good old days

Chapter 127 Reading is useful!

The sun was shining brightly, and the members of the Wuliqiao brigade were all gathered around the grain drying field.

Jiang Xinyu, who was wearing a straw hat, sat in front of the table, and there was an account book spread out on the table. Everyone who received the food had to come and sign, and those who couldn't write would put their fingerprints on the name Jiang Xinyu had written.

The team leader took a few young adults to weigh the grain.

Food is the most concerned thing of the commune members, and the brigade will take advantage of the noon break to distribute it. At this time, many households will wait here without even cooking.

Jiang Xinyu is quite familiar with the team's accounts now, and has been going to the public office to check the accounts during the holidays in the past few weeks.

The food distribution and treatment of the educated youth in the brigade is different from that of the members of the brigade. The scope of the six labors and four labors caused by the meeting at the beginning did not include the educated youth.

After all, educated youths are not from the village, and they are generally not good at labor, especially for female educated youths. This is entirely determined by physical strength.Seventy percent is their living guarantee. If it becomes sixty percent, they will inevitably make trouble, so when the decision was held at the meeting, they were not called educated youths at all.

The food was divided into piles and piles, which were weighed under the eyes of everyone.

After the weighing, the family transported the food home together.

The captain's daughter-in-law was standing next to Jiang Xinyu, talking to her from time to time, and not far away were other female comrades of the brigade.

"Xinyu, your sister will work in the city from now on, how much is it a month?"

Jiang Xinyu said: "I've just settled on a job, and there's not much in each month in the first year."

She was stupid to say the exact number.There are many people in the village who hate others and laugh at others.

Seeing that she didn't speak, a group of people curled their lips and felt that this girl is very smart now, and she is also very aggressive. Last time Zhang Fengmei was so angry that she couldn't speak, but she was amazing.

"How did your sister get the job, tell us all about it."

In the past, Li Lei, the captain's son, was the only worker in the team who went to work in the city. Later, Chen Yi became a film projectionist. After becoming an "advanced element", he successfully became a regular. As a bookstore salesperson, how can this not be enviable?
Which one who works hard in the field does not want his children and grandchildren to prosper?

Jiang Xinyu said after waiting for the signing uncle to press his fingerprints: "The county unit recruits workers. First, you have to apply for an exam. After you pass the exam, you can be settled. My sister almost ran around a job. moon."

"Why did my sister get a job in the city? Do you know the most important reason?"

The elders, aunts and daughters-in-law all pricked up their ears.

The captain's daughter-in-law answered, "You're not educated yet!"

Jiang Xinyu gave her a thumbs up, "Auntie is right! Culture is the most important thing."

The captain's daughter-in-law straightened her back inexplicably proudly!Her husband sends all the children in the family to school, and the expenses are more than other families in the brigade every year, but as long as one of them can go to the city to get a job opportunity, it is worth it!
It's a pity that most people in the village don't understand this truth, and even if they understand it, they are not willing to pay for their children to study.

Jiang Xinyu acts as a little teacher for the members of the team. She wants them to know the truth that knowledge can change their destiny, and she also wants them to pay more attention to girls.

"Look for yourself, don't talk about the city, just the cadres in our team, headed by the captain secretary, which one is uneducated?"

The cadres in the team at the side subconsciously straightened up when they heard her words. This girl Xinyu was right, they are cultural people!

Although not all of them have graduated from high school, and some have only graduated from elementary school, but compared to many illiterate people in the village, how can they be regarded as cultural people?

"If you can't read big characters, no unit in the city will want you."

Someone retorted, "That's not necessarily the case, the uncle who guards the gate of the factory in the county cannot read."

"There are still many factory workers, and many are illiterate."

Jiang Xinyu smiled, "Why can't you be the one who guards the gate?"

The uncle who spoke said: "He is originally from the city, but we are from the village, so we can't compare with others."

Jiang Xinyu nodded and said: "We are in the village, and our starting point is lower than others, so we must improve our own competitiveness. Only with culture, can we have the opportunity to become urbanites!"

"You said lightly, where does the money for school come from? There are so many children in the family, and there is not enough to chew. How can there be money to send all the children to school?"

Jiang Xinyu was stumped, she really forgot about this.

In the planned economy era, rural people were poor.Her family is not secretly engaged in business and Comrade Chen Xiuyun's mother's subsidy, but also poor.

She could only say brazenly with a stern face: "Work hard, earn more work points, and you can always get more points at the end of the year. If you have difficulties, find a way to overcome them. Like my family, I don't have much money. My mother asks the three of us to go to school. Borrowed from grandma's house. Life will be difficult for a while, but there will always be a good day."

In fact, Jiang Xinyu wanted to say that she would have fewer children. If there were only two children in the family, she would not believe that the tuition fees for the two children would not be covered.If you really can't get it out, it's pure picking.

But now every family generally has more than three children, and there are quite a few of five or six. Some unseparated families have more than [-] people, and there are almost ten children. The tuition fee is a lot. Few people are reluctant.

But these days, everyone is trying their best to have children, especially if they want a boy baby. If you say this, you will probably be hated.

"Don't always think that your daughter is not from your own family. Let your daughter study at home..."

Jiang Xinyu was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Water splashed by a married girl will become someone else's family after she gets married. Isn't it a waste to let the girl study?"

Jiang Xinyu thought for a while and said, "Is it possible for her to get a job in the city by letting her study? For example, my sister, whether she will get married or not in the future, will she be able to repay the family?"

"It's not what you said. How can my daughter help the family after she gets married? Can she still use her salary to subsidize her mother's family? Will the in-law's family be happy?"

Nowadays people's thinking is deeply ingrained, and the old god Jiang Xinyu asked: "Whether it is a son or a daughter, as long as you are filial, who will not repay the parents who raised you?"

She can't talk to these people about equality between men and women, because they don't agree with this concept in their bones, and she can only make them agree with it by talking about giving and rewarding and filial piety.

Most people still don't agree with Jiang Xinyu's words. They think that a married daughter is not considered a member of their own family. What's the use of letting a daughter go to school?Not a waste of money?
The team leader raised his voice at this time and said: "Girl Xinyu is right, knowledge and culture are of the utmost importance. You are not active in opening literacy classes in the team every year. If you do it this winter, please be active. I don't know how to read. , can you get out of the village? When you come to the city, you can’t read big characters, so you can’t even speak well when you talk to the city people? Do you feel short of breath when you see the well-dressed city people?”

Most of the people in the brigade have only been to the town, not even the county. They are curious and subconsciously timid about the outside world.

And the unconcerned person raised his voice and said: "If going to school is really useful, why are these educated youths in the city sent to the countryside to repair the earth?"

It was not easy for Jiang Xinyu to refute this.The reason for the educated youth going to the countryside is that there are not enough jobs in the city. As for other reasons, she is not too sure.

The team leader simply said: "A few days after the distribution of food, we will recommend workers, peasants and soldiers college students. Does this mean that those who have not gone to school don't even have the opportunity?"

The captain's words are very powerful!
Everyone nodded in their hearts, didn't they?Those who have no culture really have no chance!

That is the quota of college students, which means whether they can hold a solid job in the future. This opportunity is not the same as the invisible job opportunity in the county. Everyone can see it!
Su Qingqing, who was standing in the shade of the forest, gave Jiang Xinyu a white look, and muttered: "What are you showing off, isn't her sister a small salesperson! Those who don't know think she is a big leader."

The educated youth on the side did not agree with her.

Why did these educated youths go to the countryside?Still not working in the city?Salesperson of Xinhua Bookstore, who wouldn't be jealous of this job?
How decent and easy is working in a bookstore compared to working hard in the fields every day?
Not to mention work or not, Comrade Jiang is quite right, culture is important.

Why do these educated youths who have been sent to the countryside have a sense of superiority in front of the members of the brigade? One is that they are originally from the city, and the other is that they are educated!
Can get job opportunities, which one is illiterate?

However, these progressive intellectual youths who are literate are now reduced to the same level as these bumpkins in the countryside.

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