good old days

Chapter 143 Doubt

Chapter 143 Doubt

Ma Meili and Zhang Fengmei's sister-in-law had accumulated deep conflicts. Once Ma Meili broke out, Zhang Fengmei was no match at all.

The captain didn't stop him, just watched the two fight.The main reason is that he didn't miss the guilty conscience in Zhang Fengmei's eyes just now.

This look made him conclude that the incident of throwing melons in the village had something to do with her.

"I won't let it go like this, you go and squat on the fence."

A thief may be detained for ten days, and he will not be able to sit on the fence for a long time, but the meaning of entering is different.

Zhang Fengmei kept calling for grievances.

She really felt wronged, the melons they stole were all stored in the cave in Guizi Mountain, how could they come to the back of her house out of thin air!

"It's not me, my melon is also lost, you can't wrong good people!"

Widow Wang snorted, "What kind of a good person are you? You have stolen things before, but now you don't know if you are a thief calling for a thief, and you can't see the guilt in your eyes."

Widow Wang also felt guilty. The cellar of her house was full of piles. If the things arrived at her house, she would definitely not be able to spit them out. Zhang Fengmei, a habitual thief, must be punished.

When Zhang Fengmei was beaten, she couldn't understand how the matter got to this point. She was wondering what went wrong and who was harming her!She was a little worried about the things in Guizi Mountain again.

These melons appeared in the back room of her house inexplicably, which meant that the things in Guizi Mountain might not be safe.

Zhang Fengmei kept calling for grievances, Captain Li took a puff of dry cigarette and said, "Since no one admits it, let's go to the town to find comrades from the police."

Captain Li also frightened her. It's normal to throw some melons, so how could he go to the police station for this matter.

Zhang Fengmei's heart tightened, she was afraid, she was afraid that the food in Guizi Mountain would be involved, and she was also afraid that the speculative matter would be found out, and she would be unlucky and really squat on the fence.

At this moment, she couldn't keep her mouth shut anymore, and simply said, "I've only stolen so many melons in total, and what you lost has nothing to do with me!"

Seeing her confession, the female comrades rushed up to tear her up again with a groan, and Chen Xiuyun also took the opportunity to kick her hard.

Women's beatings are different from men's. Men's beatings are a combination of punches and kicks, and they are all powerful. Women's moves are varied.

Hair pulling, face scratching, flesh pinching, kicking, and verbal insults.

Zhang Fengmei was beaten so badly that she crouched on the ground holding her head in tears.

Seeing how excited the crowd was, Mrs. Li had already run away.She patted her chest, it was terrible, really terrible!Her third daughter-in-law is a fool!You stole something and put it behind your house, you can't hide it in the house!It's all right now, I can't get rid of it!No matter how bad you are, don't admit it, it's really stupid and out of breath.

Captain Li said at the right time, "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay to vent your anger, it's not good to beat people out of problems."

"Each of you should take all the melons from your own home back."

The female comrades looted the melons, and there were those who didn't get anything.

"Captain, what if we can't find what we lost?"

Chen Xiuyun also said: "My family lost a total of four melons."

"And at my house, we lost edamame and melons. I don't know how to count, and I don't know how much I lost."

Li Lei took the opportunity to interject, "You were not active in letting you go to the literacy class at the beginning, but now it's okay, you don't even count how many melons you lost!"

The captain stared at his son with some headaches, and then said: "If you lose something, go to the public house to register."

A bad premonition floated in Zhang Fengmei's heart. The captain didn't mean to let her pay for everything she lost.

"That's enough, it's all over, let's hold a meeting at night."

Hearing this, Zhang Fengmei's heart skipped a beat.She is familiar with the meeting, is she going to embarrass the whole team again?
Zhang Fengmei cried even more fiercely, why is her life so miserable.

The captain went to the public room and said to Chen Xiuyun: "Where is Xinyu, let her come to the public room."

I can't do accounting, so I can take Xiao Lin's class for the time being.How can Xiao Lin continue to manage the money after he did such a shameful thing.

Chen Xiuyun said: "I went to town with Chen Yi, and I should be able to come back at noon. I will let her come in the afternoon."

Chen Xiuyun knew that the little girl wanted to work in the county wholeheartedly, but she was not at ease when two accidents happened in a row.The second girl works in the county, so she doesn't let her go home often, she can come back once a month, after all, it's not very safe to go back and forth on the road!

Boys are no better than girls, and girls are at risk when going out.Wouldn't it be nice if the little girl could be a little leader in the team?

Zhang Fengmei wiped her tears and went home, and all the commune members who had been working for two hours early went home.

Jiang Guisheng, his two sons and his daughter are all sitting at home.

Everyone in the family knew that she was doing business with her natal brothers, and Jiang Baoqin was the one who proposed the business. Both Jiang Zhifei and Jiang Yuehua had participated.In the past few months, the family has not lost money, and the food has improved a lot.

But earning money is earning money, and being caught as a thief is quite shameful.

Jiang Zhifei dissatisfied: "Mom, why did you admit it!"

The incident of stealing pigs before could be said to be justifiable because of discord with the eldest aunt, but now the melons from the brigade are stolen, but it has aroused public outrage, how can they admit it?

Zhang Fengmei wiped her tears, "I don't want to either. If the captain reports to the police station, if we find out about our secret business, what will happen to us?"

Jiang Yuehua hated iron and said: "What can we find? The food is not in our house, and the melons are not in our house. If you refuse to admit it, who can do anything to you?"

Jiang Guisheng put the enamel jar aside heavily, "You have long hair but short knowledge, and you will be scared out of your wits at the slightest sign of trouble!"

Jiang Baoqin didn't speak, but her mouth was bitter and her heart was worried.

She is going to marry Song Minghan, and her mother has a reputation as a thief, and she doesn't know if something will happen. She can't hold her head up in front of Song Minghan.

The whole family doesn't think it's wrong to steal melons from other people's fields, why don't they just steal a melon, which kid in the brigade has never done such a trivial thing?But now it has aroused public anger, and it is always not so easy to solve.

Zhang Fengmei wiped her tears and said, "It's not right today. Those melons were originally in the mountains, why did they end up behind our house? Some of you go to the mountains to see if the food is still there."

Jiang Guisheng hesitated and said, "Impossible, that place is hidden, no one can find it, besides, maybe these melons today are not the ones you plucked."

Zhang Fengmei retorted: "I remember the crooked melon clearly, that's the only one!"

Several people looked at each other, subconsciously feeling that something was wrong.

Although the food was obtained through improper means, they only contributed their efforts, but if it was lost, it would be a huge loss!

Just thinking about a few people makes my heart ache!
(End of this chapter)

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