good old days

Chapter 166

There are at least twice as many students in commune elementary and junior high schools as there are in high school. Many of them go home to "repair the earth" after graduating from elementary school. Junior high school students are generally thirteen or fourteen years old, and some go to school late. Very few are sixteen or seventeen, who look about the same age as Jiang Xinyu.

Jiang Xinyu is a new face at the school, and the students have been surprised for a few days. Fortunately, there are no such sharp thorns, so Jiang Xinyu's teaching career has started smoothly.

There are math classes every day, and physics and chemistry classes are held once a week. Jiang Xinyu takes an average of three classes a day, which is quite easy.

During the day, teachers cannot easily leave the school before the students are out of school, and they have to go to evening self-study at night, and they don’t go to evening self-study until nearly 9 o’clock.

Jiang Xinyu has to take shifts twice a week. Even if she doesn't sit, she still has to find time to prepare lessons and write lesson plans.Writing lesson plans is quite easy for her, after all Xie Xiaofang gave her all the old lesson plans.

There are a total of ten teachers in the school, and there are only three public teachers. Jiang Xinyu and the others have to follow the public teachers in their lesson preparation and lesson plans.

The chili sauce and big watermelon brought by Jiang Xinyu successfully opened up the relationship with other teachers, and the relationship with other teachers is not bad for the time being.

On the day of the holiday, when Jiang Xinyu thought she was finally going to be liberated, the leader assigned another task.

Every year at the beginning of the second semester, there are students who suddenly do not go to school to report. The teachers have to go to their homes to find out the situation and mobilize parents to let the students continue to go to school.

Jiang Xinyu, Song Guifang, and another teacher, Luo Yuan, were assigned to go to the Miaoxi Brigade to see the conditions of the three students' homes.

Song Guifang fanned the wind with a cattail fan and said, "My natal family belongs to the Miaoxi Brigade. Our brigade's productivity is not ranked high in the entire commune. I don't need to go back and look. I know that there is no money to pay for it."

Not every household is willing to spend a few dollars. Among the three students in the Miaoxi brigade who do not come to school, two are girls.

Luo Yuan shook his head, "It happens every year, so it's useless for us to go."

Jiang Xinyu took a sip of cold boiled water with an enamel jar, and discussed with the two when they would leave tomorrow.

"The three of us have a bicycle in Luo Yuan. Let's walk there tomorrow? It's not close." Song Guifang felt a little headache thinking about the long journey.

"Xiao Jiang, a gay man who claims to be your partner is looking for you."

Teacher Kobayashi entered the office from the outside and raised his voice.

I haven't seen Chen Yi for several days, and Chen Yi was shocked by her trimmed hair. Not to mention, she looks a bit like the old days. She looks elegant and good-tempered, but she still looks small.

Seeing that Jiang Xinyu came out without any light clothes, Chen Yi was still a little puzzled, "Aren't you going home today?"

Jiang Xinyu told me about going to the Miaoxi brigade tomorrow.

"I'm going to live in school today, so I don't have to run tomorrow morning. If you go back, just tell my mother."

"The apples and pears in the advancing team are ripe. They were given to me by Xia Dongmin. I'll send them in for you and share them with the other teachers."

Chen Yi thinks that Jiang Xinyu has a good personality, but the school is not so stable. In the past few years, there was a suspension of classes, but it has become more stable in the past two years, and a good relationship with colleagues can save a lot of trouble.

Chen Yi was originally older than Jiang Xinyu, so he was very considerate in handling her heart.

When Jiang Xinyu returned to the collective office, Song Guifang and the others had almost left, and the two went to the teacher's dormitory.

Everyone is going to the countryside on weekends, the teachers are still there, and even the cooks are staying at the school.

Chen Yi greeted everyone, and then distributed some apples and pears to each teacher, and let Jiang Xinyu put the rest to eat by herself.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling person, let alone give something generously.

Several brigades in Hongqi Commune have orchards. Although apples and pears are not rare in season, they are not so generously given to so many people.

Chen Yi was generous and enthusiastic, and the teachers were too embarrassed to accept it so cheekily, and they inevitably refused.

"My partner has just graduated from high school, and there are few things to do at a young age. I hope you will take care of me in the future."

"It's natural."

Jiang Xinyu snorted, "You're talking like I'm a primary school student."

The older Tian Yonglin said with a smile, "Xiao Chen treats you like a primary school student."

Everyone was eating apples and talking and laughing. The cook, Master Li, reciprocated and said, "Xiao Chen, would you like to have a meal here? There will be tofu tonight."

Chen Yi shook his head, "I still have to go back to the brigade, so I won't stay any longer."

Chen Yi had dinner within half an hour after he left.

Fried tofu with cabbage and sesame seed cakes, the taste is quite satisfactory, not too delicious and not unpalatable, the rare thing is tofu, this is the first time I have eaten tofu in the past few days.

During Jiang Xinyu's school days, Yuan Chunhua's stinking corpse was buried by members of the Wuliqiao brigade for three days, and the four boys of the Fang family became children without parents.

On the day Jiang Xinyu went to the Miaoxi Brigade, two couples in their early thirties came from the county and went straight to the Fang family in their village. They negotiated with the brigade to take the youngest boy of the Fang family away and become their son in the future, and they were willing to leave 20 yuan for the three boys of the Fang family in exchange.

The captain and the secretary did not decide without authorization, but called Yuan Chunhua's natal family over to discuss it.

They didn't know how the news spread so fast, but they all knew that the Fang family boy had a way out.Compared to being in the team without food and clothing, being adopted and living a better life than now is pretty good.

These days, there are people who can't give birth to a son and hug other people's children. A young one like the fourth child of the Fang family is quite easy to worry about no one wants him.

When the Yuan family heard this, it was a good thing, they still had money in their hands.

The Yuan family immediately expressed their willingness to adopt the three boys of the Yuan family, and give the fourth child to the couple from the county.

As the boss, Fang Xiaochuan was at a loss at this time. He vaguely knew that if the younger brother was taken away, he would have a good life after all. After all, the couple looked well dressed and had official jobs in the county, but the younger brother was his younger brother, and he didn't want to be separated from him.

After a while, Fang Xiaochuan clenching his fingers and said, "Can you take my third brother away with me? The two of you have a companion."

The couple hesitated. It's not that they don't have a child, but they have a daughter. They hurt their body when giving birth to a daughter. They couldn't conceive after so many years, so they decided to adopt someone else's boy.

But boys only need one, and the cost of two is not small.

In the end, the couple refused and insisted on only one.

When Fang Xiaosi was taken away, he cried loudly.

The Yuan family was willing to raise Yuan Chunhua's three children for the sake of 20 yuan, but Fang Xiaochuan was not willing to go to the Yuan family, and wanted to raise the remaining two younger brothers with the money.

If the Yuan family quit, how could the 20 yuan they were about to get fly away?

The captain and the secretary were also wary of the Yuan family, and proposed to pay the 20 yuan in two years, fearing that the Yuan family would ignore the three boys of the Fang family after taking the money.

"After a while, the food will be distributed. I looked at his family's food, and it is enough for the three boys to eat until the Chinese New Year. Let the three boys go to your place next year, and the money will be given next year."

The members of the Yuan family quit, they just wanted to get the money first.

"You guys are pushing back and forth here, are you trying to get the money?"

The secretary gave a mouthful to a few people, his eyes widened, "We will have all the members of the brigade supervise the money, don't be so bloody here, and act like everyone has money in their eyes."

Fang Xiaochuan didn't like the people at his grandma's house. His grandma and uncles didn't like him at all. He didn't want to go at all. He said loudly: "I won't go to grandma's house, and they don't like me. I will earn a share to support my younger brother. I don't need them."

Fang Xiaochuan's uncle immediately gave this boy a slap, "What nonsense are you talking about, you know how to make clothes? Can you raise a younger brother? Can the rice be cooked? You can't do it without a wife at home. If you don't understand, talk less. You are the loudest you call every day."

Both the team leader and the secretary knew that the members of the Yuan family were unreliable, but what the uncle of the Yuan family said was reasonable. It was not the case for a woman who didn't work hard at home. How could a baby grow up well without anyone to take care of it?They also understood this truth and called the people from the Yuan family over to discuss.

After all, relatives can always treat these three boys better than irrelevant people.

Fang Xiaochuan's objection was too strong. The members of Yuan's family were not happy to let Fang Xiaochuan brothers three years later, and did not agree to give 20 yuan in installments, but now they agreed.

The Yuan family's plan was to take away all the food rations of the three boys, so that they would be able to feed the three boys so that they would not die of starvation. If there were any more children, they would be able to sell them for some money.

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