good old days

Chapter 128 Accounting

Today, regardless of the food for the educated youth, a group of educated youths have come here to watch the fun, and they also want to see how much the food will be divided this time.

These educated youths who are generally not good at work and are not liked by the commune members are squatting or standing under the shade of trees in the forest belt.

Jiang Xinyu, who is wearing a white shirt and a straw hat and sitting at the table with a pen, is a beautiful landscape in the grain drying field.

She has a straight back, dressed in fresh and clean clothes, with a smile on her face, and two shallow dimples floating on her face. Her face is already watery, and her body has a soft and clean temperament, which has attracted the attention of many young people. look.

The young men in the brigade didn't know what the girls in the city were like, anyway, none of the female educated youths in the brigade could compare with Jiang Xinyu.

Some of them have seen her aggressive appearance, but the appearance of her sitting here is really attractive.

Many young people are secretly looking at her. Everyone knows that she has a partner, but she is so outstanding and good-looking that people can't help but glance at her a few more times, and they will secretly blush after a few more glances.If she noticed Jiang Xinyu's posture of looking up, she would definitely look away in a hurry.

Jiang Xinyu is not the lucky face with thick eyebrows, big eyes and big face that the older generation likes, but no one can say that she is not good looking.

Jiang Baoqin and Song Minghan stood together, and Jiang Baoqin bit his lip when he saw Song Minghan's eyes that he hadn't looked back for a long time, "Brother Song."

She called Song Minghan several times before he came back to his senses. He turned his head and lowered his eyes to look at her, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Baoqin didn't want to say anything that would embarrass herself, so she said in a low tone: "If marrying me makes you unhappy, then I don't want to embarrass you, I know I'm not good enough for you, you are so good..."

Song Minghan rubbed his eyebrows, "Don't think too much, I'm not unhappy."

He didn't intend to start a family in the country, but he and Jiang Baoqin broke through the bottom line. She liked him so much, her feelings for him were as hot as fire, and her heart was kind. His grandfather also said that she was a good girl. He shouldn't Live up to her.But it's true that her mother and her milk are a bit annoying.

However, seeing Jiang Xinyu, who can soothe the heat of the heart like a cool breeze in summer, and make people unable to take their eyes off Jiang Xinyu sitting under the sun, Song Minghan couldn't help feeling sorry.

"Captain, who will be the accountant of our brigade in the future?"

Many people are very curious about this question, and those with a bit of culture know how to settle accounts, wishing it would be their family's turn.

During the weighing interval, Captain Li glanced at Jiang Xinyu, "Xinyu is a good girl, Xiao Lin can't make mistakes in the accounts she has calculated, and the form is also clear, I mean let her bear it first, If you have a better candidate, we will recommend it."

The members of Lao Jiang's family stared wide-eyed when they heard this, this is the accountant of the brigade!In the village, size is also a character!There is no need to go to the fields to work, and everyone in the village does not say that everyone is flattering, that is also respected by everyone.

Mrs. Li began to regret it in her heart, why did she have such an ugly fight with Chen Xiuyun's mother and daughter back then?

Now people are getting better and better. I heard people say that her family can eat meat every now and then. Now Jiang Yuzhu has become a salesperson in a bookstore in the city, and Jiang Xinyu, a stinky girl, can also be an accountant in the team!None of the benefits will fall to her family!
Mrs. Li was beating her chest with regret in her heart. If the family hadn't been separated, she had appointed Jiang Yuzhu to stay for a few more years and hand in her monthly salary. She could save a lot of money a year!

Amidst everyone's different thoughts, Jiang Xinyu turned her face to the side and said with a smile: "Uncle praised me for my good work, but I can only do accounting work for a while, and I will go to the county to inquire about it later. Is there anyone recruiting, I may not be able to handle such an important job as an accountant."

This is not a question of competence, but a question of whether to be convinced.

Even with the suggestion of the team leader, she dared to say that more than half of the people in the team would not accept her as an accountant.

She is young and can't hold back others, so there will inevitably be troubles, so let's forget it.

In fact, the most important thing is that the accountants of the brigade have no wages and no subsidies!

Her mother is now a private teacher, and she has full work points every day in class. In addition to work points, she also has an extra five yuan a month as a subsidy.In addition to subsidies, like the cadres and members in the brigade, they all rely on work points to earn income.

The advantage of being a small cadre is that you can keep accounts according to the full work points of young and strong laborers every day, and you can always earn more than others throughout the year, and you are also very respected by the members.

But where can more be more, how much is a work point worth?

Widow Wang, who came from the pigsty and queued up to get the food, felt a little pity when she heard her answer, but after thinking about it, she felt that Jiang Xinyu was transparent. How could the people in the brigade obey her?Now that I say no, I can save a lot of things.

Many people were nervous at first, but when they heard Jiang Xinyu's answer, they all breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this girl is more pleasing to the eye.

"How can it be so easy to find a job in the city, just talk about it?"

There is always that sourness that jumps out unabashedly.

Jiang Xinyu was not angry either, "You have to try if you can find it, right? If you don't try, you will definitely not find it."

The captain's daughter-in-law echoed: "Xinyu is right, in case there will be a chance in the future."

Jiang Xinyu was a little subtle in her heart, she found that the captain's wife was a lot more polite to her, and she was much closer than a few months ago.It's not that he treated her badly before, but he became closer in attitude and helped her speak from time to time.

While talking, Chen Yi rode a bicycle to the sun-dried field.

He knew that the food was distributed today, so he rode his bicycle over to help get the food home.

Seeing him, Widow Wang just said, "It happens that Xinyu's mother is not here today, so you can help Xinyu get her home back later."

After Chen Yi answered, he went to Jiang Xinyu's side, reached out his hand and took out a few hard candies from his pocket and put them on the table.

The captain's daughter-in-law yelled, and said with a smile: "It's so painful when you're not married."

Chen Yi smiled lightly and said, "I went to a movie yesterday, and someone in that village got married, so they just gave me a handful of candies."

The envy of those who heard his words.Movie projectionists will be treated well in any village they go to, but they have face!

Jiang Xinyu picked up one and handed it to the captain's daughter-in-law, "Auntie eats too."

The captain's daughter-in-law waved her hand, "What kind of candy do you eat when you're too old?"

The appearance of candy attracted the attention of many children around. Jiang Xinyu waved to the children, and the children came roaring.

She gave the candy to the children and said, "Cut it up and share it. Everyone is so sweet. After eating my candy, each of you will catch a frog for me at night."

The children responded excitedly.

"Sister Xinyu, I'll catch two for you!"

It is not easy for the children to eat a candy all year round. Now they tasted the sweetness and squinted their eyes happily, and responded to her words with a straight chest.

Jiang Xinyu said again: "I won't give candy to anyone who wants to go to the river beach, but remember it!"

Two weeks ago, a child caught a frog and fell into the river and almost didn't come up, but the adults were terrified.

For the children, the boss is the one who gives them sweets, and you must listen to what the boss says!

When the adults see that their children are mixed with sweets, Jiang Xinyu is a bit more pleasing to the eye.

However, some people think that Jiang Xin's hands are loose, sugar is also a precious commodity, how can it be distributed to these bastards in the village casually?Can't you keep it for yourself and eat slowly?What a bad day.

The food distribution arrived at Jiang Guisheng's house, and a group of people were about to go home with the food on their backs. Jiang Guisheng came close to sign.

Jiang Xinyu handed him the pen without expression.

The two families have completely feuded, and she and Jiang Baoqin's family will not say a word in the future.

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