brigade have face?

But even if Li Yiping gets healthy in the future, he can no longer be the brigade's accountant.It's not easy to make a fuss about this matter, and Li Yiping can only swallow this dumb loss by himself.

Captain Li cleaned up the mess of the three of them until midnight before covering up the matter. It is inevitable that he is a little mentally ill this morning.

Jiang Xinyu still has a question, "Uncle, why do you call Chen Yi to pay the public rations?"

Captain Li said nonchalantly: "He knows the people at the grain station, so he will be less deducted."

There are many ways to pay the public grain. It’s not about how many kilograms you pay. The dryness, humidity and impurity content of the grain are all problems. If the grain station deducts more, the members of the brigade will get less.The big guys are working hard in the fields, just pointing to the food they share to live.

Jiang Xinyu nodded half-understood, turned around and happily went to the team's office.

The so-called public housing refers to the place where the cadres of the brigade work, and it is also a one-story house, but it is still a tile-roofed house with floor tiles.

The cashier Lin Jian was sitting in front of the table and doing the abacus very quickly. The beads of the abacus crackled. Seeing her coming, Lin Jian wrote down the calculated value and said, "The captain asked you to come?"

Jiang Xinyu nodded, "The captain said let me add up the account that the accountant had calculated before."

Lin Jian nodded, and handed her the account book at hand, "You first count the work points of the members again, and you have to pay the food according to this after paying the public rations."

There was also an abacus on the table, and Jiang Xinyu picked up the beads of the abacus after taking it.

When she was young, she lived with her grandfather, who taught her how to plan.

Seeing that she looked good, Lin Rongping couldn't help giving her a high look.There are not many girls in this brigade who have gone to junior high school, and most of them are illiterate, let alone decent planning.

Jiang Xinyu spent a whole day abacusing beads, and her fingers were sore.If there is a difference between the calculation and the ledger, she will calculate it several times before marking it out.

At the end of the day, the conversation between Ledger and Lin Rongping gave her a deeper understanding of the productivity of the brigade.

Now it is a collective income distribution system, the number one task of the production brigade is to pay the public grain, and after paying the public grain, some seeds and spare grain are left behind.

The purpose of reserve food is to prevent the occurrence of a major famine, and to save lives when there is a shortage of crops.

After the public grain, spare grain, and seeds are all removed, the rest will be distributed among the commune members.The distributed food is linked to work points, but the gap is not particularly large.

Because it is distributed according to the principle of "six workers and four workers", that is, no matter how much you do or how little you do, the brigade will give you [-]% of the basic rations, and the remaining [-]% will be calculated according to work points.

This also led to people like Zhang Tiezhu who idled most of the time and owed the brigade every year.

And the strong and laborers in the family earn more work points, and the food for that share will naturally be more.

Jiang Xinyu shook her head when she saw the bill, and said to Lin Rongping, "I think it's a bit too much to give [-]% of the basic ration. Some people owe the brigade year after year, and they don't work hard to earn work points."

Xiao Lin said with a smile: "In the past, people worked seven to three times, and the gap in rations was even smaller, but who in the brigade didn't have a few children under the age of ten? Many people were not happy at six or four. A lot of people were passive and sabotage, and the team leader adjusted it to June [-]th after holding a meeting to get everyone to press their fingerprints, and the situation has improved a lot.”

The change to six or four points was also under pressure, and it came secretly. After all, the policy definitely did not comply with the regulations.

The child is young and small, so he is doomed not to earn much work points, and if he has to be distributed only according to work points, like the current Yuan Chunhua's family, it is entirely possible to starve to death.

When Jiang Xinyu heard what he said, she also felt that it was indeed reasonable, but there are many people like Zhang Tiezhu who have been fooling around and owed the brigade year after year.

Jiang Xinyu, who was doing the math, was heartbroken. According to Li Hui’s calculations, one work point calculated from the total income was worth three cents. Many strong laborers who earn full work points every day are nine yuan a month. Under the state, one person earns more than 100 yuan a year.

This is only when the harvest is good this year to earn so much.The strong and laborers in the family earn more, and they can save some money even after exchanging food.

Jiang Xinyu calculated her work points. She didn't come back to work every week. Up to now, she has only earned more than three yuan. She didn't calculate this account herself. She couldn't believe that she worked hard in the field I made this little money.According to her income, she must not be able to support herself by labor.

Jiang Xinyu's heart was half cold, no wonder everyone wanted to get rid of the fate of digging in the ground and envied the life of the city people.

Comrade Chen Xiuyun earns quite a lot, with full work points from Monday to Friday, and work points will be recorded according to the actual situation during the holidays. Jiang Xinyu estimates that she can earn about 90 yuan a year.

Today’s calculation is just to prepare for the distribution of grain later. After last year’s reserve grain and this year’s new grain are distributed, the work points will be deducted. Wait until the wave of autumn to distribute sweet potato and corn crops, and then until the end of the year Yes, those who have a balance will be given money, but there is also an upper limit for exchanging work points. If there is not enough, they will continue to owe the debt and pay it back next year.

It was getting dark, and when Jiang Xinyu came home from the public house in a trance, Jiang Yuzhu was sitting in the courtyard and was washing clothes seriously. Jiang Xinyu recognized that what she was washing was her "drama costume".

"Did you return the clothes?"

After recovering, Jiang Yuzhu said with a smile, "Teacher Fang said to keep it for me as a souvenir."

"How about going to the county today?"

Jiang Yuzhu said with a smile: "The Xinhua Bookstore in the county is just about to recruit workers. I'm going to take an exam on Tuesday. If I can pass, I can work as a salesperson in the Xinhua Bookstore in the future. Thanks to Teacher Fang, I was added temporarily, otherwise I will not be able to do so." There is no chance."

"Little sister, if I can go to work in the county, I will definitely help you pay attention to the recruitment information in the future. Our news in the countryside is too closed, and we can't even inquire about the recruitment of some units."

Jiang Xinyu thinks what she said is right. These days, there are no mobile phones or the Internet. It is not a time when you can know where there are job opportunities while sitting at home.

The people in the town are better informed than the members who squat on this three-acre land every day, which also leads to the fact that even if there is a job opportunity, they miss it in vain.

"Comrade Li and the others have left?" Jiang Xinyu asked as she looked at the small quiet room that belonged to her.

Jiang Yuzhu: "Oh, I forgot, Comrade Li left you a gift, it's a notebook, it's on the bed."

Thinking of the chairman badge that Zhou Qi gave her, Jiang Yuzhu's heart warmed up.She thought that they might never see each other again, and this past could only become a memory.

Thanks to the readers who voted, if I write more, I will post more (=^▽^=)

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