good old days

Chapter 145

Chapter 145
Yuan Chunhua dared to open his mouth to report the loss of ten melons, it was with the intention of blackmailing people.

Like Yuan Chunhua, there are quite a few people in the team who have the same idea of ​​blackmailing. When all the female comrades reported the number, the captain's head was also bulging, and there was still a lot of talk.

But no matter how much the compensation is, Zhang Fengmei's family will inevitably have to pay.

When Chen Xiuyun mentioned Zhang Fengmei's excitement, her face was also a bit joyful, obviously very gloating.

"Today someone suggested a door-to-door search, and my heart skipped a beat. It was the first time I did something bad, and I thought I was going to be exposed." Chen Xiuyun said in a low voice, "You can't learn from me in the future, and you have to have a clear conscience. "

Jiang Xinyu nodded to show that she was taught, so she said again: "You still have to finish eating those melons quickly, and send some to your two sisters sometime."

Jiang Xinyu: "..."

Jiang Xinyu heard the battle that happened in the morning, and regretted not being there, because she didn't see today's excitement!

As someone who had quarreled with Zhang Fengmei, don't regret it too much if she didn't see how she was beaten!

When she finished her meal and was adding water to Xiao Hei's basin, Chen Yi, Widow Wang and Aunt Wu came together.

Widow Wang held a piece of red cloth in her left hand and a piece of meat in her right hand. Chen Yi, who had specially changed into a white shirt and gray trousers, was holding a pack of pastries wrapped in oiled paper.

Aunt Wu also had a smile on her face.

Chen Xiuyun greeted the three of them to enter the door, and Jiang Xinyu followed them in after washing her hands.

She listened to Comrade Chen Xiuyun, and poured boiled water for Chen Yi's mother with a tea bottle.

Chen Yi's mother took out from her pocket two stacked sheets of "Unity", which is the so-called "tea money".

Wu Xiulian tsk tsk in her heart, the money just now looks like more than ten yuan.She looked at the food on the table and thought to herself that Chen Xiuyun's family is not bad, the small river prawns are willing to be deep-fried, it tastes really delicious.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi entered Jiang Yuzhu's room and sat down.

Jiang Yuzhu's room was tidy, and there was a small plate of peanuts on the dirt table.

Jiang Xinyu's head was a little confused, she didn't know what the process was.

It seems that there is a mutual understanding in this age, and it is determined that the two of them seem to be living together today.It's much easier than when the two got married before.

Jiang Xinyu opened the two sheets of unity, and said with a smile: "Your mother is quite generous."

Chen Yi took out a watch from his pocket, "I am more generous."

Jiang Xinyu took the watch, looked at it for a moment, and then the corners of her lips twitched, "This is from Longines."

The style of this watch is quite classic, and Jiang Xinyu fell in love with it immediately.

"You really don't know how to live. This watch is enough to buy how much food."

What Jiang Xinyu said was hypocritical, the smile on her face didn't go down.

She is not a person who can save money, she wants to eat and drink well if she has some conditions, but she can't achieve it for the time being if she wears well every day, and now this watch is delivered to her heart.

Seeing Jiang Xinyu's happy face, Chen Yi chuckled, his brows and eyes relaxed.

Jiang Xinyu sat next to him and tugged at his two sleeves.

His arms were empty, and he was not wearing a watch.

Jiang Xinyu patted her chest, "Just wait, when I make money in the future, I will give you one too."

He gave a soft "hmm" in a low and pleasant voice.

Jiang Xinyu placed her watch and said, "What are we doing sitting here? I feel a little silly."

Chen Yi also felt a little silly, but it seems like this these days, you have to follow the Romans, don't you?

What the three female comrades outside were talking about was in full swing. Aunt Wu was definitely responsible for the atmosphere. In her mouth, Jiang Xinyu and Chen Yi were definitely a perfect match. They were talented and beautiful, and they were the most suitable in the brigade!
Originally, on occasions like today, relatives of both the man and the woman would come, but Widow Wang's family has no relatives here, and Chen Xiuyun doesn't associate with Lao Jiang's family anymore. Even Ma Meili's family is not very good. So there are very few people today.

The two of them hooked their fingers and whispered in the room, and the three female comrades outside were also very happy.

After more than an hour, several people got up and left.

Before leaving, Chen Xiuyun grabbed a handful of fried shrimp for Wu Xiulian and asked her to take them home for the children at home.

When the people left, the yard fell silent in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xiuyun was startled when she saw Jiang Xinyu happily setting a watch.

She knew that Chen Yi's mother had given her little girl more than ten yuan of "tea money", but she did not expect that Chen Yi would also give her a watch.There are not many men and women in the city who get married and send watches.

When the conditions are so difficult, being willing to spend money is also a manifestation of attitude.

Chen Xiuyun has already discovered that Chen Yi, like her little girl, is a loose-handed person, so she has to talk about it in the future.

Chen Xiuyun held the piece of red cloth and said, "It's just a red dress for you."

Red cloth is very difficult to get these days, and even if there is any in the supply and marketing cooperative in the town, it is bought by people with connections inside.

Jiang Xinyu said: "Make two shirts, one for each of us."

Chen Xiuyun gave her a white look, "How old am I, and I still wear red? Besides, this is cloth for you, so what's the point of wearing it on me?"

Jiang Xinyu said: "My mother is also a flower at forty, why can't she wear red?"

Chen Xiuyun was amused by her, and the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes stretched.

She didn't intend to listen to the little girl, such a big piece of red cloth looks so good in a red skirt, whether it is in the village or even in the county, it is very fashionable.

She made the floral dress last time based on the drawings drawn by the little girl. The style on the drawings is playful and generous. This time, she also plans to let the little girl draw the pictures herself.

After returning home, Chen Yi and Widow Wang packed up their things and pedaled their bicycles to go to the town again.He was going to give gifts to his relationship and try to find a job for Jiang Xinyu.

The sophistication in job opportunities these days is far more complicated than in later generations.In later generations, entry into the workplace depends on academic qualifications, ability, and although relationships can also be used, academic qualifications are definitely a very important stepping stone.But now, favors and relationships are of the utmost importance.

Jiang Xinyu made pig pancreas soap and hung it up to dry, filled up the water tank at home, and then went to the public house in the village.

Lin Rongping's parents were also there, talking with the team leader and the secretary, looking quite excited.

Jiang Xinyu, a junior, greeted everyone, and the old couple of the Lin family forced a smile at her. After she left for a while, they left.

"Uncle Li, what did you call me for?"

Captain Li said: "You are quick to settle accounts, come over and check Xiao Lin's accounts to see if there is any discrepancy between those bills and records."

Jiang Xinyu hesitated, "Isn't this appropriate?"

The secretary smoked a pipe and said, "What's inappropriate? Didn't the calculations be good before?"

Jiang Xinyu didn't know where the trouble was coming from. Thinking of the ugly faces of Lin Rongping's parents when they left, she was somewhat guessing in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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