good old days

Chapter 140 Dividing the spoils

Chapter 140 Dividing the spoils
The cloth bag was placed under the shed, and Chen Xiuyun was thinking about where to put these melons.

She was a little worried. She didn't dig a cellar when she built the new yard. After all, the owner of the house has few expensive things, but there is no place to put these watermelons and small melons. After all, they can't be eaten in a short while.

She poured out all the melons, and put the watermelon directly under the kitchen. As for the small cantaloupe, she gave Jiang Xinyu a long green melon for her to eat first, and the rest were brought into the house and put under the bed first.

"When your sister comes back, let her take part of it."

The stolen melon was put under the bed, and Chen Xiuyun felt uneasy even when she slept, thinking about eating it quickly in the next two days, and there would be nothing left after eating.

When Chen Xiuyun came back from stealing melons, she felt restless.She thought to herself, she really wasn't the type to be a thief, and she stole the melon back in one breath, but now she felt very nervous.

People, you really can't do bad things.

Jiang Xinyu brought the fried shrimp into the house, "Mom, try it, it's delicious."

Chen Xiuyun looked at the fried prawns, which were slightly reddish in color, and thought to himself, can the deep-fried shrimp not taste good?

Chen Xiuyun pinched one and put it in her mouth, chewed it, swallowed it and said, "This can be kept for a few days, and I will go to the county some other day to bring your sister something to eat."

She thought to herself, those "stolen goods" must be disposed of quickly, and she should run an errand!
The fruits and vegetables these days are absolutely authentic. Jiang Xinyu is sitting under the eaves, eating the delicious long melons and looking in the direction of the courtyard gate.

Zhang Fengmei and her elder brother Zhang Dali carried the bags and walked up Guizi Mountain. They didn't dare to make any big noises. The things were heavy, and they were afraid they might accidentally fall, so they didn't walk fast.

After Chen Yi and Li Lei went up Guizi Mountain, they quickly caught up with their backs.

The two of them trailed far behind, just making sure not to lose track of them.

Seeing that the two walked further and further, they finally reached the lee of a hillside, and their figures disappeared there. Within ten minutes, the figures of the two reappeared. One walked in the direction of the Shenzhuang Brigade, and the other returned the same way.

Zhang Fengmei seemed to be holding something in her hand.

The two quietly squatted in the grass and watched Zhang Fengmei go by.

The moon was partly covered by dark clouds, so it was hard to see exactly what she was holding in her hand.

The two squatted in place and waited for a long time. When there was no other movement except insects and birds, they walked towards the back of the slope.

There is a big tree of some years growing on the slope, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and the crown of the tree is not small.

The two of them didn't take the risk of turning on the small flashlight, and they groped here for a while but couldn't find any place to hide things.

Li Lei looked around with his waist in his hands, his feet were unsteady, and he fell into the mud, barely yelling.

"Chen Yi, here, the bottom of my feet is empty." Li Lei called out in a low voice.

The two of them broke through a thick layer of grass, and the dark hole in front of them was a half-person-high hole that only allowed one person to pass through. After the two of them walked in, the hole became higher and their waists could straighten up a bit, but they still Have to bend over.

The cave is not damp and is a good place to store things.

Chen Yi turned on the flashlight to illuminate the situation inside the cave.

After seeing the situation in the cave clearly, Li Lei hissed.

The eight and a half person-high bags in front of him are full of dried wheat that has not been fully hulled and has not been ground into flour. Each bag is at least 160 kilograms. The eight bags are conservatively estimated to be [-] kilograms.

This year, the national unified purchase price is [-] cents a catty, but if you want to sell it on the black market, it will cost more than that.

Although Li Lei is also a good young man who works in the factory honestly and step by step, how could he not know about the black market when he grows up so old.Whose family has enough food these days?Don't we all have to think of a way?
Eight bags of wheat are not finished, and there are two bags of unhulled peanuts.

Most of the brigade under the Hongqi Commune grow wheat with peanuts and sweet potatoes. After the wheat is harvested, they will continue to grow corn. Every year when the wheat and peanuts come out, the team will distribute some to each household, but definitely not much!It also needs to be paired with the spare food left over from last year just in case. Wheat and peanuts are definitely not as much as corn.It can be said that corn and sweet potatoes are the main rations.

Because there are indicators above, most of the peanuts and wheat have been handed in. Peanuts are definitely a rare commodity. The market price of shelled peanuts is higher than that of wheat, but there are two big bags in front of the two of them.

In addition to wheat and peanuts, there are five bags of fruits and vegetables and some odds and ends of dry goods.

Li Lei was surprised, "Did these two people steal the team's granary?"

Chen Yi touched the dry wheat grains, thinking the same way as Li Lei.

He has a good understanding of people's way of life today. Some people may use wheat to exchange for more cheap food, but he doesn't think that people who steal and sell are willing to pay for it.The things in this hole may not come from the right way.

Chen Yi looked at the dry goods and said, "I can deal with other things later, do you want to take these dry goods home and keep them for eating?"

Li Lei scratched his head and said, "I don't want to attract attention. There are many people in my family, so gossip will inevitably arouse suspicion."

Chen Yi nodded, "Alright then, since you don't want it, I'll take it back."

Li Lei said with some embarrassment: "I will move all these things back together with you and put them away. If you want to sell them, just give me ten yuan if you feel like it. I can also save some private money, and I don't want any more. "

"There should be someone in our factory who wants wheat. I will secretly ask to see if there is anyone who can "change", but then I will trouble you to deliver it."

Before working, it is still necessary to make it clear how to divide.

Li Lei was embarrassed to ask for too much. He felt that the things in the cave were worth 100 yuan at least, but he couldn't ask for food directly, because the family had too many people, and he couldn't tell when he took it back.

What's more, his monthly salary has been handed over to his family, and there are too many mouths to eat at home, so far he hasn't saved much private money.

Li Lei understood that he was able to work in the county because of his family's contribution, and it was only natural for him to repay his family, but this did not conflict with him earning some private money and saving it to serve his future Xiao family.

Chen Yi said: "Let's sell for four or six cents. There are also melons from my partner's family. I have to save some food for her family."

It's not that the wheat is too conspicuous and has not been completely shelled, so Chen Yi will not sell it, and it can be eaten for a long time if it is kept.

But it's a pity that the wheat flour in the brigade is ground on top of the mill, and the members are all watching. Wouldn't it be conspicuous if it was ground too much?It is possible to grind at home, but it is too slow and inconvenient.

Li Lei hurriedly refused, the two talked for a while, and finally settled on three or seven points.

After talking about the "distribution of spoils", Li Lei asked, "My family has no place to hide these things, what about yours?"

Chen Yi knew that there was a cellar in his mother's house, so he said, "Let me go."

Widow Wang is aggressive outside, but she is actually a cautious and careful person. The cellar at home is specially used to hide things for many years.

(End of this chapter)

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