good old days

Chapter 126 Work Implementation

On Monday night, Chen Xiuyun took a day off, saying that she would accompany Jiang Yuzhu to the county to take the exam tomorrow.

She had to leave early in the morning before dawn, how could Chen Xiuyun rest assured that Jiang Yuzhu would go alone.

There were still a hundred pieces of pig pancreas soap at home, and Chen Xiuyun also wanted to take this opportunity to sell them in the county.It's a pity that thinking of Zhang Tiezhu, she finally held back.

I heard someone whisper to her in private that Zhang Tiezhu beat Accountant Li because of Yuan Chunhua, and I haven't seen Zhang Tiezhu appearing in the village these days, and I don't know where he went.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiuyun was still not reconciled, and went to the back of Zhang Tiezhu's house at night. There was no candle in the house, but when she got closer, she heard someone's snoring, which was quite loud.

Chen Xiuyun returned home quickly, and first hid the cloth bag containing pig pancreas soap in a grass nest in the forest belt at the entrance of the village and buried it, which was quite far from the entrance of the village.

At night, Chen Xiuyun felt that the time was almost up, so she called Jiang Yuzhu up.

After cleaning up, the mother and daughter casually ate some leftovers, then scattered Xiao Hei to run in the courtyard, and rode Chen Yi's bicycle out of the courtyard.

Chen Xiuyun can ride a bicycle, but she is not good at it. When Jiang Yuzhu sat on it, the two even fell down.

It was dawn, and when we arrived at the entrance of the village, a dark shadow stood there, which was very scary.

"Who? Zhang Tiezhu?"

Chen Xiuyun asked tentatively.

Zhang Tiezhu was woken up by the sound of the mother and daughter falling down on their bicycles, and immediately became sober after waking up.

Because he got into a fight with Accountant Li, his face was covered with paint, which was embarrassing, so he didn't go out very much during the day.

When he woke up in the middle of the night, he went to find this bitch Yuan Chunhua. After the two of them had sex, he heard Yuan Chunhua say that Chen Xiuyun asked for leave and went to the county to send her daughter to the exam tomorrow.At that time, he thought about it, could Chen Xiuyun let him catch him tomorrow?

After coming out of Yuan Chunhua's place, he went to sleep on the slope at the entrance of the village, and now he had waited for the two of them.

At this moment he said, "It's me."

Chen Xiuyun felt as if she was being watched by this grandson, and said in a bad tone, "What are you doing here? Is this scary?"

Zhang Tiezhu stretched his arms and legs on purpose, walked up to him, and looked at the bicycle and the mother and daughter.

The bicycle was clean, and the mother and daughter didn't bring anything on them. It can be called light and simple. Jiang Yuzhu put a pen in his pocket, while Chen Xiuyun had money and tickets in his pocket.

Looking at the car and the two of them, it was extremely clean. Zhang Tiezhu felt disappointed, "I sleep too much during the day, and I go out for a stroll at night. You two don't mind me if you have something to do, go on your own."

Chen Xiuyun said: "Let me tell you Zhang Tiezhu, don't make any wrong decisions. The dog in my yard is loose now. If you go in to steal something, you can't rely on me if you get bitten."

Chen Xiuyun did it on purpose, because her intuition told her that he had noticed her business affairs and came here on purpose, and what she said now was to confuse the public.

Zhang Tiezhu immediately became unwilling after hearing this, "Am I that kind of person?"

"If my house loses something, I have to go to the captain to report you. Who told you to stay up in the middle of the night and wander around the village entrance? You don't think of doing good things when you see it."

Finally, Chen Xiuyun snorted, pedaled the car and took Jiang Yuzhu away.

Zhang Tiezhu was so frustrated, how dare he spend so many days squatting in vain?He walked back cursing in his heart.

On the other end, Chen Xiuyun quietly dug out the cloth bag and took it with her.

Although Zhang Tiezhu didn't find anything, Chen Xiuyun was very wary of this person.It would be very inconvenient if he kept staring at her.

There is a shuttle bus from the town to the county, and the two of them paid for the shuttle bus when they arrived in the town.

Jiang Yuzhu was waiting for today's exam. When she sat at the table and saw the so-called test paper, she found that the content on it was really simple, not as difficult as the school's math and physics test paper.

It was also Jiang Yuzhu who took this exam too seriously. With Fang Shibin's relationship, she sent out a big front door. Jiang Yuzhu herself graduated from high school and is a literate person. The job of a salesperson in Xinhua Bookstore is still safe. of.

Favors and exams are one thing. In these days, family relations have to be checked. Chen Xiuyun is a progressive young intellectual who went to the countryside to join the team and take root in the countryside. The three generations of Lao Jiang's family were poor peasants, and their roots are just like Miaohong. There is nothing to challenge them. What went wrong.

In a flash, it came to the end of June. After Jiang Yuzhu traveled many times to the county, her job was finally confirmed. She will be a glorious salesperson in the county Xinhua Bookstore. Create a file with every book sold, and do a good job in daily sales.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions, and Jiang Yuzhu's work has been implemented. When Jiang Xinyu came home from vacation this week, she ate Xiaolongbao made by Comrade Chen Xiuyun.

The stuffing of Xiaolongbao is made of meat and mushrooms. It is fresh and fragrant, with plenty of juice.

The little buns came out of the pot, and Chen Xiuyun asked Jiang Xinyu to bring a small pot to Chen Yi's family.

Chen Yi didn't go to pick her up today, he should have gone to the countryside to show a movie, now it was dark and Chen Yi hadn't come back yet, only Widow Wang was sitting under the eaves to enjoy the cool air.

"Auntie, have you eaten yet?"

Seeing her coming with something, Widow Wang hurriedly said, "Whatever you give, it will cost you nothing. Take it home and eat it yourself."

Jiang Xinyu put it on the table in the house, and said with a smile: "My mother made meat buns with soup. They are delicious. My mother asked me to bring them to you. Auntie, eat them while they are hot."

Who would be unhappy to be thought about by others, Widow Wang was also happy in her heart.

"It's a pity that Chen Yi went to the countryside and won't come back today. I'll keep it until he comes back tomorrow."

Jiang Xinyu said, "Then you should try some while it's hot."

The atmosphere between the future mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was quite harmonious. When Jiang Xinyu left, Widow Wang even sent her to the gate.

When she got home, Jiang Xinyu made a few soft and delicious buns one after another.

The three mothers and daughters were talking.

Jiang Yuzhu was in a good mood thinking about the days when she would work in Xinhua Bookstore in the future. Comrade Chen Xiuyun talked about some things that happened in the brigade recently.

Jiang Baoqin and Song Zhiqing may have made a decision. Song Zhiqing has already dined at Jiang Baoqin's house twice, and Zhang Fengmei also showed the villagers that Song Zhiqing would pay to build a brick house in her courtyard. , After drinking, the young couple will live in.

Jiang Xinyu didn't think much of it when she heard this, so what's the matter with her?
Early the next morning, Comrade Chen Xiuyun borrowed a bicycle from the captain's house, and was going to the county with Jiang Yuzhu, her bedding and other daily necessities.

In two days, Jiang Yuzhu will officially go to work, and she has to arrange all the daily necessities in advance. Today, Chen Xiuyun also happened to go to see Jiang Yuzhu's future multi-person dormitory.

Jiang Xinyu wanted to go with her at first, but it was a pity that the bicycle brought a lot of things and there was another person sitting on it. It was really impossible to take her, and the brigade was about to distribute food, and the brigade leader asked her to check it out. .

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