good old days

Chapter 179

Chapter 179
The movement of the dog was so abnormal that Jiang Xinyu couldn't sleep anymore. When she sat up and opened the door, Chen Xiuyun who was in the main room also opened the door and came out.

The family made so many mung bean cakes, and Zhang Fengmei was sent to be reformed before. Although Chen Xiuyun was tired, she couldn't sleep well, and her heart was always worried at night.

When Jiang Xinyu came out, Xiao Hei was rolling at her door, his voice sounded very painful.

"What's wrong with it? Poisoned?"

The moonlight was very bright tonight, Xiao Hei rolled on the ground and twitched, his breathing was very short, and there were many sticky sticky sticks at the corners of his mouth.

Jiang Yuzhu also came out now, and said, "Did you eat something bad?"

Chen Xiuyun went into the house to get soap, it wasn't homemade pig soap, this soap was brought by Jiang Zhenzhen before, and no one in the family had ever used it.

Chen Xiuyun made soapy water, Jiang Xinyu and Jiang Yuzhu pressed Xiao Hei one by one, and opened his mouth with the other.

After all, Xiao Hei was raised by them, and he didn't attack them right now.

A small basin of soapy water was poured in, and Xiao Hei vomited out a little acid water from time to time.

Jiang Xinyu frowned as she watched, "Is soapy water useful? Otherwise, let's feed it some salt water. The salt water also seems to have the effect of diluting the toxicity."

Xiao Hei's symptoms still seemed severe, and Chen Xiuyun was also afraid that the soapy water would not be effective, so he mixed it with salt water.

The mother and daughter are soft-hearted people. Others are not willing to feed the dog food, but her family is willing to feed it to Xiao Hei. Now seeing it like this, I am afraid that it will just disappear.Although it is just a dog that guards the house, it will naturally have feelings after being raised for a long time.

Twenty minutes later, Xiao Hei twitched from time to time, looking much calmer, and looked at the mother and daughter three with wet eyes.

There was its vomit on the ground. Jiang Xinyu went into the room and took out a flashlight with two heads. The red, purple, and purple half-palm-sized thing with mucus on it was a complete piece of meat. Apart from that piece of meat, there were other pieces Bones.

The smell was so bad that all three of them held their breath.

Obviously, Xiao Hei ate the problematic piece of meat without knowing where.

Before, Jiang Xinyu wondered if Xiao Hei was so greedy that he ate the dead rats in the yard. After all, there was rat poison in the yard at home. Now looking at this piece of meat, she remembered the movement in the yard when she was sleepy.

After Jiang Xinyu said the previous news, she asked suspiciously: "Did someone throw a piece of questionable meat into our yard on purpose, just to poison Xiao Hei?"

Not only was she suspicious, she even locked onto the target of her suspicions.

Besides Zhang Tiezhu, who would do such a wicked thing?

Needless to say, Chen Xiuyun is also suspicious of that bastard, this bum is not thinking about it.

It was already midnight, Chen Xiuyun got soapy water and poured Xiao Hei once more, seeing that there should be nothing wrong with it, she was relieved, the mother and daughter three carried it to the kennel, and went back after washing their hands sleep.

Jiang Xinyu tossed and turned, thinking about how to keep Zhang Tiezhu, an old bachelor, from being an eyesore in the village.

The next day, the mother and daughter were not in a good mood. Jiang Yuzhu had work in the afternoon and had to go to the county in the morning, and Chen Xiuyun had to get some oiled paper back.

Chen Xiuyun packed two cans of chili sauce for Jiang Yuzhu, and some mung bean cakes and red dates, and asked her to take it to the dormitory to eat slowly.

Before going to the capital to send things, Chen Xiuyun also sent a large bag of red dates, chestnuts and yams to several people in the studio.

There are a lot of jujube trees at home, and there is still extra for the mother and daughter to cook red jujube porridge on weekdays.

It's a pity for Jiang Xinyu, if Jiang Yuzhu can rest for one more day, she can make Shaqima for her and let her take it away.

Xiao Hei looked much better than last night, but lay there limply, not moving, not eating, and wagging his tail when he saw her passing by.

She stroked his dog's head, and put the basin in front of him to drink.

The firewood at home was used a lot yesterday. After feeding the pigs and chickens, she locked the courtyard door and went out to collect firewood with a hemp rope.

Widow Wang and Fang Xiaochuan are cutting pigweed at Guizi Mountain, and after one crop of pigweed is cut, another crop will grow again.

Fang Xiaochuan's eyes lit up when he saw Jiang Xinyu. Although he is only eight years old, he is very sensible now.Jiang Xinyu's mother, Aunt Chen, sent him something from time to time. Two days ago, Aunt Chen sent him two jackets and trousers made from old clothes. Much better torn clothes.

"Sister Xinyu, if you want to collect firewood, call Xiaobing and Xiaoping for help. They are also very good at catching earthworms. If you need something, just call them."

Widow Wang likes this kid very much. Unlike Yuan Chunhua, who has a lot of flowers, Fang Xiaochuan is like his father. He is very honest. Now that he is so young, he knows how to take care of his younger brother. He works very hard every day and is not lazy at all.

Jiang Xinyu casually took out a hard candy from his pocket and gave it to Fang Xiaochuan. Seeing that he was reluctant to eat it in his pocket, he simply took out two more, "Eat it, don't be reluctant, I will ask them to help me later."

Fang Xiaoping and Fang Xiaobing are still young, so they can't do much work.

Jiang Xinyu picked up two bundles of firewood, tied them with hemp rope, and dragged them back on the ground.

On the way, she met Fang Xiaobing who was squatting on the ground to catch earthworms. She called someone over and said simply: "Three bundles of firewood for one piece of sugar, call your Brother Xiaoping to collect firewood for me."

Fang Xiaobing sniffed his nose, got up quickly and went to call his brother.It is really a great thing to collect firewood and have sugar to eat.

When Jiang Xinyu dragged the firewood to the courtyard, she saw Zhang Tiezhu walking towards this side with a cigarette in his mouth.

The old bachelor still shamelessly said cheerfully: "Go back and walk around your yard, the dogs are barking, why don't they bark today?"

Jiang Xinyu sneered in her heart, that bastard is treating everyone else as fools.

Seeing Jiang Xinyu sneering at him and rolling her eyes, Zhang Tiezhu was still smiling. He has hated that dog for a long time. He got a small piece of meat yesterday and he was not willing to eat it himself. Die that dead dog.

If the dog dies, Jiang Xinyu and Jiang Yuzhu will both work outside in the future, and they won’t have time to come back on weekdays. It’s so convenient for him to climb the door of her house at night. There’s nothing like a dog in the way. After finishing the matter with Chen Xiuyun, can she do it in the future? with him?Chen Xiuyun can't make a scene because of his reputation, and these three girls will have to be filial to his stepfather in the future?
Zhang Tiezhu thought very beautifully, thinking of the good days in the future, he laughed out loud.

Listening to his smile, Jiang Xinyu knew that the bastard hadn't held his fart well.

Brothers Fang Xiaobing and Fang Xiaoping were very active in their work. They ran back and forth four times and brought back a total of sixteen bundles of firewood, which filled the corners of the courtyard.

Jiang Xinyu gave the two of them five candies, and then took out a stick dough cake from the pot and gave them to them.

The two children are so excited. They won't earn much work points when they go to work, but they can eat sugar and pancakes when they work for Jiang Xinyu.

The two children shared the pancakes, wiped their mouths and said, "In the future, we will catch earthworms and feed them to the chickens."

Jiang Xinyu praised the two of them, and after sending them away, she closed the courtyard door and continued to make mung bean cakes. She also kneaded old noodles for a while to make Shaqima's egg noodles.

(End of this chapter)

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