good old days

Chapter 146

The cashier and accountant of the brigade still have a clear division of labor. The cashier usually keeps a running account of the brigade’s financial expenses. There is not much money in the production team. .

The accounts are still very clear. Although Comrade Kobayashi messed up while counting the votes, the accounts he made look simple and clear.

Jiang Xinyu has calculated the work points for the team, and now she has read the accounts of the team, and has a better understanding of all aspects of the production team.

The team leader went around the field and came back and asked, "How does it look, can you understand it?"

Jiang Xinyu said modestly: "It is generally understandable. There is nothing wrong with this account. I can remember everything clearly. The bills are also well preserved. There is no wrong account."

Captain Li and the secretary have checked it, and they will post the accounts every month for the people in the brigade to see. Naturally, they know there is nothing wrong with it.

Before Captain Li had time to speak, a commune member shouted outside: "Captain, someone from the commune has arrived."

When everyone arrived at the courtyard of the public house, they saw a young gay man and a middle-aged gay man in a dark gray tunic suit at the door of the public house. They both had serious expressions on their faces.

The brigade secretary and Captain Li went forward, "Secretary Wang, why are you here?"

Secretary Wang went straight into the office, the brigade captain and brigade secretary hurriedly followed in, and the new accountant, who had only been in office for a few days, also followed in.

Jiang Xinyu is nothing, she just squatted in the yard and counted ants.

In the room, Secretary Wang said with a serious face: "Today the commune received a report letter, and now you have handed over all the records and ledgers of the Wuliqiao brigade, and I have to take them back for investigation."

Hearing the leader's words, the captain and the secretary felt a little thumping in their hearts.

Report letter?What did you report?The team was poor and still owed money to the agricultural machinery station. They didn't have to be greedy, and they didn't think about being greedy.

The secretary's face was serious, and it was as if a big stone had been pressed against the hearts of the captain and the secretary, and they handed over all the ledgers with various numbers to the young man next to the secretary.

Before leaving, Secretary Wang said: "Don't be nervous. If there is no problem, I will send someone back to you some other day."

When Secretary Wang led the people away, Captain Li and the secretary looked at each other, and they asked uncertainly, "Is it something that was assigned or someone leaked it?"

The above regulations are seven workers and three workers. In the past two years, the team has secretly changed it to six workers and four workers. The educated youths are all in accordance with the rules above.

As for the members of the brigade, it was agreed by everyone after the meeting, either by signing their names or pressing their fingerprints.

This has been stable for two years, and nothing has happened.

Those with a strong family and a lot of labor are definitely not at a disadvantage. Those with a small labor force, the team also gave them subsidies and food as appropriate when they were in trouble to tide them over.

Also because of the change in people's six labors and four labors, the enthusiasm of the commune members has increased. The productivity of the team has also been at the forefront among all the brigades in the commune in the past two years. To be a little richer.

The captain and the secretary really couldn't think of any other reasons for being reported, and they were quite worried for a while.

Jiang Xinyu poured water for them after entering, and asked, "Uncle, what's wrong with you, why are you so sad?"

The secretary sighed: "Secretary Wang came to take away all the accounts in the team. I wonder if there will be anything wrong with Lao Li in the future?"

Hearing the account, Jiang Xinyu also felt a little bad.She did the calculations when the food was distributed before. With the foundation of her predecessor Li Hui's calculations, it didn't take much to settle the accounts, but when the food was distributed, the members either signed their names or pressed their fingerprints.

So, what's wrong here?

Her mind was spinning quickly, and she immediately thought of the change from "seven labors and three labors" to "six labors and four labors" that Lin Rongping told her.

She asked uncertainly: "Who's food distribution is low and the distribution ratio has been disclosed?"

This matter can't be done by someone with a lot of labor force, nor can it be done by an educated youth who has not suffered a disadvantage, ah no, thinking of Su Qingqing who was ashamed, she became uncertain again.

Comrade Lin Rongping, who lost his position as a cashier by doing something wrong, is also suspected.

But Jiang Xinyu's first suspect is Zhang Tiezhu, an old gangster, who has come to the public house to make trouble.

Jiang Xinyu's suspicion was the same as that of several people.

The chief suspect of the team leader and the secretary is also Zhang Tiezhu, the grandson of Zhang Tiezhu. up.

After all, Jiang Xinyu is not a person of this era. She doesn't know what the consequences will be if the change in the distribution ratio is confirmed, but she is a little worried that she will be punished for being involved in it.

"Both the captain and the secretary serve the brigade. The commune will definitely be able to settle the accounts of the brigade. As long as it is settled, how can you not know that you are all for the benefit of the members!"

Jiang Xinyu's comforting words only made the two of them feel better.

"Okay, you can go back."

The account book and everything are gone, Jiang Xinyu really has nothing to do.The little meal at noon was not enough, so she cooked a small cantaloupe when she returned home.

The melons from Jiang Baoqin's family are extraordinarily fragrant.

Time flies and it's time for the members to get off work. The captain has notified that there will be a meeting after work in the evening.

Jiang Xinyu took out the cooked porridge and put the cornmeal pancakes on the grate. After the pot was covered, it was stuffy, and it was time to eat when I came back from the meeting.

There are already quite a few children playing around in the grain drying field. They are dirty and their clothes are all patched, one patch on top of another, but they are always smiling and happy, and they look older than decades. Afterwards, children who have to attend various cram schools since childhood are much happier.

Zhang Fengmei lost her job in the morning and didn't go to work in the field after that.Jiang Zhifei went to Guizi Mountain on an excuse, and when he found the cave, he saw that the inside was clean, and he was completely stunned.

Jiang Zhifei went home non-stop and told Zhang Fengmei about it, and Zhang Fengmei almost fainted at that time.

She wondered if her brother had moved the things in her heart, and asked her son to go to Shenzhuang brigade again.

It takes less than an hour to go back and forth from Guizishan to Shenzhuang Brigade.

Amid Zhang Fengmei's anxiety, Jiang Zhifei came back.

When Zhang Dali heard Jiang Zhifei's words, he followed Jiang Zhifei up to Guizi Mountain without stopping. Seeing that the cave was empty, he didn't faint on the spot.

If it wasn't for his reason, Zhang Dali would have rushed to Zhang Fengmei's house and yelled: Why did his things disappear? !

Under Zhang Fengmei's hopeful eyes, Jiang Zhifei said with a bad face: "The things are gone, uncle didn't sell them, uncle is angry on the mountain now."

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