good old days

Chapter 154

Under normal circumstances, most of the lesbians who have been rumored about their sexuality these days are afraid to go out. If something bad happens to them, they dare not make it public. If people find out, they will commit suicide.

Jiang Xinyu was the first to seek out rumormongers with great fanfare, as well as her future mother-in-law to help "squeeze the line" to dispel rumors.

The thing is like this, the more you cover it up, people will treat you as a guilty conscience, if you spread it out with great fanfare, the rumors will be broken immediately.

Jiang Xinyu followed Su Qingqing, watching Su Qingqing explain to the commune members that Jiang Xinyu's matter was her nonsense and rumors.

The female educated youths were all surprised, how could Su Qingqing be so aggrieved.

After Su Qingqing clarified, Jiang Xinyu followed up with a sentence: "Don't spread rumors and don't believe in rumors. If some lesbians suffer bad things, the gossips spoken by big guys may kill people. We should condemn those who despise crimes. , not lesbians who suffer.”

When Jiang Xinyu said this, many ignorant women were still muttering in their hearts, thinking that Jiang Xinyu didn't know how to be ashamed at all, so could that be said on the lips?Why did a young girl open her mouth so openly?

Some unkind looks were automatically ignored by Jiang Xinyu, she didn't care what they thought, as long as she thought she was right, she would not be with them anyway in the future.Some people's thinking is deeply ingrained, just like thinking that a woman can't hold her head up without having a son, and it's useless to reason with them.

After Su Qingqing finished apologizing, Jiang Xinyu returned to the courtyard refreshed.

Jiang Zhenzhen was coaxing the children, while Zhang Hualai was chopping firewood in the courtyard.

After the three exchanged the previous incident, Jiang Xinyu went into the house and put the melon hidden by Chen Xiuyun into a cloth bag, ready for Jiang Zhenzhen and Zhang Hua to take it away.

"Mom probably won't be back for a while, so you and your brother-in-law can leave after we finish dinner later, lest you won't be able to get home after dark."

Jiang Zhenzhen responded and said, "I'll ask Zhang Hua to fill up the water tank when the firewood is cut."

Seeing Xiao Hei sticking out his tongue and breathing hotly under the shed, Jiang Xinyu took him to the side of the ditch to take a bath, Xiao Hei was swimming in the water, Jiang Xinyu looked around casually on top of her, and when she turned her face, she saw a strange The man was sitting in the grass in the forest belt beyond the entrance of the village, his face was facing the direction of the entrance of the village.

The person sitting there was none other than Zhang Fengmei's brother Zhang Dali.

The wheat was the food he stole from the people in his team who secretly opened up wasteland and planted it. They didn't dare to say anything about the loss of the food.Those eight big bags may have sold for a lot of money, but how could he not feel uncomfortable when someone took them all at once?
The melons behind Zhang Fengmei's house appeared strange, but this also explained a problem, his wheat was stolen by people from the Wuliqiao brigade!
As soon as the wheat was lost, Zhang Dali couldn't even eat, and he wanted to find the wheat back.

He knew some people in the black market in the town, and some people were paying attention to the wheat of unknown origin, so he simply came to the Wuliqiao brigade and waited for the rabbit.He didn't believe that he couldn't catch the person who stole his wheat if he stayed on guard every day and night!

When Zhang Dali was full of resentment, Jiang Xinyu led Xiao Hei to the front, and Xiao Hei barked at the haystack.

Zhang Dali was startled and stood up.

Jiang Xinyu asked, "Who are you, squatting at the entrance of our village, what do you want to do?"

Zhang Dali looked at her for a while, "Aren't you Xinyu from Jianmin's family, don't you know uncle?"

Originally, Jiang Xinyu knew him, but it was too dark that night, and she couldn't see the face clearly just by listening to the voice, so Jiang Xinyu didn't recognize him.But now I have a vague impression.

"What is uncle doing here in our village? I saw you on the canal from a long way away."

Zhang Dali was left speechless by her question, so he choked out a sentence, "It's cool here, I'll rest for a while."

Jiang Xinyu had nothing to say to him. Anyway, her family and Zhang Fengmei's family are now enemies, so she led the dog home without saying a word.

She thought in her heart that Zhang Dali was probably thinking about the food, and she had to remind Chen Yi that this batch of food must not be delivered recently.

Seeing her leave, Zhang Dali felt that it was really hot at noon, thinking that Zhang Fengmei's house should be cooking, so he went to her house to have a meal.He deserves to eat from her sister's house. He has brought her to earn money a lot in the past few months.

The child was asleep, Jiang Zhenzhen was cooking on the living surface, and Zhang Hua filled the tank with buckets of water.

Jiang Xinyu started needlework. She is not very good at needlework, and her stitches are not very good, but she wanted to make large intestine flowers, so she picked an old blue-gray cloth to do it.

Cut the cloth squarely, then fold and sew it in half, then wrap the rubber band into the outer layer of the fold, and when the seam is almost done, turn the cloth out and sew the opening.

She had seen a video of making large intestine head flowers before, but she had never done it, and it was not smooth sailing for the first time today. It was not until Jiang Zhenzhen called her to eat that a head flower was ready.

The stitching isn't great, but most of the stitching is on the inside and you can't really see it, the thread on the outside is black and not too noticeable, and it looks like that too.

Jiang Zhenzhen was quite surprised when she saw it, "You did it yourself?"

She works in a supply and marketing cooperative, and there is no such style sold in the supply and marketing cooperative.There are colorful and bright long headscarves for sale, which can be tied in various patterns on the head, but they don't look as good as this one.

Jiang Xinyu said: "I made it out of rags at home, and it looks better with red cloth. I'll make one for you later, and I can teach you by the way. In the future, you can do it yourself if you have rags, and you can also secretly change things." .”

If after the reform and opening up, you can do it yourself and set up a stall, it is also a craft to make money.

Needless to say, in this age, Jiang Xinyu feels that the small handicrafts she knows can still support herself. After the reform and opening up, she will also find ways to make money. As for the past two years, she will secretly mix some money to improve her life. okay.

Jiang Zhenzhen is very interested in this flower, how can there be a girl who doesn't like to be pretty?For the time being, she hadn't thought about using her head flowers for speculative business, she just wanted to dress herself up purely.

The noodles that have passed cold water are served with fried eggplant, which tastes cool even on a hot day.

When Jiang Xinyu taught Jiang Zhenzhen, Jiang Zhenzhen held the red head flower and couldn't put it down, like something.

Jiang Zhenzhen had a lot of vegetables to bring back. There were four big watermelons alone. The watermelons were hung on the front of the handlebars with a straw bag, and the tomatoes and other small melons and vegetables were placed on the back seat. Jiang Zhenzhen sat on the front bar with her child in her arms superior.

The two returned home full of rewards, and Jiang Xinyu sent them back to make two more head flowers, one purple and one navy blue, both of which were made of corduroy.

She planned to give this flower to Chen Yi's mother, to thank her for her help today, and also to strengthen the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future.

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