good old days

Chapter 139

Chapter 139
The black shadow in the distance was getting closer and closer, and the two snuggled together quietly watched quietly.

The two sneaked out for a date. Of course, the place where they sat was not conspicuous, and it was still somewhat hidden.

The black shadow looked around, and then went to Jiang Xinyu's private plot, and started knocking on her melons one by one.

Jiang Xinyu thought of the two melons thrown in the private plot, and immediately became serious!
There are a lot of melons in her family's field, and this is one of the few fruits in her family. Which wicked and smoking guy dares to steal her melons!
Soi Ying knocked several times, and the voice sounded "dong dong", and she was not sure which one she was familiar with. She was here for business, so how could she sell raw.

While she was hesitating, another black figure approached, and Jiang Xinyu's body, which was about to stand up, stopped moving again.

"Look, I don't know which one is cooked, I'm afraid I can't eat it if I pick it."

When Jiang Xinyu heard this person's voice, she instantly knew who it was.

Damn it, thieves are addicted to stealing things, just like a dog can't change eating shit.

Jiang Baoqin's mother is really a habitual offender!Have you forgotten the last time you did a self-criticism in front of the members?

While she was cursing in her heart, the black shadow that followed gently put the sack on the ground.

Zhang Fengmei asked: "Have you finished dragging all the ones to the west?"

The man muffled his head and said "hmm", "I have to pull less so as not to attract attention. The recent watermelons and cantaloupes have stockpiled a hundred catties. When the wheat harvesters come, we will deal with these melons."

"When are we going to wait? I always feel unsafe to put it there."

"You women have long hair but short knowledge, so it's safe to put it in your yard. If someone finds out, can you still tell me?"

Jiang Xinyu didn't recognize the male voice, it wasn't the third uncle Jiang Guisheng she thought, and she definitely didn't hear this voice in the village.

"Don't act rashly, let's take a look first, they will leave in a while, I will follow up secretly."

From the conversation between these two people, both of them guessed that these two people were doing speculative business, and they also stocked up a lot of things.

He whispered into her ear, and the hot air from the spray made her move her ears. She squeezed his hand hard, and then said softly, "If they go up the mountain, you can't follow them. There may be wild boars on the hills."

He gave a soft "hmm" and took her hand back.

Both of them had the idea of ​​throwing watermelons to catch big fish, so they watched in silence as the man bent over and knocked on the watermelons in the ground, and finally pulled two in total.

Jiang Xinyu snorted coldly in her heart, she was extremely ashamed of Zhang Fengmei's character.

The two of them plucked the melons in Jiang Xinyu's field, and not far away was Ma Meili's private plot, and there were melons in her field.

There are several varieties of small cantaloupe, and Jiang Xinyu doesn't know what they are called. Anyway, there are many kinds of melons in the village's private field, some long and some round. The field is well served and there are many fruits.

Ma Meili's field picked up a lot of melons, and Zhang Fengmei grabbed a lot without hesitation.

The two melon thieves were busy, pulling some in this field, and searching in that field. It was originally a sack, but the man took another sack from his pocket, and the second sack was half filled. .

"Okay, okay, I won't be able to carry it anymore." Zhang Fengmei was content.

The two went to the northwest of the village with sacks on their backs quietly. Guizi Mountain was neither high nor steep. The road was covered with trees and grass. It was a little scary to see the shadows at night. The other side of the mountain was Shenzhuang. brigade.

Jiang Xinyu thought, could it be possible that the man with Zhang Fengmei belonged to Shenzhuang Brigade?She didn't know where Zhang Fengmei's natal family was, so she could only guess at this moment.

Chen Yi looked at the direction the two left, and shook Jiang Xinyu's hand, "I'll take you back first."

Jiang Xinyu caught the word "first", "Are you going with the two of you?"

Chen Yi didn't want her to worry, but he was not good at lying, so he hesitated.

Jiang Xinyu understood this hesitation, "I'm a little worried."

Chen Yi patted her head reassuringly, "I'll take you back, and then go to Li Lei. Nothing will happen to the two of us."

He knew that Li Lei came back from the county today.

Also, there should be no wild boars on this mountain. The studio inspected it several times before filming on the mountain. There should be some rabbits and pheasants, and there should be no large wild animals.

When he sent her back, he explained the situation clearly to her in a low voice. Jiang Xinyu was also thinking about Zhang Fengmei's stockpile, and was afraid that something would happen to him.

"Then when you come back, call twice at the gate of my yard."

After Chen Yi responded, he watched her enter the yard, and then went to find Li Lei without stopping.

The team leader's family had finished eating, and now they all went back to their houses. Chen Yi found a reason to call Li Lei out, and when he finished talking about this matter, Li Lei cursed: "It's really wicked!"

Immediately, he became excited again, "Let's go, hurry up, the two of you should be gone in a while."

Li Lei went back and copied the rolling pin. Chen Yi walked back to the courtyard and took a stick.

When the two went up the mountain, Jiang Xinyu told Zhang Fengmei about stealing melons and what happened just now.

Chen Xiuyun was furious, "This shameless thing!"

Seeing her get up, Jiang Xinyu hurriedly asked, "Mom, what are you going to do? She and that man are carrying things up the mountain."

This will find someone to settle the account but can't find it.

Chen Xiuyun sneered, "Her family also has a lot of vegetables and melons in their private plot. She stole them from mine, so I'll steal them back!"

Jiang Xinyu: "..."

At this time, she didn't know what to say, but somehow she felt that it would be cool to steal it back, er, it was not very moral.However, it is somewhat inappropriate to talk about morality with immoral people.

So Jiang Xinyu said: "Then I will watch for you!"

Chen Xiuyun said calmly, "Fry your prawns, I'll be right back."

Seeing the little girl consuming oil and frying shrimp, in fact, she couldn't bear it a bit, so she simply couldn't see it.

Chen Xiuyun hurried away with a cloth bag, Jiang Xinyu stared at her back in dumbfounded.

The small river prawns wrapped with seasonings, sweet potato starch and a thin layer of flour are put into the pan, and they are fried when they are crispy and golden.

The fried small river prawns swelled a lot, and a basin was filled to the brim.

While Jiang Xinyu was absent-mindedly eating the freshly fried shrimp, Chen Xiuyun came back with a cloth bag on her back.

Jiang Xinyu looked at the bulging cloth bag and hurriedly fastened the gate of the courtyard.

"Mom, why did you pull so much?" She asked in a low voice.

Chen Xiuyun rolled her eyes, "It's my first time being a thief, so it's not a loss if I don't steal more."

After finishing speaking, she added: "Don't learn from me, you are not allowed to steal anything in the future!"

Jiang Xinyu twitched the corners of her mouth, so should she eat these melons?

(End of this chapter)

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