good old days

Chapter 121 Worry

Comrades from the film studio left the Wuliqiao brigade, which was somewhat empty at night.

Comrade Li Yuezhen generously left gifts for both Jiang Xinyu and Chen Xiuyun. Chen Xiuyun was given a box of Friendship brand cream, and Jiang Xinyu was given a notebook.There is a sentence written on the inside page of the notebook.

"I wish Comrade Xinyu a happy family, good health, success and safety."

Below is the address of her home and the phone number of her work unit written by Comrade Li.

Jiang Xinyu smiled when she saw it. This Comrade Li is more likable than that Comrade Chen Jiajia. She treats people very sincerely!
When they left in the morning, Comrade Chen Xiuyun pulled a cloth bag of muskmelons and cucumbers for them, as well as a jar of pickled pickles, which could last for two or three days.

The yard suddenly became empty, and Jiang Xinyu packed up her hut.

In fact, there was nothing to tidy up. Chen Xiuyun took out the broken mattress to dry in the morning, and she only needed to put her bed sheet on it.

As for the quilt, it needs to be disassembled, washed, washed, and then sewn together, but the weather is too hot now, so she only needs to cover her stomach with clothes at night, and there is no need to cover her with a quilt.

Frogs all over the mountains and plains seem to be caught endlessly, and every household in the village grabs these things to make tooth sacrifices, but in the evening, various frogs are still croaking one after another.

The family still ate stir-fried frogs with small pumpkins for dinner at home. The mother and daughter were talking, and they were all in a good mood.

Jiang Xinyu pointed to the only rabbit left in the grass cage and said: "This rabbit is so fat, I have to work hard to dig grass for it if I keep it going, how long will it last?"

Originally it belonged to two rabbits, but one of them was exchanged by Zhou Qi for money, and it had already eaten, and now this one is left alone.

Chen Xiuyun glared at her, she didn't know that the little girl was greedy for that piece of meat.

"It's also a dish to keep for weddings at home. Feed it well, it will make it fatter."

Jiang Xinyu was dumbfounded, happy event?What happy event?
"Second sister is getting married?" Why didn't she know.

Jiang Yuzhu looked at her speechlessly, "Could it be that I want to marry someone?"

Chen Xiuyun hummed: "You will graduate from high school soon. Chen Yi's mother mentioned it to me, and we also discussed it. In the free time after the autumn harvest is over, find a good day before or after the year for you and Chen Yi. It's done. You will both be old enough to get a marriage certificate by then."

Jiang Xinyu: "...!"

She was so shocked that she couldn't say a word for a long time.

Didn't you say before that you would keep her for another year? How can you change your mind just by saying it?
"Isn't that appropriate? The second sister isn't married yet, so how can I get married before her?"

Chen Xiuyun took a piece of cucumber and chewed it down, then deliberately said: "What's the matter? If you don't spend so much money as Chen Yi, I can keep you for a while longer."

The corner of Jiang Xinyu's mouth twitched, "You just want to kick me out early."

Chen Xiuyun jokingly said: "You are lazy and greedy now, I can't support you anymore, I really want to kick you out."

Jiang Xinyu was so sad that she glanced at her resentfully.

Say she is greedy, she admits, isn't everyone short of mouth, who is not greedy?But she never admits that she is lazy, whether at school or at home, when has she ever slept in?There was no delay when it came time to go to work.

Jiang Yuzhu smiled and said: "You and Chen Yi are not very good, why are you not willing to get married early."

Chen Xiuyun shook her head, "I think she did it."

Jiang Xinyu was confident and confident, "I'm not doing it, can it be the same at my own home and going to someone else's home? Can Chen Yi's mother treat me like this to you? What if I can't get along with her?"

Now she misses Chen Yi's original mother very much, she is really generous and has few things, she is definitely her dream lover.

Widow Wang has a reputation for being aggressive, and she, Jiang Xinyu, is not one who is willing to suffer. When the time comes, she will live under the same roof.
She really didn't expect to get married so early, just, she didn't know if there were any family planning supplies now, what if she got all the children out?She still wants to go to college, and she's getting dizzy just thinking about it.

Chen Xiuyun heard her words but felt that the little girl was sensible.

She looked at the two daughters and said: "People are mutual. Whether it is husband and wife or mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, you must be considerate of each other to make the family relationship harmonious. I think Chen Yi's mother is reasonable. Be a good daughter-in-law. How can she not treat you well?"

Jiang Xinyu pawed at the food without speaking.

She now realizes that even if she and Chen Yi have agreed not to get married now, things may not be under the control of the two of them.

The most important thing is that she seems to be the only one who doesn't want to get married so early.

The next morning, Jiang Xinyu did her calculations in the public house for a long time. When she walked home from the public house at noon, she saw Jiang Baoqin walking with a young man with a square face.The young man's face is a healthy wheat color, and the square face is a face that people think is very good nowadays.

But this young man with a square face is not from the Wuliqiao brigade, and Jiang Xinyu has never seen him in the brigade.

Jiang Baoqin's eyes lit up when he saw her, "Xinyu, wait for me."

Jiang Xinyu's pace didn't slow down either. She didn't think she had anything to say with her uncle and aunt's family. The last time Jiang Zhifei saw her, he snorted coldly.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Comrade Xia Dongmin, the captain of the Advance Brigade, and a college graduate."

Xia Dongmin nodded politely to Jiang Xinyu, "Hello."

Jiang Xinyu also nodded.

What this young man said in the last sentence is young and promising, the team leader who graduated from university.Is Jiang Baoqin here to show off to her?

"Xinyu, you're graduating from high school soon. Brother Dongmin is a college graduate. They are both young comrades. You two must have something in common."

Jiang Baoqin said this as if her seniority was twice as high as the two of them.

Xia Dongmin glanced at Jiang Baoqin, not without anger.

He took the time to come to the Wuliqiao brigade today for a blind date, but unfortunately, this blind date didn't seem to take him seriously and wanted to introduce him to others.

However, this lesbian named Jiang Xinyu's figure and temperament are better than that of a city person, and her appearance is much better than that of Jiang Baoqin.

"My brother Xia Donghua is also a sophomore in the commune high school. I wonder if you recognize him?"

Xia Donghua?Jiang Xinyu really knew each other.

"We are in the same class."

Xia Donghua's pimple-covered face appeared in her mind. Thinking about it this way, the two brothers really look alike, they both have reliable and honest Chinese faces.

Jiang Baoqin was a little happy to see the two strike up a conversation, but it was a pity that before she was happy for a while, her aunt Jiang Cuicui's voice rang out.

"Baoqin, go home and cook, your parents are home."

From a long distance, Jiang Cuicui saw Jiang Xinyu standing there with dazzling white eyes.

She was vigilant, Xia Dongmin was such a good marriage partner, but she introduced it to Jiang Baoqin, how could Chen Xiuyun's daughter be taken advantage of?

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