good old days

Chapter 122 Xia Dongmin

Jiang Xinyu rolled her eyes when she saw her aunt Jiang Cuicui walking this way, and said to the two, "I'm going home."

Xia Dongmin watched her back for a long time before recovering.

Jiang Cuicui let out a yell when she came close, and scolded in a low voice: "Uneducated".

Seeing her turn around and leave without even saying hello, isn't it uneducated?
"Dongmin, let's go. Baoqin is cooking at noon today. You should also try her cooking."

Jiang Cuicui went to Jiang Laosan's house today, and it was a guest of honor.Because what she introduced to Jiang Baoqin was the captain of the Advance Brigade!
Jiang Guisheng and Zhang Fengmei were indescribably satisfied, and even old man Jiang and old lady Li were so satisfied that they couldn't stop talking from ear to ear.

Regardless of whether he is a college student, he is still the captain of the brigade. He is square and upright, so there is nothing wrong with him.

But Jiang Baoqin was not satisfied. Others didn't know the situation of Xia Dongmin's family, but she knew that Xia Dongmin spent decades with her in her previous life.

Xia Dongmin's father was a martyr, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to get the quota for workers, peasants and soldiers to go to college.

There are eight children in his family, with two older sisters at the top and five younger siblings at the bottom. The youngest is only eight years old now.

When the aunt in the previous life came to introduce her to her partner, she thought it was a good marriage just like her grandparents did, but after she got married, she realized that it was not the case.

The two married sisters of Xia's family are the most protective and supportive of their mother's family. They take anything good from their husband's family to their mother's house, just to take care of their younger brothers and sisters.

In the past, Jiang Baoqin didn't think it was a problem. After all, the two sisters were helping the family, which relieved the family's burden, but now Jiang Baoqin felt that the two women were sick, and it was unlucky to marry into another family.

Xia Dongmin's mother may have given birth to too many children, her body is skinny, she suffers from illnesses from time to time, and cannot go to work every day, so the burden of the family falls on Xia Dongmin's daughter-in-law, who was married to her , She went to work in the field without sitting down after giving birth.

As for the man Xia Dongmin, you can't say that he is not a good man, he is a very responsible and caring man!She worked so hard to bring up her five younger siblings, and by the 90s, her family hadn't saved any money.

For his five younger siblings, the two had quarreled and fought. Although they were college students, but because of those burdensome younger siblings, the family was in poverty. Jiang Baoqin had had enough of living in Xia's family.

She seemed to work so hard to support his younger siblings, but none of his younger siblings remembered her well, they were all white-eyed wolves.

In this life, she will not jump into the fire pit of the Xia family.

"Gu, you go back first, I'll have a few words with Brother Xia."

Jiang Cuicui still wanted to talk about what happened to Jiang Xinyu just now, but she walked back unwillingly, "Hurry up, your mother is waiting for you to cook."

Jiang Baoqin stood still, looked at Xia Dongmin and said, "I don't think we are suitable."

Xia Dongmin, as a person who has gone to university and has some vision, although his family is poor, he is still arrogant, and he also said simply: "I don't think it's appropriate either."

Jiang Baoqin felt a little upset again, what did he think was inappropriate?Then in her previous life, she was miserable and fed the dog?The resentment in her heart hadn't disappeared, but now it was even more hostile.

"Comrade Xia, my aunt said that your condition is good, but I think it's just average. Do you know why you haven't been able to marry a wife yet?"

"Your family has too many children. If you marry into your family and raise younger siblings for you, you won't be able to turn over for decades. Which girl is stupid enough to marry you?"

Jiang Baoqin just thought of the breath she had in her previous life, why can't she get a good sentence after suffering for so many years?She's going to piss him off now!
The blue veins on Xia Dongmin's forehead were bulging, and Guozi's face was ugly.

If you don't like it, you don't like it, and both of them said it was inappropriate. Why did she say these things to embarrass him?He didn't deserve her?Didn't he insist on her not marrying?Didn't force her to marry him?

These words really hurt him. It's not that no one has introduced a partner to him, but generally he doesn't like it, and those with better conditions will have nothing to do after knowing what's going on in his family.But he is indeed not young anymore, and children around his age in the village can play soy sauce. He is now the captain of the brigade, and he has to be busy with the affairs of the brigade. There is always a wife at home to help him take care of the house.

Xia Dongmin clenched his fists, but he couldn't hold back after all, "Comrade Jiang, don't take yourself too seriously. You don't like me, and I don't like you. As for whether I can get a wife, it's none of your business." thing."

Xia Dongmin turned around directly, and walked towards the entrance of the village with a dark face.

Jiang Baoqin stomped on the spot angrily.What the hell is this stinky man doing? As a college student, he will still be poor in the future, whoever is really unlucky with him!

When Jiang Baoqin returned home, Jiang Cuicui glanced back, "Where are the Dongmin people?"

Jiang Baoqin pulled a face and said: "Let's go, we are not suitable, we both made it clear."

After the words fell, Jiang Baoqin's parents' expressions changed.

Jiang Cuicui sat up excitedly from the ground, "What did you say?"

Jiang Baoqin repeated it expressionlessly.

Jiang Cuicui patted her thigh angrily, and nodded Jiang Baoqin's head fiercely, "What can I say about you? Xia Dongmin is the captain of the team, he is also a college student, and he is the only one from ten miles and eight villages."

Jiang Baoqin sneered inwardly and said nothing.

Why did Jiang Cuicui want to facilitate this matter?Don't you want to have a good relationship with the captain in the future?
Zhang Fengmei was also furious, "Is there something wrong with your brain, you stupid girl? What's so good about Song Zhiqing, but you are so stubborn..."

Jiang Baoqin was so scolded that she couldn't lift her head up. She didn't think she was wrong, but she didn't want to be scolded again, "People didn't like me, what can I do?"

She didn't believe that Xia Dongmin could turn around and marry her after she said such an exaggerated thing just now, it would definitely not happen.

Jiang Cuicui raised her eyebrows, "Just now I saw Dong Min talking to that dead girl Jiang Xinyu, did he fall in love with that dead girl?"

Jiang Baoqin blinked her eyes, pursed her mouth, and bit her lip, "Then who knows, anyway, I'm not as handsome as her, and I'm not as cute as her."

Zhang Fengmei's anger rose instantly, and she walked out of the yard aggressively.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Guisheng raised his voice and asked urgently.

Zhang Fengmei cursed, "I'll settle the score with that little bastard."

How nice Xia Dongmin is, but what about the captain of the advancing brigade!How honorable it is for her to have the opportunity to be the captain's mother-in-law!

Everything was spoiled by Jiang Xinyu's little hoof, the anger in Zhang Fengmei's heart was like a volcano erupting, and her whole body was like a firecracker being ignited.

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