good old days

Chapter 153

The female educated youths said that Su Qingqing didn't go to work, so she should be at the educated youth spot.

Jiang Xinyu and Widow Wang were on the way to the educated youth spot, Jiang Xinyu gave Widow Wang a thumbs up.

"Auntie, you are too talkative, you scold too well."

Widow Wang knows that she is very vulgar when she scolds people. The members of the team call her a shrew behind her back, but if she is not serious, others will think that her orphans and widows are easy to bully. This is the case in the village. Full of confidence.

Widow Wang was somewhat embarrassed by Jiang Xinyu's straightforward praise, "I don't think Su Zhi is young, and his heart is really bad!"

Jiang Xinyu couldn't find anyone in the educated youth spot, and only after asking the educated youth spot who didn't go to work did she know that she went to the public house to find the captain, saying that she was going to write a letter of introduction back to the city to visit relatives.

When they arrived at the public house, Su Qingqing was walking out with her face pulled.

Su Qingqing wanted to go home to urge her parents to get the job done for her quickly. Since there was no hope of being a worker-peasant-soldier college student, what was she still doing in the country?Do you want to stay and be stared at by these local turtles?
It's a pity that the captain didn't give her a letter of introduction, saying that it was the busy farming season, and if she went back to the city to visit relatives, she would have to wait for the winter to be free.

When Su Qingqing was cursing in her heart, she was blocked by someone, and when she looked up, Jiang Xinyu, an annoying person, was looking at her with a sneer.

"What are you doing? Good dogs don't get in the way." Su Qingqing didn't show any fear.

Anyway, her reputation in the team is just like this, and she has no hope of going to college, she is not afraid of anyone if she just scolds and fights!
Before Jiang Xinyu opened her mouth, Widow Wang outputted it first.

"Why are you a lesbian with such a bad heart? You spread gossip to tarnish people's reputation. You are a lesbian yourself. Don't you know how much the rumors you spread can hurt lesbians?"

After all, Widow Wang still worried that Su Qingqing was a young lesbian, so she couldn't scold some gossip aunts in the village, so she had to pay attention to her words and reason with her.

Widow Wang wanted to reason, but Su Qingqing, who was in a very bad mood at this time, didn't want to reason.

Su Qingqing looked Jiang Xinyu up and down, and said contemptuously: "What are you pretending to do, you were ruined by the three-petal mouth in the town, everyone went in, what I said is not true?"

Jiang Xinyu said calmly: "You swear by it, and I don't know who you heard it from. In this case, let's go to the police station and see what the comrades at the police station say. You spread rumors and tried to force me to death. We are not done. .”

The captain, the secretary and the accountant all came out, and they roughly understood what was going on.

Widow Wang raised her voice and said to several people: "That Yao person retaliated against Xinyu and almost strangled Xinyu to death. Fortunately, my family, Chen Yi, went there in time and finally turned him over to the police station."

Speaking of which, Widow Wang looked at Su Qingqing again, "Why is the matter different from what you said? Which policeman from the police station told you, let's go ask now."

Su Qingqing saw that the two of them were swearing in their vows, and thought of the policeman from the police station she knew. In fact, he didn't say anything to her at all. It was only after she inquired about Yao's house that she heard some rumors about Yao Xianmin. She went back to After the brigade, it was only then that they gloated about Jiang Xinyu's rumors.

Su Qingqing became short of breath, pursed her lips, and snorted: "I heard the gossip from the people in the town. Everyone else said the same, and I didn't pass it on."

Jiang Xinyu sneered, "Let's go, let's go to the town and find the person who gossiped about you. This is a crime of slander and you have caused a lot of damage to my reputation. If you want to force me to die, let's go to the police station for this matter." Speak well."

Jiang Xinyu didn't know if there was a crime of defamation these days, and she felt that the police station would definitely not treat her badly if Su Qingqing spread gossip, but she wanted to stand up this attitude and let Su Qingqing know that she was not easy to mess with.This female educated youth didn't know where her deep hatred came from.

Su Qingqing saw that Jiang Xinyu really lifted her legs and walked out, and turned her head to urge her, gritted her teeth and said, "Even if that's not the case, you don't think it's embarrassing!"

Jiang Xinyu sneered and said, "I'm not the one who wants to kill, and it's not me who committed the crime. Who am I to lose? Are you going to leave? Don't let me drag you along."

Su Qingqing bit her lip and didn't move.

Widow Wang squinted at Su Qingqing, "Now I know I'm afraid, why don't I know I'm afraid when spreading rumors, I'm also a lesbian, don't you know that rumors are harmful?"

"When you gossip about others, you don't think about your own reputation? You used to let the lads in the team work for you all day long, and you didn't know about it with many people. Why do you have the face to spread rumors about others?"

Su Qingqing's complexion changed. Messy men and women are going to be reformed by squatting on the fence these days.

"You can't talk nonsense. They are willing to help others and voluntarily help me. I haven't been unclear with anyone."

Widow Wang gave a "bah", "Do you want me to call all the boys in the team over to confront you? Do you want your face? If you let others do the work for you, your work points are quite a lot, but those boys My parents are dissatisfied. Fortunately, you are still a cultural person from the city, and what you have done is immoral."

The team leader was smoking a cigarette at the side, and he also looked down on Su Qingqing in his heart.

Before recommending workers, peasants and soldiers to college students, Su Qingqing worked very hard and didn't order the young guys in the team anymore. After the recommendation, she didn't even have a job every day, and she had to ask him to send a letter of introduction back to the city to visit relatives. The corn will be harvested in a few days, and if she answers now, it's no wonder he can approve it.

Su Qingqing's face turned blue and red, and she wanted to fall out, but hesitated because she didn't know how long she would stay in the country, and was afraid that the disturbance would affect her return to the city.

In the end, she had to bow her head aggrievedly and admit her mistake, "I was the one who spread gossip without knowing the facts. Comrade Jiang, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking nonsense. They are all in the same brigade. I hope you don't care so much."

Jiang Xinyu didn't ignore her tightly clenched fists, "If you really think you're wrong, then go to the members of the commune and make it clear for me. It's you who are spreading rumors. Let's forget about it. If you don't If you are willing, let’s go to the police station.”

What can Su Qingqing do?She clenched her fist and said, "I'll go now, you have to keep your word."

Jiang Xinyu snorted and watched her go, then followed her slowly.

Widow Wang asked, "So let her go?"

Jiang Xinyu said in a low voice: "The police station doesn't necessarily care about this matter, that's the only way."

The matter was settled, Widow Wang hurriedly said: "I still have to go to the pigsty to work, and I will go to my aunt if I have something to do."

Jiang Xinyu responded, thinking that this future mother-in-law is really not bad, and she is really good when something happens!
Jiang Xinyu turned her head to the team leader and said, "If you have something to do, call it yes. I'll go and supervise this educated youth Su first."

The captain waved to her and let her go on her own.

Jiang Xinyu left, and the three captain Li talked about Widow Wang's splash and Jiang Xinyu's power like the gossiping people in the team.

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