good old days

Chapter 124 Closing

Chapter 124 Closing
It's not a glorious thing for a blind date to have a crush on someone else. Jiang Baoqin thought that her mother had to be more cautious, and the matter would be over when she went to Jiang Xinyu's house and said something nasty. Who would have thought there would be a fight?
So Jiang Baoqin dawdled for a while on the way, and Jiang Cuicui didn't want to go to Chen Xiuyun's house, so he preached to Jiang Baoqin on the way.When the two of them came here, they heard scolding, and when they entered the courtyard gate, Zhang Fengmei was being beaten three times by mother and daughter.

Xia Donghua thought he was a decent person, and it was the first time he got involved in such a mess, so his expression was naturally not very good-looking.

He has already begun to regret, regretting why he took over Jiang Cuicui's fault, and couldn't think about going to the Wuliqiao Brigade for a blind date.

Inexplicably, Jiang Baoqin accused him of having too many children and no one was willing to marry him. Now Jiang Baoqin's mother used him as a raft to find someone else. Very angry.

Xia Donghua glanced at Jiang Cuicui very unhappy, making Jiang Cuicui's face go stiff.

Jiang Cuicui was thinking in her heart, it's too bad, it's a feud instead of a marriage.

"Aunt Jiang, Aunt Zhang, it takes both parties to match each other. Comrade Bao Qin and I have no match for each other, so you shouldn't make it difficult for Comrade Jiang Xinyu. I know Chen Yi, and I know that his partner is Jiang Xinyu , it’s too much for you to talk nonsense and give me a hat of bad style and grabbing people.”

Xia Dongmin said apologetically to Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi: "I'm sorry for today's incident. If you are free some other day, you can go to the marching brigade. I will definitely treat you well."

Xia Dongmin thinks that he is also a village official, and he has to be decent when he walks outside, so that he won't let others see his jokes or gossip about him, even if he doesn't know that Jiang Xinyu is Chen Yi's partner. Having said that, it is for a decent ending.

When I saw Jiang Xinyu earlier, I really had some thoughts in my heart. After all, she is really beautiful. Which man doesn't want to find a beautiful wife?But since he has a partner, it must be forgotten.

Chen Yi knew Xia Dongmin's purpose well, and he was a respectable person. At this time, he said politely: "This is none of your business, so don't say sorry, let's meet again next time the movie is shown."

Jiang Xinyu said goodbye to the sweat-drenched hair on her forehead, and said deliberately: "Comrade Xia didn't even ask about the other party's family on a blind date. Jiang Baoqin's mother is a thief. Who introduced it to you? Why did everyone introduce it to you? This is not safe. If you really have such a mother-in-law, how can you have a peaceful life in the future. "

Jiang Cuicui wanted to curse as soon as her face changed, but she held back the curse words when she met Captain Xia Dongmin's eyes, and explained: "Her mother is his mother, and Baoqin is still very good, beautiful and capable, and she is also tall. hansome."

Jiang Cuicui still didn't give up the idea of ​​making the marriage a success.

Zhang Fengmei was unhappy when she heard this, what do you mean?What is "her mother is her mother"?Can the matter of stealing the baby pig pass?Jiang Xinyu is such a slut, she really wants to tear her mouth to pieces!

But Xia Dongmin said: "You said earlier that she has someone she likes, so I wouldn't be here today, and it's making such an ugly scene."

Jiang Cuicui gave Jiang Baoqin a vicious look.

Xia Dongmin stopped talking to Jiang Cuicui, turned to Chen Yi and said, "When you and Comrade Jiang get married, don't forget to ask me to have a wedding wine."

"It must be."

Xia Dongmin took an unlucky look at Jiang Cuicui, Jiang Baoqin's mother and daughter, and walked out of the courtyard.

A group of commune members who came to watch the excitement gave him way one after another. Among the people watching the excitement outside the courtyard, there were many people who were eating with bowls. Watching the excitement and eating, even the food tasted even more delicious.

Jiang Xinyu looked at the past, a little dizzy, her house seemed to have become a lively center again, and this was the first time since she moved the yard.

"Don't go away, wait until I ask you to go away, right?" Jiang Xinyu didn't care so much when her temper came up, and it would be strange if she was scolded for no reason.

From now on, she will never call Zhang Fengmei, a stinky woman, third aunt, nor Jiang Cuicui, old aunt again. If the villagers want to say that she is uneducated, then they can just say it.

Zhang Fengmei lay back on the ground, yelling, "Baoqin, I can't move anymore, find a stretcher to take me to the health team."

She had to cheat Chen Xiuyun a fortune today.

When Jiang Baoqin heard Jiang Xinyu sneer and sneered, her face turned red and then turned pale, feeling that her mother was indeed a bit ashamed.

Chen Xiuyun instantly changed from a aggressive tigress to a weak patient who couldn't take care of herself, "Xinyu, my brain is swelling and hurting, I have to go to the county hospital to have a scan."

Zhang Fengmei's voice stopped, and she stared at Chen Xiuyun.

The troublemaker outside said, "Stop shouting, both of you, and go to the hospital for an examination together, and the two families can pay each other for the expenses."

Many people laughed.

Jiang Xinyu snorted coldly, "We are acting in self-defense. They are breaking into our houses and beating us. We don't have to pay a penny."

Chen Yi said lightly: "I remember the last time Aunt Zhang went to your house to steal a baby pig. Take a good look and see if there is anything missing in the house. She is a habitual offender. This time, I can't let it go easily."

When Zhang Fengmei heard it, a wheel got up from the ground, and when she was about to yell, Jiang Xinyu scolded loudly: "Don't get out! Don't get out! Let the dog bite you!"

Xiao Hei stood upright, bared his teeth and kept screaming, it was so fierce.

Zhang Fengmei's face was very exciting, wishing to tear Jiang Xinyu's mouth open, her fingers trembling, pointing at her for a long while without saying a word, Jiang Baoqin felt ashamed and forcefully pulled her out.

"The next time you break into my courtyard again, I will call the police." Jiang Xinyu said loudly.

The bustle was gone, and those who were eating with their bowls also went back with their bowls.

Today's incident will inevitably affect Jiang Xinyu's reputation, Chen Xiuyun was about to say something to Chen Yi, when he turned around and saw him helping Jiang Xinyu to fix her hair.

"Where are the rubber bands? Tie them up first, and see if your neck is sweating." Chen Yi looked gentle, and his tone was so normal that he was not affected by what happened just now.

Jiang Xinyu took off the rubber band on her wrist and gave it to him, "Put your hair up, it's too hot to hang around your neck."

In fact, she was quite embarrassed, wondering whether Chen Yi felt that she had become a shrew now, but he acted too normally, so she had no choice but to pretend that what happened just now had never happened.

Seeing these two people like this, Chen Xiuyun held back everything she said.What else to say, it is completely unnecessary.

"I'll boil another pot of water for you, and cook later."

Jiang Yuzhu picked up wild vegetables and trampled eggplants on the ground, and said distressedly: "Eat the eggplants." She scolded the third aunt as a bastard in her heart.

Chen Xiuyun said: "It's okay, I'll pick two more."

Zhang Fengmei was severely beaten by her today, her face was swollen for a few days, and there were probably quite a few bruises on her body.Thinking of this, Chen Xiuyun's breath went smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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