good old days

Chapter 123 Fighting

Chapter 123 Fighting
Zhang Fengmei, who suddenly became hot-headed, rushed to the gate of Jiang Xinyu's courtyard aggressively.

When she arrived at the gate of the courtyard, she saw Jiang Xinyu with loose hair ready to wash her hair. She stretched out her fingers and cursed loudly: "You shameless..."

The scolding was too harsh, Jiang Xinyu was stunned for a moment, then she picked up the basin and walked to the gate of the courtyard, with a sound of "wow", a basin of warm water was poured on the cheap-mouthed girl.

Did this woman get mad and came to her door for no reason and scolded her, who else would she blame if she didn't?

Respect elders?She bah!It's not that there is no big feces in the basin, she can make this cheap bitch eat shit.

Zhang Fengmei was dumbfounded by the splash, and when she realized it, she let out a "wow" and was about to rush in and tear Jiang Xinyu to pieces.

Chen Xiuyun came back after picking two eggplants, and was going to steam them for lunch. Before she got to the gate of the courtyard, she heard Zhang Fengmei scolding at her door for no reason, and then a basin of water fell from the sky.

Chen Xiuyun applauded heartily, well done!If you have a cheap mouth, you have to give her a good wash.

Immediately, Zhang Fengmei rushed into the courtyard like crazy.

Chen Xiuyun suddenly felt something was wrong, and ran back to the courtyard quickly. She used the eggplant in her hand as a weapon and threw it on Zhang Fengmei's back.

When Jiang Xinyu's heartbeat accelerated, she waved the broom at the crazy woman. Chen Xiuyun directly pushed her to the ground and gave Zhang Fengmei a few big fights.

"You pig thief, why are you yelling at the gate of our courtyard? Are you crazy?" Jiang Xinyu stood beside her with her waist pinched, panting.

Zhang Fengmei groaned, "You little bastard is the one who snatched my Baoqin, you are a shameless bastard, you should be soaked in a pig cage, you old shoe..."

Chen Xiuyun saw that the more she scolded, the worse it sounded, and she said, "My old lady told you to talk nonsense, and I will tear your mouth apart today."

Zhang Lanxiang's family not far from next door came to the courtyard when they heard the movement.

"What is this for? Aunt Zhang, you are crazy, did someone provoke you?"

Seeing the mess, Zhang Lanxiang's sister-in-law said speechlessly.

Chen Xiuyun still had reason, raised her head and said to Zhang Lanxiang, "You have a stomach, stay away."

Zhang Lanxiang hurriedly stepped back while rubbing her stomach.She regretted in her heart, although the bustle was beautiful, she had forgotten that her stomach was getting bigger, how could she join in the bustling center?

Taking advantage of Chen Xiuyun's raising her head to speak, Zhang Fengmei grabbed Chen Xiuyun's hair and strangled her neck, with a ferocious expression on her face.

The two female comrades started fighting, Jiang Xinyu naturally went to help her mother and broke Zhang Fengmei's hand.

When Jiang Yuzhu came back wearing a straw hat and carrying a basket of wild vegetables, she saw the scene in front of her and went to help her family as soon as the basket was lost.

So Zhang Fengmei was surrounded and beaten by the mother and daughter.

Jiang Xinyu is still not good at fighting with women, and this is also the first time she has fought with women.

She sneaked around and pinched Zhang Fengmei from time to time. Jiang Yuzhu was the same as her, but at this moment, she didn't care that Zhang Fengmei was their third aunt, pinching and pinching her waist.

Zhang Fengmei's strength is not in vain, she was on par with Chen Xiuyun, but with the addition of Jiang Xinyu and sisters, Zhang Fengmei fell into a disadvantage after all, and screamed for a while.

On the other side, Chen Yi rode a bicycle to the entrance of the village and met Xia Dongmin.

Chen Yi went to the forward brigade to show a movie, and was entertained by Xia Dongmin, so the two naturally knew each other.

Before he could speak for a while, he heard yelling and cursing from Jiang Xinyu's house.At first he didn't take it seriously, until later he heard Jiang Xinyu's voice, and her Xiao Hei's cry was also extremely fierce and rapid.

Chen Yi's complexion changed, and he hurriedly rode his bicycle to Jiang Xinyu's yard.

It can only be said that it is human nature to watch the excitement, and Xia Dongmin followed after hesitating.

When Chen Yi entered the courtyard, Jiang Cuicui and Jiang Baoqin were also there, and the two were fighting each other.

Xiao Hei, who was tied under the shed, wished he could break free from the rope and give Zhang Fengmei a few bites.

Jiang Xinyu was going to wash her hair, but her hair was untidy, and now it has become a chicken coop, sweat dripping from her neck, panting with wheezing in her chest, pointing at Jiang Baoqin, "Your mother said that I will grab your partner, your partner Who is it? When did I rob you? Tell me clearly, otherwise you will not even think about walking out of this door today."

She looked like a bully, and when she looked up, she saw Chen Yi in a white shirt and black trousers hurrying in from outside the courtyard, blinked her eyes stung by sweat, and wiped them with her hand.

Jiang Baoqin groaned inwardly, "My mother was wrong, Xia Dongmin is not my date at all, it's just that my aunt saw that you had a good chat with him, so she just misunderstood."

Zhang Fengmei scolded: "It's not for you, a bastard, this thing can definitely be done!"

Jiang Xinyu's hands were itchy, and she squeezed her wrist as a gesture.

Zhang Fengmei raised her face, "You uneducated one, try hitting me again!"

Zhang Fengmei turned her face and saw Chen Yi coming in, she became even more excited, "Look at Chen Yi, this Jiang Xinyu is shameless, seeing a man makes me want to post it."

Chen Xiuyun slapped her up, without any strength left, Zhang Fengmei groaned, tears came out of pain.

"I'll let you talk nonsense again!"

Jiang Xinyu scolded: "Shameless? You are the most stinky and shameless, and you are the most shameless thief in the whole world! It just so happened that Comrade Xia came, please ask him carefully, I have spoken to him a few words ? If you are so satisfied with this son-in-law, go kneel and beg him to marry your daughter?"

Xia Dongmin who followed in did not expect him to be involved in this.Seeing Jiang Xinyu's angry eyes when looking at him, Xia Dongmin had the illusion that he had done something wrong.

"Aunt Zhang, it was Baoqin of your family who first said that I was not suitable for her. What does it have to do with this lesbian? I still greeted this lesbian under Baoqin's initiative. Why did you come to find me?" Something else?"

Jiang Baoqin's words were vague and intentionally misleading. She didn't expect her mother to be so impulsive, let alone Xia Dongmin hadn't left yet.

After Xia Dongmin finished speaking, Zhang Fengmei and Jiang Cuicui threw their eyes at Jiang Baoqin.

Jiang Baoqin's face froze, "I see that you chatted well with Xinyu, I thought you were interested in her, so I said something inappropriate to you."

Chen Yi was helping Jiang Xinyu smooth her hair, and wiped her sweat with her sleeves. Hearing Jiang Baoqin's words, Jiang Xinyu scolded: "You don't want to pretend to be innocent here. I'll go ahead. If you insist on calling me down, I won't move." You can still catch up and introduce Comrade Xia to me. At that time, I thought you were flaunting a good date in front of me, but now you turn around and label me as a seductress to Comrade Xia. Jiang Baoqin, don’t you all want it? Face? Is there something wrong with your brain?"

Zhang Fengmei opened her mouth and was about to curse back, but Jiang Xinyu pointed at her imposingly, "Shut up!"

Jiang Xinyu was full of momentum, and the broken hair on her forehead was blown, making Zhang Fengmei hold back all the words.

Jiang Xinyu didn't care what others thought of her, and set off Jiang Baoqin's old base, "The whole team knows that you like Song Zhiqing, an educated youth. Why do you want to involve me when you reject Comrade Xia? If you dare to speak nonsense in the future, you see, I won't tear it up." your mouth!"

Jiang Baoqin was so talked about that she couldn't hold her head up, so she could only let Jiang Xinyu point and scold. After a while, she choked out, "I didn't know that my mother would misunderstand, it's my fault!"

She knew that her family would blame her if the matter with Xia Dongmin didn't work out, so she said some specious things to mislead a few people, but she didn't expect that her mother would directly kill her and make such a big fuss.

(End of this chapter)

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