good old days

Chapter 170 Zhang Fengmei Was Arrested

Chapter 170 Zhang Fengmei Was Arrested

The people standing by the pond were Song Minghan and Su Qingqing, and there were two buckets at Song Minghan's feet.

There was a distance and the sky was a little dark. Jiang Xinyu couldn't hear what the two of them were talking about, nor could they see their expressions clearly, but she didn't care, as long as Su Qingqing didn't recruit her, she wouldn't be bothered to deal with her.

The crowing of frogs was not as loud as before, and the efficiency of the children was not as high as before. After the sky completely darkened, only a dozen or so were caught in the box.

Jiang Xinyu hadn't left yet. Seeing Jiang Baoqin coming this way in a hurry, she rushed straight to Song Minghan and Su Qingqing.

Jiang Xinyu, who was about to leave, changed her mind in an instant, she wanted to stay and watch the fun!However, it was inevitable that she would be affected, so she found a tree as a shelter.

She originally thought that there was going to be a scene where two women competed for one man, but the three of them just met each other and separated.

Jiang Xinyu was really sorry, and walked towards home with a basket on her shoulders in a bored manner.

Here, Jiang Baoqin lowered her head and twisted her fingers and said in a low voice: "Brother Song, if you really don't want to marry me, I won't make things difficult for you. I'll explain to my parents. You don't have to worry about it."

Having been with Song Minghan for so long, Jiang Baoqin has already figured out his character.He has a soft heart, as long as she shows weakness, he will start to hesitate, and after he hesitates, he will be manipulated by her according to her expectation.

Song Minghan has indeed been regretting it for the past two months. There is no other reason. It is really that Jiang Baoqin's mother's reputation is too bad. Not only her mother, but her family's reputation is not very good now.

Because of his affair with Jiang Baoqin, he has been ridiculed at the educated youth spot recently.

Originally, he was considered number one in the educated youth spot, and he was very popular among members of the brigade, but because of his relationship with Jiang Baoqin, he was gossiped all over.

But his grandfather said that it was not easy for Jiang Baoqin to maintain a kind and upright character with such parents, and she should be separated from her parents.

His grandfather's approval was the main reason why he never made up his mind to completely sever ties with Jiang Baoqin.

At this time, Song Minghan pursed his lips when he heard Jiang Baoqin's understanding and thoughtful words, "Baoqin, we will get married tomorrow, so don't say such things in the future. But what I mean is, the room that was built before The house will be given to your parents, and we will live in the educated youth spot in the future. You don’t want others to say that I’m a door-to-door son-in-law, right?”

Song Minghan cannot live under the same roof as someone like Zhang Fengmei.

Although Jiang Baoqin felt embarrassed, it was a good thing that she could move out and separate from her parents.

She agreed immediately, but she was afraid that her parents would have a hard time.

In order to persuade her parents to agree with her and Song Minghan, she often told her parents how good the conditions of Song Minghan's family were, because she was afraid that her parents would not let them live out for the expected benefits.

When Chen Yi came back with Fang Xiaochuan, it was already dark. There were two big bags of chestnuts piled high on the back seat, wrapped with hemp rope.

Fang Xiaochuan shared most of the bag, Jiang Xinyu shared a whole bag, and Chen Yi took the remaining half of the bag home.

Jiang Xinyu finally had a good night's sleep on Sunday, and the house was empty when she woke up.

At noon today, Mr. Jiang's family had a happy event, and many people in the village went there. Mr. Jiang even specially came to call Chen Xiuyun's mother and daughter.

Chen Xiuyun simply said to old man Jiang: "My family doesn't have such relatives, and I won't associate with them in the future, and don't come to us if there is anything in his family."

The old man Jiang's face was wrinkled like a chrysanthemum, "Bones are broken and tendons are still connected. We are a family, and we can take care of each other in the future. Listen to me, let's go today. This happy day will not be a disappointment."

"What our father said is that we are all a family, how can we hold grudges, brothers and sisters, go to have a cup of wedding wine today, the past will pass away, if you also remember my grudge, I will toast you three cups to apologize to you."

It was Jiang Cuicui who was talking, this girl seemed to have forgotten the past conflicts with Jiang Xinyu's family, all the toothaches came out with a smile on her face, and the lines at the corners of her eyes were squeezed into a line.

Jiang Xinyu admired this kind of person who changed his face faster than turning the pages of a book. It is said that the prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach. Jiang Cuicui, who is wide and fat, looks like he can hold a boat!

"Don't get close to me. Not only does my family have no relatives like Mr. Jiang, but I also don't have any relatives like you. As I said before, you are not welcome to come to my house in the future. If you don't leave, I will let the dog go."

Chen Xiuyun was holding the sole of the shoe in her hand, without raising her head.

Jiang Cuicui's complexion changed.

If it wasn't for Chen Xiuyun's daughter who has a job and the days are getting more and more prosperous, she wouldn't come to praise Chen Xiuyun's stinky feet!A person who can't even give birth to a son, what is he doing here? When he gets old, he will be lonely and alone.

Jiang Cuicui remembered what her man had repeatedly told her, and held back her anger, "Sister-in-law should be angry, I was the bastard in the past, and I will come to apologize to you another day."

As she said that, Jiang Cuicui turned her head to look at Jiang Xinyu, and said with a smile: "I'm going to let my third son Tao go to the commune to study in junior high school, and Xinyu will take care of her in the future."

Jiang Xinyu: "If you didn't go to the first semester of junior high school last semester, you can wait another semester to study again. This is the second semester, and you can't keep up if you go there."

Jiang Cuicui hurriedly said: "Last year, I studied in the first semester of the second year of junior high school, but I didn't go in the second semester, and I didn't graduate."

Jiang Xinyu is not a head teacher, and she doesn't like the children of Jiang Cuicui's family, so she simply said: "I'm not a head teacher, I just teach. When you go to school, you can talk to his head teacher."

Jiang Cuicui wanted to continue to get close to Chen Xiuyun's mother and daughter, but she was still thinking about going to the banquet. After all, the money was already paid, so why not come back?
Su Qingqing has a strong desire for revenge. She was determined to win Song Minghan, but it was all in vain.While waiting to return to the city, she was not idle. As long as she was free, she kept paying attention to the movements of Zhang Fengmei and Zhang Dali.

She knew that the two of them were doing business secretly, but after the incident of throwing watermelons in the village became a big deal, the two of them settled down for a while.

Until the morning after Jiang Baoqin and Song Minghan got married.

It was just a coincidence that Su Qingqing went to the town post office early in the morning to see if there were her letters and parcels. When she came out of the post office disappointed, she saw Zhang Fengmei, who was wearing a headscarf, walking in the alley with a basket. In this way, there are ghosts at a glance.

Su Qingqing's nerves immediately became excited, and she knew that the opportunity had come.

Su Qingqing brought the speculators to the office, and they followed them secretly. They jumped out to arrest Zhang Fengmei after they saw Zhang Fengmei dealing with people in a sneaky way.

When Zhang Fengmei was caught, she was sorting out the money she had just collected.

Yesterday Jiang Baoqin received more than 40 eggs just for the banquet. Going to the supply and marketing agency to exchange them was not as much money as selling them myself. The supply and marketing agency could not buy goods every day. Zhang Fengmei raised the price and sold them secretly.

Not only eggs were sold today, but also two rabbits and a pheasant, all caught by Zhang Dali with tongs, and they were sent yesterday as an addition to the dishes, but she was reluctant to sell them until today.

"Comrade, it's not the first time I've seen her engage in such speculative business. There was a man in the past who seemed to be her natal brother. The two of them were on the same road and sold grain."

Zhang Fengmei felt as if she was going to be a concubine, so she immediately put on a pendulum, shouting in her heart, "It's over!"

Zhang Fengmei was arrested just like that.

When the news was sent back to the brigade, Chen Xiuyun was terrified.

She still makes pig pancreas soap from time to time, waiting to accumulate more and sell it in the county town, and thinking about when she will make some mung bean cakes and then take it to the county town.

Zhang Tiezhu, who was eccentric in the past, and Zhang Fengmei, who was arrested later, crushed Chen Xiuyun's desire to do business at once.

Fortunately, both daughters have jobs, and the family will not be short of food if they don't do business in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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