good old days

Chapter 138 Private Land

Chapter 138 Private Land

The courtyard door of Jiang Xinyu's house was open, and Chen Yi simply rode his bicycle in.

Jiang Xinyu walked out of the kitchen with a knife in her hand, with sweat still on her forehead, she asked with a smile, "I just came back."

Seeing her smiling face, Chen Yi stretched her clean and handsome eyebrows, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Xinyu waved the knife in Wu's hand, and the smile on her face was very vivid: "I asked the children in the team to catch shrimp and loach for me today, and when I make shrimp paste, I will send you a bottle. "

Chen Yi saw that she had no haze at all, and he was relieved a lot. Recently, he has been busy going to other villages to show movies, and he doesn't have much time to meet her.

Chen Xiuyun was making noodles in the basin. After washing her hands, she came out and said, "Haven't you eaten yet? Eat some at my aunt's place, sit under the shed for a while, and the noodles will be ready in a while."

Chen Yi hurriedly said: "My mother has already prepared a meal for me to eat when I go home. I'll tell Xinyu that I'm going to the police station tomorrow morning, and I'll pick her up."

Chen Xiuyun paused, with worry in her eyes, "Can't there be something wrong?"

Chen Yi comforted her in a gentle tone: "It's okay, it's just the process, and it won't last long, auntie don't worry."

He was about to leave, Jiang Xinyu took a tomato and handed it to him, "Try it, the tomatoes in my field are delicious."

His warm and dry palm touched her head, and her smiling face was imprinted in Heizhan's clear eyes, "I'm going back."

Chen Xiuyun poked her head in the kitchen for a glance and then retracted her head. She seriously doubted that if she wasn't there, the two young men would be able to kiss directly.It's hard to see how sticky young people are.

After the person left, Jiang Xinyu continued to chop shrimp with great interest, Chen Xiuyun glanced at her, and didn't know what she was being silly about.

"Everyone is gone, what are you happy about?"

Jiang Xinyu snorted, "I'm happy to think of eating delicious food later."

Chen Xiuyun didn't expose her, she rubbed off the dried peanut skins and picked them out.

After chopping the pureed shrimp, wash and chop the soaked mushrooms.

There are not many kinds of seasonings at home, so Jiang Xinyu can only use limited seasonings to remove fishy smell and enhance fragrance.

She used to know how to make dim sum, but she didn't cook much, and she knew even fewer dishes.But her aunt is an absolutely good wife and mother, and she cooks a lot. Jiang Xinyu mostly lived in her uncle's house when she was a student, and she hardly did anything, but she watched her aunt cook a lot.

In fact, she now cooks and puts ingredients based on her feelings.

Seeing that she poured out a lot of oil, Chen Xiuyun was so distressed, how could she waste it like this, this time she used up all the oil in other people's homes for a year.

If she hadn't made some money by doing business, Chen Xiuyun definitely couldn't let her be so fussy.

While the heat was steaming, the fresh aroma of shrimp and mushrooms came out, and it smelled delicious. The color of the soy sauce was very appetizing. Jiang Xinyu added a few chopped red peppers with seeds removed.

The peppers in the private plot were not too spicy, so she didn't put a few. Now that she knew that Chen Yi couldn't eat spicy food, she still had scruples.

After the shrimp paste was fried and served, Chen Xiuyun also cut the rolled sorghum noodles, filled the pot with water, and waited for the next noodles.

Jiang Xinyu tasted the shrimp paste, the taste is moderately salty, the freshness of the shrimp and mushrooms is just right, and the aftertaste is slightly spicy, the taste is really great.

"Mom, I'll send a can to Chen Yi's house when it's cold."

Chen Xiuyun said: "The cans and bottles are in the house, you go and get them."

There is a lot of shrimp paste, give out a can, and the mother and daughter can eat several meals with noodles.

The noodles became more firm after soaking in cold water. With a spoonful of shrimp paste, Jiang Xinyu ate two bowls in a row.

After eating, Chen Xiuyun ate the watermelon and said, "I used to eat big steamed crabs and shrimps before I went to the countryside. This is the first time I eat shrimps this way. The taste is really good."

Jiang Xinyu opened her eyes wide in surprise, "Mom, your family is a big family, you can still eat crabs often!"

Chen Xiuyun gave her a strange look, and then explained: "How expensive do you think crabs and shrimps are? These things don't have a lot of meat, and you can't get enough if you eat them. The price is not expensive."

On the coast of the Shanghai stock market, compared with food, the price of crabs is definitely not expensive.

In Chen Xiuyun's memory, her mother likes to eat crab roe, it's not expensive, and she often eats it at home.

"Your uncle cooks good dishes now, and seafood is definitely his specialty." Chen Xiuyun thought of the dishes he ate at home when he went home to visit relatives last year, and he had an aftertaste for a while.

The mother and daughter ate noodles and a few pieces of melon. Both of them ate a round belly, which was quite satisfying.

"The shrimp paste is cold, put it in a jar and send it to Chen Yi's family."

Jiang Xinyu walked to Chen Yi's house with the jar.

It was already dark, and the courtyards of the various households in the village were not close to each other, with some distance between them, that is, the candlelight of each household gave her a sense of security.

After encountering gangsters and Yao Xianmin, she was a little scared to go out now, and she was originally determined to find a job in the county, but now she has withdrawn her courage a bit.

When they arrived at Chen Yi's house, Widow Wang was washing pots and bowls in the kitchen, while Chen Yi took a cold shower in the small room enclosed by the side of the house.

"Auntie, this is the shrimp paste I made today. You can eat pancakes mixed with noodles. I put this here for you." Jiang Xinyu poked her head at the kitchen door.

Seeing her small appearance, Widow Wang also felt very happy, "There are some wild peaches on the table in the main room, let's eat them."

Jiang Xinyu was also polite, went in and took a peach, ate it and talked to her.

Wild mountain peaches are small and not yet ripe, but they are sweet and sour when eaten, and the peach flavor is quite strong.

The two talked for a while, and Jiang Xinyu knew that the wild peaches were from Guizi Mountain, but they were picked before they were ripe. Widow Wang also picked up a few leftovers when she went to cut pigweed halfway up the mountain.

Comrade Chen Xiuyun never let his daughters go up to Guizi Mountain. There used to be wild boars on that mountain, and they ran down and hustled crops and hurt people, but it was a bit dangerous.

While the two were talking, Chen Yi came out wearing clean clothes.

He raised his chin slightly and said, "Go, I'll take you back."

Widow Wang was speechless. If she didn't know, she thought it was a long way. This young man's talking partner was sticky.

Jiang Xinyu wanted to fry shrimps when she went back, but now she didn't want to go back, so she shook his hand, "Let's go for a walk."

If it was her, she would have gone home in no time, but isn't he here?

The sound of frogs croaking, occasionally a small wind blows, the sky is full of stars, and the crescent moon hangs like a hook in the sky. It should be a sunny day tomorrow.

Walking and walking, I arrived at the private plot of Jiang Xinyu's family, and the wind was very cool.

Chen Yi sat on the grass and hugged her, she could feel how cool he was through the clothes.

Just as the two were about to kiss, a black shadow crept up from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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