good old days

Chapter 178 Mid-Autumn Festival

Chapter 178 Mid-Autumn Festival
After the big dinner at the gate of the courtyard was over, Chen Xiuyun closed the door, and the mother and daughter continued to work secretly.

In the middle of the afternoon, Chen Yi brought a bag of cured pork ribs, which weighed more than two catties.

"Call your mother to eat with me tonight, and I'll cook two dishes." Chen Xiuyun didn't accept it at first, but she couldn't hold back Chen Yi.

Jiang Xinyu poked her head out, "You can drink wine too, you can have two glasses at night."

"Did the commune give out mooncakes? Come, I'll bring you back a catty of mung bean cakes."

"I sent out moon cakes, filled with red bean paste."

Jiang Xinyu: "We serve five kernels. I don't think it's very tasty. The lotus paste stuffed by my sister is a little tastier."

Jiang Yuzhu thinks that Wuren's mooncakes are delicious, but the little girl finds it unpalatable only if she picks her mouth.

Chen Xiuyun packed mung bean cakes in the dim sum tin box sent by Zhou Qi, and there were some fruit peels and preserved fruits inside, and she also took two mooncakes filled with lotus paste.

"Auntie is too polite. I won't dare to go to the door if I do this again next time."

Chen Xiuyun smiled and shook her head, "I don't know who is being polite to whom, tell your mother not to cook at night, let Xinyu call you when I'm done cooking."

There is still a cooked pig's trotter left at home, and I will keep it until today.

There is a lot of salt in the cured pork ribs, so it needs to be soaked for two hours.

Today, every household in the village knows how to cook meat, and her family is not the only one who eats meat, and the smell is not so obvious when it wafts out.

The advantage of a small family is that there are so many. Two hens can lay about forty eggs a month. The family can save them all for themselves without exchanging eggs for money.Chen Xiuyun is very willing to scramble eggs every time, this time she directly cracked eight eggs.

A plate of scrambled eggs, a stuffed soy bean trotter, a pot of cured ribs and roasted potatoes, the portion is already quite a lot, and it is served with Erhe noodles steamed buns and a pot of mung bean porridge.

After Widow Wang and Chen Yi arrived, Jiang Xinyu moved out the red wine jar excitedly, poured it into a clean enamel jar, and poured a small glass each with a small wine glass.

The transparent purple-red wine looked really good-looking, and when the jar was opened, she could smell a grape-like aroma.

Widow Wang was very surprised. She held the cup and smelled it. The taste was indescribably mellow, and the wine smelled fruity, which was much better than white wine.

Chen Xiuyun took a sip, the astringency was slightly sour, a little bitter, and the aftertaste was a little sweet.

The two agreed that it tastes better than the loose wine in the village. It has a rich taste and is not as strong as white wine. The mellow fruity taste is more suitable for lesbians.

"Wine can beautify the skin and improve memory. Drinking a small glass every night is good for the body."

Widow Wang said: "The last time Chen Yi moved back to those two jars, he hasn't spoken yet. You girl knows a lot."

Chen Xiuyun snorted and said, "She doesn't know what book she read to learn it, but what she learned was all waste and expensive things. There is a lot of sugar in this jar of wine, and the sugar that other people eat in a year is not as much as hers." There's a lot of sugar in the jar wine."

Every time she saw Jiang Xinyu making things, Chen Xiuyun felt distressed. She had been frugal for so many years, and she didn't know how to give birth to a girl who was so good at making things. This girl didn't seem to know how to save at all.

Jiang Xinyu was not convinced, "People can't just endure hardships. If we have the conditions, we must enjoy life, and if we don't have the conditions, we must create the conditions. It's just a little sugar, but you can drink delicious wine."

Jiang Xinyu's consumption concept is definitely different from Chen Xiuyun's, which is caused by different living environments in different times.

She never saved money before, and in this day and age, the bad habit of spending money when she has money can't be changed, and she doesn't plan to change it, she will still make more money to support herself in the future.

Jiang Yuzhu had never heard of Xiaomei's argument, but felt that what Xiaomei said made sense.

If she has no experience in making movies, if she has not communicated with people from the capital, if she has not gone to work in the city, she may marry and have children in the countryside like Jiang Pandi. Hard times are common, everyone is similar, and they don't even realize that they are living a hard life, and she doesn't even think about it so much.

There shouldn't be only suffering in life, and she doesn't want to just see the world in front of her.

Knowing that Chen Yi can't eat spicy food, none of the three dishes Chen Xiuyun cooked was spicy, and the five of them ate and drank and talked.

Jiang Xinyu picked up a small glass of wine and said to Chen Xiuyun, "To my dear mother, I hope you will be healthy in the future and everything will go smoothly."

Chen Xiuyun had goosebumps when she called her "dear mother", but a layer of enthusiasm surged up in her heart, and she felt awkward and sour all of a sudden. It was complicated. She said angrily: "Speak normal to me."

Most people are emotionally restrained. After all, there are only a minority of people who express their emotions directly. This age is even more reserved.

Jiang Xinyu's operation made Chen Xiuyun unable to deal with it.

Jiang Xinyu smiled, poured another small cup, and smiled at Widow Wang, "This cup is toast to Aunt Wang, and you also want to be healthy and happy." At the end she added with a smile, "If we are lucky enough to become a family in the future, I hope you can treat me better in the future."

Jiang Yuzhu convinced her, "You are not shy at all."

Chen Xiuyun: "She has a thick skin."

Widow Wang smiled and clinked a glass with Jiang Xinyu, "You girl is really a spirit, well, I will treat you well in the future!"

Seeing Jiang Xinyu poured another glass, Jiang Yuzhu quickly waved her hands, "Don't respect me, I feel uncomfortable."

Jiang Xinyu didn't care, she touched her cup with a small wine glass, "I wish my second sister better and better."

Jiang Yuzhu drank a cup awkwardly, and muttered, "I don't know who I learned from, why are you so disgusting?"

Although he said so on the lips, he was happy in his heart.

Chen Yi saw that she had finished toasting the three people, and it was his turn, so he automatically filled up the small wine glass in front of him.

Jiang Xinyu's wine glass arrived as promised, and she met his warm and deep black eyes. She pursed her lips and smiled, and a shallow pear dimple emerged, making him smile too.

Jiang Yuzhu just looked up and started rubbing her arms.She shouldn't have looked up, can these two people not get bored in front of their eyes.

Chen Xiuyun didn't have so many scruples. She tapped the table with her fingers and coughed lightly, "You two are almost done."

With the elders present, Chen Yi was thin-skinned and looked away uncomfortably. After a while, he began to eat the dishes in a serious manner.

After Widow Wang's mother and son left, the mother and daughter three finished cleaning the pots and bowls and started to work again. The work was not finished until after eleven o'clock.

Newspapers are spread out in the house, and mung bean cakes are densely packed.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's take a break, and continue working tomorrow. There is no room to dry in the house. I will send Yuzhu to the county tomorrow, and I have to buy some oil paper."

The weather is already cold at night, and the mung beans will not go bad.

The mother and daughter three were not idle today, and they were quite tired. Jiang Xinyu boiled a pot of water to take a bath before going to the house to lie down.

At this moment, the entire brigade had almost fallen asleep, and they were all scattered in Xiaoheiye, and they heard the movement outside and called twice.

Jiang Xinyu turned over and looked towards the door. After hearing Xiao Hei's yelling twice, she became silent again. She turned over and continued to feel sleepy.

Just when she was about to fall asleep, Xiao Hei called out several times in a hurry to wake her up.

After the hurried cry, it quieted down again. Jiang Xinyu felt drowsy, but she got up, opened the door and called Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei came up to her wagging his tail, and touched her with his nose, but nothing seemed unusual.

There was no other movement in the yard, so she turned around and went back to sleep.

In the hazy sleep, a sound woke her up again.

(End of this chapter)

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