good old days

Chapter 142 The Melon Is Found

Chapter 142 The Melon Is Found
A group of aunts and aunts who lost things in their private plots all asked to search from house to house.

The captain of the brigade didn't agree for a while. The villagers didn't understand the law, but he still knew a little bit. How could he search other people's homes?

"Calm down and listen to me. If the melons in the private plot are lost, the thieves may have eaten them all. Even if they haven't eaten them all, they must have been hidden. Searches may not be able to find them."

After Captain Li’s words fell, some female comrades jumped out and said, “Then what do you mean, Captain? Let us suffer this loss for nothing? Then the thief will not be more rampant in the future?”

Zhang Fengmei was also not happy, "My family loses a lot of melons, who can eat them all at once?"

Captain Li had a headache and said helplessly, "How do you know the melons weren't stolen by the kids in the team?"

Isn't it normal for the kids in the team to get together and steal a melon?

Chen Xiuyun vowed: "It can't be a child. The melons thrown at my house are all ripe melons that I knocked. They are going to be picked in two days. How can a child tell whether a melon is ripe or not?"

"Sister-in-law said that all my family throws away ripe melons!" Ma Meili followed suit.

On the other side, Li Lei knew that there was a commotion here, so he took a piece of candy and coaxed the little brats in the team to help him cut some pigweed and come back.

It's rare for him to come back from vacation. Although he doesn't have to work in the fields, he still has to do some odd jobs at home.Cutting pigweed was originally the job of his younger sister Li Xiuhua, but he took it over.

Li Lei deliberately took the children to the edge of the forest at the west end of the village, and ordered the little kids to dig for earthworms.

"There seems to be a rabbit slithering past over there." Li Lei pointed to the direction behind Zhang Fengmei's house.

When a group of children heard that there was a rabbit, their eyes widened, and they rushed over there.

It was impossible to find the rabbit, but in the pit of the haystack behind the house, I saw a lot of melons, round ones with long white flowers, watermelons and muskmelons.

"Third Uncle, come quickly, there are a lot of melons here!"

Brother Li Lei's son immediately called out excitedly, and frantically waved at Li Lei.

Jiang Zhenwu from Ma Meili's family rolled his eyes, and immediately went home to tell his grandma.

There is nothing wrong with children looking like adults, Jiang Zhenwu thought, these melons were found near his home, so his home must take advantage of it!He called him grandma, and he would definitely grab two more melons.

Li Lei was called over by his nephew, and hurriedly greeted his nephew and said, "If you see it, it's ours, Niuniu, let's go, let's move these back home."

Of course Li Lei did it on purpose. If he directly asked someone to go to his father and say that he found a bunch of melons here, then after Zhang Fengmei and the others knew that everything on Guizi Mountain was lost, they would definitely suspect him. Like the children, grab melons together and make a big noise.

Li Lei and his nephew Niuniu each carried a large watermelon and two cantaloupes, picked them up and walked into the group.

A group of children followed suit, divided up all the melons in the pit, and ran home with the melons in their arms.

Mrs. Li stuck her waist at the door and scolded: "You bastards stole my melons, I'm going to tell the captain."

There is no need for Mrs. Li to complain. When the people holding melons headed by Li Lei passed by the crowd who were still arguing with the captain, an aunt looked at the melons in his arms and asked, "Where did you get the melons? It looks like this crooked-mouthed melon is from my field."

Li Lei hid the melon in his arms, "Auntie, don't talk nonsense. We didn't go to your field to steal the melon. We picked it up in the grass nest. Niuniu and the others didn't catch the rabbit. They found it in the pit." These melons."

"I'm an upright and kind-hearted young man. Auntie can't slander me for stealing melons with empty teeth!"

Li Lei hugged the melon tightly again, looking vigilant and angry.

Zhang Fengmei just felt that something was wrong, but her family also lost a lot of melons, and her nerves became sensitive. She went up to look at the melons in Niu Niu's arms, "Let me see if this melon belongs to my family?"

Niu Niu hid like a rabbit, and said loudly: "We didn't steal your melon, we picked it from the grass nest!"

Ma Meili looked at the cantaloupes that the children were holding, "Why do I see these melons look more and more like those from my field? The entire brigade of these little white melons is in my field!"

Ma Meili's words touched the sensitive nerves of the aunts and aunts, and felt that the melons held in the arms of the children were the melons from their own fields.

The captain of the brigade raised his face and looked at the person holding the melon, "Put the melon down for me, to be honest, where did you get it from?"

The captain looked at his third son Li Lei seriously.

Li Lei curled his lips and pointed to Zhang Fengmei, "In the haystack behind her house."

After Li Lei finished speaking, Mrs. Li's voice sounded, "You bastards, put down all my melons!"

The one buried behind her house must be her melon!

The owner of the crooked melon snatched the crooked melon from Li Lei's arms, pointed at Mrs. Li viciously, "This is your melon? You melon thief!"

Ma Meili took the little white cantaloupe in her hand and looked at Mrs. Li, "Why are you pulling the melon in the field? It's not ripe yet!"

Mrs. Li said in a daze, "When did I pull melons?"

As she said that, she murmured recklessly: "This melon is behind our house, so it's our melon!"

Chen Xiuyun pointed at Zhang Fengmei and shouted: "Is it you! Is it you, a pig thief? Did you steal the melons in my field?"

The female comrades turned their attention to Zhang Fengmei's heart.

Ma Meili has already gone up to fight, "I let you steal melons, a rotten heart. Is it easy for me to grow some melons? My natal family can't eat them. You stole them all. Why are you so shameless?"

Mrs. Li cursed at the side: "What are you doing, second daughter-in-law? Hurry up and get up for me."

Mrs. Li scolded in her heart: Is the second daughter-in-law stupid? How can the reputation of stealing melons be pushed to her own family.

Ma Meili looked up at her mother-in-law, and asked viciously: "It's either her or you, do you want to subsidize all the melons I have worked so hard to serve the third family? There is no end to your favoritism! If you love them so much, Why don't you just go with the third child's family!"

Anyone who dares to touch her food, Ma Meili dares to fight desperately!She has long been fed up with Mrs. Li secretly subsidizing Zhang Fengmei's family!
Zhang Fengmei's hair has become a hen's coop, not only Ma Meili was beaten, but other women who lost melons also took the opportunity to scratch a few times.

Zhang Fengmei felt guilty, but she said: "My melons are also lost. I didn't steal your melons."

Ma Meili pinched her hard, "You melon thief is a thief shouting "stop thief! If you dare to steal my melons, I will make you eat them and walk away!"

(End of this chapter)

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