good old days

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

When Jiang Xinyu was sitting under the eaves, she could almost hear footsteps coming from the gate of the courtyard.

She hurriedly got up and went to the gate of the courtyard, and asked through the fenced courtyard, "Are you all right?"

Chen Yi raised his hand to pass dry goods and some fruits and vegetables to her from above the courtyard door, then briefly explained the situation, and finally comforted him: "Okay, go back to sleep."

Jiang Xinyu was still worried, and whispered, "Beware of Zhang Tiezhu, who knows where he is squatting."

Chen Yi was naturally guarding against him, the two of them walked down Guizi Mountain with food on their backs.

Chen Yi was wearing a navy blue jacket and black trousers, and if he walked farther, he would become one with the night.

Jiang Xinyu turned her head with the dry goods in hand, and saw Chen Xiuyun poking her head out.

After the mother and daughter had a conversation, Jiang Xinyu went back to the house.

When she was tossing and turning on the bed, Li Lei and Chen Yi went back and forth a total of seven times before completely carrying all the things back and putting them away. Just in case, they secretly left behind.

Widow Wang didn't dare to sleep, so she let the two of them outside the yard.

Chen Yi was so tired that he was sweating all over, and took another cold shower before falling asleep.

When Zhang Fengmei and the others find that everything is gone, they will definitely pay special attention to the members of the village, so he does not plan to touch wheat and peanuts for a while. As for the fruits and vegetables that cannot be kept for too long, they can only eat slowly at home first. Wait and deal with it.

Chen Yi didn't sleep for a long time at all, and it was dawn. He stood up, and after his face was covered with cold water, he woke up.

Widow Wang was still dozing off, and when she heard his movement, she asked in a sluggish way, "What are you doing up?" She was so sleepy that she forgot that she was going to Chen Xiuyun's house at noon today.

Chen Yi said: "Take Xinyu to the town, I agreed with her yesterday, don't you want me to buy a piece of meat?"

Widow Wang woke up a bit, turned over muttering, and didn't want to get up for the time being, "There are still pancakes in the kitchen, you can eat the shrimp paste that Xinyu sent yesterday before leaving."

Chen Yi ate the pancakes with the shrimp paste made by Jiang Xinyu, and felt that the shrimp paste tasted really good.

In the past, he didn't know that she could make dim sum, nor did he know that she could make pig pancreas soap. Now that the condiments are limited, the shrimp paste she made is also delicious, fresh and fragrant.

When he arrived at Jiang Xinyu's house, Jiang Xinyu was still sleeping on the bed, and it was Chen Xiuyun who entered the room and picked her up.

When Jiang Xinyu got up, her eyes were sleepy, and she wished she could lie back on the bed and sleep in the dark.Last night she tossed and turned, not knowing when she fell asleep.

Chen Xiuyun and Chen Yi were talking, water was boiling in the pot, and after the water boiled, Jiang Xinyu gave Jiang Xinyu the few dried noodles left at home.

The noodles were filled with cold water, and two spoonfuls of shrimp sauce was poured over them. Jiang Xinyu was quite satisfied, and she became sober.

And Chen Yi was sitting opposite her eating the crunchy long strips of cantaloupe that Comrade Chen Xiuyun forcibly stuffed for him.

Jiang Xinyu had enough to eat and drink, and it was dawn early.Most of the members have already gone to work under the urging of the team leader.

The sun was rising in the east, and the morning light was twilight. The two rode their bicycles to the town facing the rising sun.Jiang Xinyu hugged his waist, squinted her eyes and blew the morning breeze, her forehead rested on his back, drowsy, very comfortable.

Thief Zhang Fengmei came home early to cook after an hour of early work, so she made a trip to the private plot to pick some vegetables.

Seeing the obvious lack of melons, Zhang Fengmei counted them several times in disbelief.

She is illiterate, but she can gesture with her fingers. Now the big melon and cantaloupe in the field can't even gesture with both hands. This must be a thief!

"Which wicked person stole my melon..."

Zhang Fengmei started yelling and cursing in the private plot.

The aunts, aunts and daughters-in-law who heard the movement quickly came together.

They all echoed:

"I feel that there are fewer melons in my field, and even a crooked melon is gone. I don't know which seventh grandson did it. I caught it, and I had to scratch its face."

The hairs on Zhang Fengmei's face suddenly stood up, and her arrogance dropped a little.

"My family planted a few edamame trees this year, but there were not many harvested, and they were all stolen by those bastards! Let me know who it is, and if you catch it, you have to send it to sit on the fence!"

Zhang Fengmei remembered the delicious edamame boiled with a little salt the day before yesterday, and subconsciously lowered her arrogance.

When a group of female comrades got together to swear, Ma Meili arrived and saw that there were a lot less melons in the field, she immediately cried out, "Who killed a thousand dollars and stole my big watermelon..."

Ma Meili can't listen to cursing in anger, no matter how ugly it is.

Her natal family didn't have melons, so she had already planned to take two big watermelons back to her natal family, but she had to let her natal family take a high look.But in the blink of an eye, the big watermelon she had been staring at for days was gone, and the small melons were also missing a lot.

Ma Meili's loud voice immediately overwhelmed the other aunts, aunts and daughter-in-laws.

In order to fit in with the group and clear her suspicions, Chen Xiuyun also came to him.

"Yesterday, my family Xinyu said how many melons were missing in the field. She can count the total number of melons in the private plot. I didn't take it seriously yesterday. I counted it today. Heh, there are two less!"

Chen Xiuyun said with a cold face: "Let's go, let's go to the captain and talk about it. There are melon thieves in the village. How can we keep the things in our private land? Every household is pointing to the private land. How can we let Melon thieves are so rampant!"

Chen Xiuyun is an elementary school teacher in the team, and also a cultural person. She is as respected as the women's director Ms. Wu Xiulian on weekdays. When she started like this, all the female comrades responded one after another, and the aggressive ones wanted to go to the team leader.

It was useless to go to the captain for this matter. Chen Xiuyun knew that the watermelon that everyone had lost would definitely not be found, but she had to give Zhang Fengmei a warning.

Everyone is outraged, will Zhang Fengmei be afraid?She has to stop for a while.

At this moment, Zhang Fengmei was walking among a group of people. The anger of having the melon stolen hadn't completely subsided, but the bubbling guilt made her feel a little anxious.She hasn't forgotten about being educated for stealing pig babies. If someone finds out this time, she thinks she might be torn apart by the villagers.

But Zhang Fengmei thought again, she is now a victim!All the melons in her field were stolen, and she was not the one who stole the melons!Zhang Fengmei straightened her back and scolded melon thieves together with other female comrades.

Chen Xiuyun listened to Zhang Fengmei scolding the flower thief, it was an eye-opener!

After hearing the complaints of the women comrades, the captain also had a headache.

A little daughter-in-law suggested: "If this thief is from our village, and he stole so many melons, he won't be able to eat them all in a short while. He must leave them at home. Let's search one by one, and we will definitely find them!"

"That's right, that's right. If you search from house to house, you'll definitely find it! I know my melons, but no one else has that crooked melon!"

Zhang Fengmei didn't respond. The melons they stole are all on Guizi Mountain. Who can find them?Besides, her melon may be lying on whose ground now!You should search and search, and you will definitely find the melon thief.

Chen Xiuyun's heart skipped a beat.

She became a thief for the first time in revenge for Zhang Fengmei, is she going to be discovered so soon?

Sure enough, people can't do bad things!
She thought about it last night and felt that it was not safe to put the melon under the bed, so she changed the place, but she didn't know if this group of angry women comrades could be found!
The risk is a bit big!

 Listen to me sing to you: give me a ticket, can you~

(End of this chapter)

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