good old days

Chapter 125

Although the fight between mother and daughter San and Zhang Fengmei won a complete victory, this matter is really disgusting.

Chen Xiuyun feels disgusted when she thinks of Zhang Fengmei now, why is there no decent person in Lao Jiang's family?
Widow Wang was originally working at the pigsty, and when she walked back, she heard many people's comments, and roughly figured out everything.

"Widow Wang, you weren't here just now, but you didn't see the aggressiveness of your future daughter-in-law, who made Zhang Fengmei as angry as her grandson, which is amazing."

Xiong's exaggeration is the same as grandson's. Jiang Xinyu made Widow Wang speechless, but this girl is still arrogant.But some people just like to exaggerate when they speak.

Widow Wang snorted, "It's good to be strong, and you won't suffer if you are strong. If Zhang Fengmei dares to come to my house to make trouble, you see, I won't tear her mouth. She really wants to climb up to other teams because she is living longer and more. Captain, tell her daughter not to get involved with the educated youth!"

A group of female comrades nodded in agreement, and talked about Jiang Baoqin and Song Minghan in one go.

"This male educated youth is unreliable. He will abandon his wife and children when he returns to the city someday."

"The Song Zhiqing's family is in the capital, and the watch on his wrist is not cheap. If Baoqin can follow him to the capital in the future, life will definitely not be bad."

"It's not as easy as you said. He doesn't even know when he will be able to return to the city, let alone bring people with him."

"Zhang Fengmei, it's a beautiful idea. She wants to be the captain's mother-in-law, but it's a pity that my daughter is not happy."

"What girl is not happy, and the captain didn't like her."

"Whoever puts a relative like Zhang Fengmei on the table is really disgusting..."

As for Xia Dongmin and Jiang Xinyu's fight, no one said anything. After all, Jiang Xinyu made it clear when she scolded, it was Jiang Baoqin's thoughts.

Widow Wang returned to her yard amidst a lot of discussions, and Chen Yi was washing clothes under the shed.

She opened her mouth and asked, "Your Aunt Chen and Xinyu didn't suffer, did they?"

Chen Yi thought of Jiang Xinyu, a little chili pepper with an unforgiving mouth, and shook his head with a light smile, "It's not a disadvantage."

"What clothes are you washing? Let me wash them for you in the afternoon."

Chen Yi shook his head lightly, "I'm getting old, I wash it myself when I have time, how can I let you wash it all the time."

He had never washed clothes before, but there was a washboard, and it was easy to learn to just scratch and rub on it.

Widow Wang went into the kitchen to cook, and she went in and out of the room and said, "I have discussed with Xinyu's mother. I will do things for you two at the end of this year or after the new year. When Xinyu graduates, buy some gifts, and then call me." You Aunt Wu, let's go to Xinyu's house and have a sit down, that's all the gifts."

It is essential to find a middleman to come to the door with a gift, and the "matchmaker's words" since ancient times are indispensable.

Chen Yi, who was rubbing clothes, was stunned. Judging from Jiang Xinyu's attitude, he would have to wait at least another five or six years to marry her, but what the hell did he mean, he would soon be able to embrace his wife?

"Jiang Xinyu is not old enough, do you want to slow down?"

Widow Wang rolled her eyes at him, "It doesn't matter if you're not old enough, many people serve wine first, and then go to get a marriage certificate when you're old enough."

Furthermore, there are quite a few people who don't get a marriage certificate, and if there is wine, they are a family.

"What? You don't want Xinyu to come in quickly?"

Widow Wang's tone was inevitably a bit joking, but she knew how much her son cared about Jiang Xinyu.

Of course, Chen Yi wanted to marry Jiang Xinyu home as soon as possible, but he always had to ask for her consent, but the opportunity was right in front of him, so he was stupid to push it away.

He and Jiang Xinyu are people from the same world. They were originally husband and wife. Even though they have new relatives after arriving here, in his heart, she is the closest person.

"Tell me what gift you want to prepare, and I'll see if I can get it."

Compared with his and Jiang Xinyu's wedding house in the past, the current home is not an exaggeration to describe it as a bare house, and they have to bring back some belongings.

"Save up some cloth tickets, find a way to get a piece of red cloth at the supply and marketing cooperative, and bring some snacks and meat, and it's almost the same."

Chen Yi was stunned, "It's gone?"

Widow Wang was puzzled, "What do I need to come to the door? I will prepare another bride price."

Chen Yi nodded silently.

Compared with the ceremony when he and Jiang Xinyu got engaged, a piece of red cloth with snacks and meat was so shabby.But he definitely won't let Jiang Xinyu marry her in such a poor and poor way.

In the middle of the afternoon, the sun was still very strong. Sitting on the bicycle, the wind blowing head-on was sultry. The leaves on both sides of the road were glowing oily green under the direct sunlight. As for the back of the leaves, they were blown by the breeze and rolled over. In the past, it was bright green and silvery.

Jiang Xinyu's forehead was pressed against Chen Yi's back, and she was holding a straw hat to cover the sun on one side.

"My mother said that she had discussed it with your mother, and she will do things for us at the end of the year. Do you have any opinions?"

Jiang Xinyu raised her head from his back, cleared her throat and said, "I don't want to have a baby."

Speaking of the child's problem, Jiang Xinyu was only slightly embarrassed. She and Chen Yi shared the same bed before, so what else can't be said?
Jiang Xinyu thought about it last night, Chen Yi is not the same now as before, he said he likes her and treats her really well these days.

Her only concern was how to get along with Widow Wang after arriving at his house, and she was afraid that she wouldn't get along with Widow Wang.

Far fragrance and close smell, no matter how close the relationship stays together for a long time, there will still be friction, and she is impatient to deal with these relationships.

The corners of Chen Yi's mouth raised uncontrollably when he heard her words, she did not object to marrying him.

"Then don't give birth, we'll talk about it later. The current medical conditions are not good, and giving birth too early is not good for your health. I support you very much on this point, and it's entirely up to your wishes."

Chen Yi thinks about the current family conditions, and thinks that now is not the time to have a baby, he doesn't want his child to be born with nothing.Moreover, she is really young now, and having a baby just after she is an adult is really not very good for her health.

"And your current mother, if I have conflicts with her in the future, you must support me!" Jiang Xinyu said confidently.

Chen Yi agreed with a chuckle.

He parked his bicycle under the shade of a tree on the side of the road, got off and put his arms around her.

"Xinyu, I'm very glad that you are willing to marry me again."

There was a warm and sincere smile in his handsome and refined eyebrows, and her fair and beautiful little face was printed in his dark eyes.

Jiang Xinyu snorted, "Marriage can also be divorced, if you treat me badly in the future..."

She's not the type to talk about divorce, but ugly things always come first.

Chen Yi frowned, stretched out his hand to brush the broken hair on her forehead, rubbed her fingers on her lips, and blocked her words of divorce.

Zhang Fengmei's family and Jiang Xinyu's family had a complete feud. After the incident of stealing pig babies years ago, Jiang Guisheng pretended to apologize. This time the two families had a fight, and Zhang Fengmei lost another adult. Jiang Guisheng went back and beat him up again. Even Jiang Baoqin was not spared the beating.

Why was Jiang Baoqin beaten?
Wasn't it because of the rumors about the affair with Song Zhiqing that it would be difficult to even talk about relatives in the future, anyway, Jiang Baoqin couldn't find anyone in the village.

To tell Jiang Baoqin a relationship, you have to wonder if she and Song Minghan have done anything they shouldn't do, how can such a person marry and go home.

Jiang Baoqin, who had been beaten up, went out of the house crying to find Song Minghan.

Zhang Fengmei, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, shouted from behind: "Damn girl, come back to me!"

Jiang Guisheng said angrily, "Let her go!"

Zhang Fengmei looked at him in confusion, has her man changed his gender?

Jiang Guisheng was smoking a pipe with a sullen face.

Didn't her daughter insist on marrying Song Minghan?Then marry!Let Song Minghan live in his house from now on!As long as he found out where his home was, he wouldn't be able to escape even if he wanted to go back to the city.

Didn't Jiang Baoqin say that Song Minghan's family is in good condition, and he has been going to marry her daughter, so his family can't lose a little bit of light!

Holding back tears, Jiang Baoqin found Song Minghan, and the two went to a place where no one was there, and Jiang Baoqin threw himself into his arms.

"Brother Song, I don't want to do this either, but I can't control my feelings for you..."

Jiang Baoqin's heart-to-heart exchange made Song Minghan feel her hot feelings, and his heart seemed to be scalded.

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