good old days

Chapter 165

The Yuan family wanted Fang Xiaochuan, the eldest of Yuan Chunhua, in the hope that the child would earn work points when he grew up, and Zhang Tiezhu wanted the youngest, in the hope that the child would not remember anything, and that he could raise him well, and he would be his own son in the future.

It's a pity that the Yuan family's and Zhang Tiezhu's plans fell through.

No family in the village wants to raise other people's sons. It's too expensive to raise a son.

It's not that the members don't have sympathy, but it's not easy for every household.

Jiang Xinyu sighed in her heart, she said she would be gone if she was a good person, leaving four children behind, which is also a pitiful person.

Yuan Chunhua's body was still in the house, and Chen Xiuyun didn't let the two daughters look at it, but went to her yard with four hard-boiled eggs and a few pancakes.

Chen Xiuyun was not the only one who brought food to the four children, and the eyes of the four children were swollen like walnuts from crying.

Chen Xiuyun couldn't bear it, but what could she do?
The next morning, Chen Yi found out about this, discussed it with his mother, and carried ten catties of the stick noodles at home to the four children.

In order to avoid Zhang Dali, the wheat brought back from Guizi Mountain hadn't been disposed of yet, but recently Widow Wang took pains to secretly grind some food, which was deducted from Chen Yi's share.

Zhang Dali is a ticking time bomb, the risk of selling wheat out is quite high, Chen Yi doesn't want to go out anymore, thinking about waiting for Li Lei to come back next time, he will directly give the corresponding money to settle the matter.

Yuan Chunhua's eldest son, Fang Xiaochuan, is not very old, but he seems to be much more sensible than other children of the same age.

Chen Yi stroked his head and said, "Hide all the food and don't tell anyone, do you know?"

Fang Xiaochuan nodded vigorously, with tears in his eyes.

Ten catties of food won't last long, and this kind of funding will not be cut off in the future.

Chen Yi didn't feel sorry for the food, and he didn't judge Yuan Chunhua's right or wrong. Anyway, these four children were really pitiful.

Jiang Xinyu is going to school. In the past two days, Chen Xiuyun boiled some chili sauce, mixed some crushed ginger and peanuts, and added some white sugar. The taste of the stew was quite good.

Xie Xiaofang told her that the school has a special cook who cooks big pot meals for the teachers, and the place of eating is in the dormitory of the male teachers.

The cook has a small account book specially for keeping accounts. Whoever eats a few meals or a few dishes will keep a clear account, and the account will be settled once a month.However, before each meal, you must report to the cook in advance, so that the cook can prepare enough meals.

Compared with the big pot of rice with a large number of students, the number of teachers is much smaller, but according to Xie Xiaofang, the taste of the rice is just the same, and eating Chinese cabbage in winter makes people want to vomit.

Being a teacher is the first time in two lifetimes, and Jiang Xinyu is somewhat excited.

Chen Xiuyun didn't go to work these days, and today she and Jiang Yuzhu went to send Jiang Xinyu off.

The old cabinet at home is placed on the back seat of the bicycle. There is still a grass bag hanging on the handlebar. There is a big watermelon in it, and there are chili sauce and some food in the cloth bag.

When they arrived at the dormitory, Song Guifang, her husband Zhu Lin, and the children were all there.

Six people packed the room to the brim.

It was inevitable that the two parties would greet each other, so Chen Xiuyun took out a hard fruit candy and gave it to Song Guifang's daughter.

After settling down, Chen Xiuyun took Jiang Yuzhu back by bicycle.

Song Guifang and her husband also took the child back, and the dormitory became much quieter in an instant.

Jiang Xinyu took a basin of water and washed her face, then went to the barber shop to cut her hair.

The original owner's hair is thick and long, black and shiny, and washing his hair every time is a big project, and the hot summer can't bear it.

I heard that haircuts can be sold for money these days, but I don't know how much her beautiful hair can be sold for.

"Sister Song, I'm going to cut my hair, do you want to go?"

Song Guifang wore the Liu Hulan hairstyle that many women wear these days. Her hair couldn't be cut shorter, but she was going to the supply and marketing agency to buy something, so she got up and went with her.

"Your hair is so good, you can sell it for a higher price in the barber shop in the county. In our commune, it probably won't be worth a dollar."

Song Guifang is also a person who has sold hair, so she is quite familiar with it.

Jiang Xinyu touched her braid and said: "It's too hot, I can't wait to go to the county, and I will negotiate with the boss later."

She has endured this long hair for a long time. It looks good, and it is really hot.

The barber shop is very simple, and the haircut guy just sits on the stool. When the two of them arrived, there was no place to sit.

When it was Jiang Xinyu's turn, the boss looked at her long hair with bright eyes, "Where did you cut it? If it's the same as that lesbian, I'll give you a dollar."

Song Guifang was a little surprised when she heard this, one dollar was a lot, she had only sold four hairs before, but her hair was yellow and split ends, not as long as Jiang Xinyu's.

Jiang Xinyu made a gesture. If it reaches the shoulders, it must be longer than Song Guifang's hair. "Just cut it that long. My hair is good. If you go to the county to cut it, you can get more. If you are less than one piece, I will wait and go to the county."

Although they are all state-run barbershops, there is competition, and prices can be negotiated if there is competition.

Seeing that her hair was so good, the man gritted his teeth and agreed.

So Jiang Xinyu sold her hair for a dollar.

The master's workmanship is not bad, and Jiang Xinyu made some requests when cutting. After the cutting, the whole person felt a lot easier.

She put a wide headband on her head, and her hair was loose. Seeing the image in the mirror, she was a little different from before. She was a little more elegant, but she still looked a little juvenile.

"Little Jiang, do you have a date?"

Who doesn't like good-looking people, Jiang Xinyu's mother and sister also seem to be educated people, Song Guifang suddenly wanted to introduce Jiang Xinyu to someone.

However, the two of them are colleagues at the beginning, and their relationship is not that close, and it is not easy to mention it. You must first find out the basic situation of the other person.

Jiang Xinyu said truthfully: "I have a partner, and I may get married by the end of the year. He is a film projectionist in the commune."

Song Guifang was taken aback, "Is your partner's surname Xu or Chen? The gay man surnamed Xu seems to be married."

How can a commune not know the film projectionist, and everyone in the commune health team knows it too.

"The one surnamed Chen is my partner."

Song Guifang nodded, and had no choice but to stop thinking about introducing someone to her.She was envious in her heart, both of them had jobs, and they would definitely be the same in the future.

In the evening, there was no food at school, so Jiang Xinyu only ate steamed buns with chili sauce, and also ate fruit dan skin and pastries. She had a pretty happy life.

The next day the students reported that the school organized a meeting with the teachers.

Jiang Xinyu is a substitute teacher, not a class teacher, but she was also busy that day. At three o'clock, Liu Jun organized a meeting for the teachers. This day felt like a wild and chaotic day, which was not at all the same as Jiang Xinyu imagined. The leisurely work, but compared to working in the fields, it is much more comfortable now.

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