good old days

Chapter 169 Bullying

Chapter 169 Bullying

Both daughters have jobs, and the central primary school in the team has started school. If there are no meetings and study sessions organized on weekends, Chen Xiuyun will go to work in the private plot and stop going to work. I don't know how many people in the team envy her.

When Chen Xiuyun came home with the freshly plucked cabbage, she saw Jiang Xinyu in the kitchen not knowing what to cook.

"Why did you cut your hair?"

Jiang Xinyu's hair is black and shiny, so pretty, Chen Xiuyun is not willing to let her cut it.

Jiang Xinyu added a handful of firewood to the stove, and came out of the kitchen and said, "I sold it for a dollar. Before, my hair was too thick and too long. It was inconvenient, but now it's much looser."

"I'm steaming chestnuts. I'm going to the Temple West Brigade with Sister Song and the others today..."

Jiang Xinyu rambled about what happened at school a week and what happened to the Temple West Brigade today.

"Since there are a lot of chestnuts, just wait for me to get some yams, then dry the chestnuts, and send some back to your grandma's and uncle's, and friends from Yuzhu Film Studio, we will all send some to them. "

Jiang Xinyu originally planned to use these chestnuts to do business to make some money, but when she heard Chen Xiuyun's plan, she had no choice but to give up, and reminded Chen Xiuyun not to forget to prepare a copy for Li Yuezhen.

The chestnuts were steamed, and Chen Xiuyun started to fry the cabbage.

Jiang Xinyu doesn't like to eat the cabbage fried by Chen Xiuyun without any meaty taste. Her pure fried cabbage is just boiled and salted.

She didn't know why Chen Xiuyun's different dishes tasted so different.

When Jiang Xinyu swallowed the cabbage expressionlessly, Jiang Guisheng came.

"Sister-in-law, where are you eating with Xinyu?"

In Jiang Xinyu's cognition, her family and Jiang Baoqin's family should be enemies. How could Jiang Baoqin's father still come to her house?
Chen Xiuyun was also a little surprised, but she vaguely knew why he came here.

Chen Xiuyun's expression was indifferent, she just looked at Jiang Guisheng and didn't say hello.

Jiang Guisheng seemed like nothing had happened between the two families, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, tomorrow is a good day for Baoqin, don't forget to go at noon, you don't need to bring anything, just take Xinyu to dinner. "

Chen Xiuyun's complexion did not change at all, and she responded lightly.

After Jiang Guisheng left, Jiang Xinyu couldn't wait to ask: "Mom, you really don't want to take me to dinner, do you?"

She had done something to Zhang Fengmei before, and Zhang Fengmei wished to eat her raw when she saw her, so she wouldn't make fun of herself.

What's more, if I go tomorrow, doesn't it mean that the two families will still be relatives in the future?Who wants such a bad relative!

Chen Xiuyun said: "Who said I'm going?"

"Eat quickly, finish all the dishes, don't leave anything left."

Jiang Xinyu pursed her lips, but she couldn't hold back after all, "The fried cabbage is too unpalatable. I don't think there is any oil in it. How can this be fried? Mom, you are too picky."

Chen Xiuyun glanced at her, and said deliberately: "How can I do it if I don't pick some? I want to save money to buy you some new cotton and make some new quilts for you to marry. Don't worry, where did your quilts come from?" ?”

Jiang Xinyu said simply: "Then I don't want a quilt, and I don't want a dowry. We should eat and drink, and the money for eating and drinking can't be saved."

What Jiang Xinyu said was from her heart, the old or new of the quilt is not important to her at all, the same is true of the dowry, she hasn't touched meat for a week, and she still wants to eat boiled cabbage when she comes back?She doesn't lose weight!

But one thing to say, is the dowry too shabby these days?
Chen Xiuyun knew that Jiang Xinyu was greedy, but she didn't expect her to be so greedy!I don't even care about the dowry!

"You really don't know anything!" If it wasn't for holding the chopsticks, Chen Xiuyun could directly poke her forehead.

"Money is a bastard. If you spend it, you earn it. If you know how to spend it, you earn it."

Jiang Xinyu agrees more with increasing income and reducing expenditure. The more she earns, the less she spends.I just don't know that in the Year of the Monkey, she will be able to earn as much money as she did before wearing it.

"Heretics!" Chen Xiuyun disagreed. If you don't save money, you won't be able to spend enough money.

"If you want to eat meat, go grab some frogs while there are still some. In ten days or so, there will be nothing left to eat."

This thing is the same as the cicada monkey, it will disappear after the season.

Jiang Xinyu went to find Yongzi next door, gave him a handful of steamed chestnuts and asked him to catch frogs with her.

Because of the incident with Yuan Chunhua, Zhou Dazhuang seemed to be a different person since he returned to the village. When he went out, he drooped his head and drooped his eyes. He went back to the house silently.

Zhang Lanxiang used to love to visit Jiang Xinyu's house, but these two times when Jiang Xinyu came home, she never went to her house.

I don't know if Zhang Lanxiang and Zhou Dazhuang had a divorce.

Divorced couples are rare these days, and this kind of shit will be left to future generations. At least half of the women will choose to divorce.

After all, he was still a heartless child, and the weird atmosphere at home did not affect Yongzi's wild heart.

Yongzi ate chestnuts and went to greet his little friend, and the child came out in a short while.

It's so dark now that I don't need a flashlight.

The laughing and joking voices of the children could be heard far away, and a few half-grown children were arguing at the corner.

"Your mother is a broken shoe, you are a little broken shoe, please don't play with us in the future, we don't welcome you!"

"You are the broken shoe!" The child cursed back loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the three children started pushing and shoving that little carrot head.

There is no doubt that the child being bullied should be Yuan Chunhua's son, and Jiang Xinyu doesn't know who it is.

She hurried forward, "What are you doing, stop, I will call anyone who beats me again."

The few children didn't give Jiang Xinyu a chance to preach, and they all made faces at her and then ran away without a trace.

Yongzi clenched his fists tightly. He has often been accused of his father's broken shoes these days, but he is good at fighting, and other children can't beat him, so they don't bully him.

Fang Xiaochuan's younger brother is used to being bullied by some children in the team these days. This is not the first time he got up from the ground, glanced at Jiang Xinyu and Yongzi, and ran away from the corner.

Jiang Xinyu said to the children behind her: "You are not allowed to bully others in the future. They have done nothing wrong. They are all in the same brigade. You must get along well, do you hear me?"

After speaking, she took out a few hard candies from her pocket, bit them into pieces through the wrapping paper, and distributed them to the children.

"In the future, if anyone bullies others again, I will not give them candy anymore. Everyone supervises each other. I will know who has done bad things. I will never give him candy again. Do you understand?"


With the temptation of sugar, the children responded in unison, loud and clear.

The children were eating candy and went to catch frogs. By the edge of the pond, a man and a woman were standing there talking.

After Jiang Xinyu saw who the two were, she kept the children away from the pond.

(End of this chapter)

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