good old days

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

Jiang Xinyu finished all the leftover mung beans from yesterday, and then started to make Shaqima.

There is a boxy wooden plate at home, which is used to put melon seeds and peanut candies during the Chinese New Year. She washed it and used it as a mold.

The fluffy egg noodles wrapped in syrup and fried were flattened by a rolling pin while they were still hot. After cooling, they were poured out of the mold and cut into square chunks with a knife.

Shaqima was coated with a layer of syrup, and she didn't have a packaging bag, so she had to cut it into larger pieces and let the person who bought it cut it herself.

Although she knows how to do it, she is somewhat novice. She didn't make much of the first pot, and she was afraid that it would be broken when cutting it. Fortunately, the knives at home are very sharp. The boxy chunks are complete.

After making it successfully once, she cut out a small piece and tasted it. It was sweet and delicious, fluffy and soft, and although it was full of oil and water, it was not greasy at all. It would be even better if there were sweet and sour raisins dotted in it.

However, the taste of the old noodle hair is not as good as that of the yeast powder, but it tastes sweet and the flaws are not concealed, which is still very good.

She started making the next pot non-stop.

When Chen Xiuyun came back in the middle of the afternoon, Jiang Xinyu had already made four pots, and she probably looked over ten catties.

If she hadn't finished all the eggs in the house, there would be a little sugar left, and the old face would be gone, so she could continue to fiddle with these good things.

Chen Xiuyun looked at the small yellow cubes with a sweet fragrance that made people very appetizing. Before eating it, she could think of its sweet and delicious taste. After eating it, the sweet taste immediately conquered her.

The largest department store in Shanghai sells Saqima. I heard that this food used to be a court snack, and I bought it at home before. The taste is slightly different, but it is equally delicious.

Tomorrow Ding Changhai is going to deliver goods to the county. The family has been busy making goods for the past two days to catch up with the first sale.

I have made an agreement with Chen Yi, he will come back to deliver the goods at night.

Today, Chen Yi went to the Qinghe Brigade to show a movie. It was already past seven o'clock after the movie was finished, and it was almost ten o'clock when the Wuliqiao Brigade arrived.

It was late at night, and there were only sporadic dogs barking in the team.

There are quite a lot of mung bean cakes, and it is not easy to put them in sacks, for fear of being crushed, a stick was simply placed across the back seat, and the two sacks were lifted one left and one right.

Jiang Xinyu also saved mung bean cakes and Shaqima for Ding Changhai's family to try out, wrapped in paper and put them in a small cloth pocket.

While Chen Xiuyun and Chen Yi were packing bags, Jiang Xinyu took the listless Xiao Hei out for a stroll.

The focus of her inspection was the forest belt around the courtyard and at the entrance of the village.

Xiao Hei's spirit hasn't recovered yet, his tail droops and he doesn't bark, but his eyes wander around very vigilantly.

After making sure no one was watching, Chen Yi rode his bicycle to the town.

There was not enough food at home, so this time Chen Xiuyun directly gave Chen Yi 50 yuan to bring things back.

When Chen Yi arrived at Ding Changhai's house, Ding Changhai wasn't asleep either. He was in the cellar picking up things he was going to go to the county tomorrow.

Chen Yi brought a lot of things. The mung bean cake and Shaqima were all packaged, and they were very good to order.

Zhao Ying tasted the mung bean cake and Shaqima sent by Jiang Xinyu, and immediately decided to keep a pack of Shaqima at home. It was sweet and soft, and full of oil and water. Who would not like it.

A bag of mung bean cake was [-] cents, a bag of Shaqima was [-] yuan, Ding Changhai settled the bill for Chen Yi on the spot, and Chen Yi bought another [-] catties of white sugar, [-] catties of mung beans, [-] catties of flour, two cans malted milk.

"Sachima can be stored for at most three days in this weather, and it is different from the packaged ones. You must make it clear to the buyer."

Ding Changhai nodded, "Of course."

"I still have more than 200 catties of mung beans. I won't be able to get any more recently. If you want them, I'll keep them for you."

Of course Chen Yi wanted it, but he couldn't bring it all back today. He asked for red dates and chestnuts, and asked for [-] catties each, and asked for [-] eggs.

Ding Changhai calculated all the things he wanted to take away, compared with the account of the cakes he sent, and gave Chen Yi another 11 yuan.

From this account, it can be seen that the food made into finished products is much more expensive than food.

"In addition to Uncle He's line, I have other lines. If you can do more, I will accept all of them."

Chen Yi's brows and eyes moved slightly, and he felt that Ding Changhai's business was bigger than he thought, and this man was really courageous.

After talking for a while, Chen Yi walked back with his things on his back.

The car was full when we came, and it was still full when we went back.

It was already late at night, and it would be dawn in a few hours, and there was not even a ghost on the road.

Chen Xiuyun was afraid that something would happen at night, so the door bolt inside was not closed, so she just locked the door and gave Chen Yi the key, so he could unlock the yard by himself when he came back by bike.

The gap between the gate and the fence was not big enough for a person to get in, but it was possible to reach in and get the lock out.

Jiang Xinyu woke up when Chen Yi went in to unload things.

She hadn't slept soundly at first, fearing that something might happen to him.

While the two were stacking things, Chen Xiuyun also got dressed and came out.

The three of them said a few words briefly, and Chen Yi handed over the proceeds and the five Great Unity cards to Chen Xiuyun, and also gave her the "bill" that Ding Changhai handed him.

Jiang Xinyu didn't sleep well for two consecutive nights, and fell asleep when she returned to the house.

When Chen Yi arrived at the gate of Zhang Tiezhu's courtyard, he threw more than [-] cents into his courtyard.

This old bachelor has no money in his hands recently, and he has no money to go to the county to play cards, so he can only create conditions for him.

If the old bachelor doesn't go, he can only think of other bad moves.

There was a woman in her early forties in the Qinghe brigade with eyes like hooks.She is different from Yuan Chunhua. Yuan Chunhua and other men are interested in getting something to subsidize the family, but that woman is not. I heard that she used to be the concubine of a big landlord's family and lived a wealthy life.

Many men in the Qinghe brigade have visited, and the gossip they have gathered in private is really unsavory.When Chen Yi went to the village to show a movie, it was inevitable that he would hear some rumors.

There is still room for maneuver in spending some money to let this woman send the old bachelor to be rehabilitated.

But unless it was absolutely necessary, he really didn't want to do such a damaging thing.

Two days passed, and Jiang Xinyu turned into a ruthless pastry making machine. Sha Qima couldn't keep it for long, and she and Chen Xiuyun made mung bean cakes for the time being.

When Fang Xiaobing went to fetch water with her, the old men and women in the village gathered together and were chatting lively.

Jiang Xinyu grasped the point after listening to it with both ears. The bastard Zhang Tiezhu got in because of tricking money, but the amount of tricking was small, and all the people who were arrested were sent to work in the phosphate fertilizer factory. He was lucky, earned quite a lot, and wanted to escape when he was caught, so he beat up the police twice. This time, he had to rehabilitate for three months longer than others.

 I finished reading "Ancient Lovesong" in one breath last night, it's really good to watch, highly recommended

(End of this chapter)

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